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@jpatel531 jpatel531 released this 11 May 09:24
· 524 commits to master since this release

[NEW] New builds for ReactNative, NodeJS and Web Workers. The first two are available on NPM. The last is available as a download.

[FIXED] The library no longer swallows connected exceptions. (#105)

[FIXED] Callback removal issues in Safari 9 (#125 #129)

[CHANGED] Monkey-patching the DependencyLoader when self-hosting no longer supported. New steps in README.

[CHANGED] HTTP fallbacks are now included as part of the main file and are not therefore dynamically loaded.

[INTERNAL] Ported to TypeScript.

[INTERNAL] The library is split into a core directory and a runtimes directory to make a separation between platform-independent and platform-specific code.

[INTERNAL] Uses Webpack as a bundler.

[INTERNAL] Testing suites for NodeJS and workers.

[INTERNAL] TravisCI + Browserstack setup.

[INTERNAL] NodeJS and ReactNative builds use XMLHttpRequest polyfills for authorization and session timelines. Workers use the fetch API.