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Finatra AngularJS REST API Example Application - ShoppingCart

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Main goal of this project to show how you could use Finatra.

This example using Finatra for the backend and Slick for work with H2 that used as data storage. AngularJS + Bootstrap for the frontend as Single Page Application.

Finatra requires either maven or sbt to build and run your app.


You can get this example through Activator. For more information please use following url that explains how to get this template on your computer step-by-step:


Bower Instructions

For managing dependencies for the frontend application using Bower.

Before running application please install frontend dependencies by using following command:

$ bower install

SBT Instructions

Runs your app on port 7070

Ti run application use following command:

$ sbt run

It will start on port 7070, so you should see result on: http://localhost:7070


You can run tests:

$ sbt test

Application API

Application contain public API and private that requires authentication first.

You can use cURL to test application.

API response in JSON format.

Supported request types:

  • application/json

If you will asked for another type, server will response with code 406 and message No matching accepted Response format could be determined!.


You can configure version of your API at resources/application.conf.

Make sure that your requests contain correct version of API.

Default version is set to 3.

Public API


You can get authentication token for your communication with server's private API by querying following URL:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X POST http://localhost:7070/api/v3/users/authentication

You will get response status 201 - because this method will fake user creation and provide you with auth token for private API.

You can also can check list of authenticated users by following URL (this part made only for debugging, limit is optional parameter, default 10. If limit < 0 then you will get all data):

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v3/users -d limit={limit.?}

You should get response code 200.


On following URL you can get list of available products (limit is optional parameter, default 10. If limit < 0 then you will get all data):

curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v3/products -d limit={limit.?}

You should get response code 200.

Private API

For this part of API you need to have authentication toking provided by /api/v3/users/authentication. You should pass token in header with key token.


You can get list of all products currently in your basket:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v3/cart/products -H token:{token}
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 200.

Add new product to your basket:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X PUT http://localhost:7070/api/v3/cart/products/{productId} -H token:{token}
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 201;
  • If you trying to add product that is already in your cart you will get response code 409 with following message Products is already in user's cart!;
  • Parameter productId should be integer otherwise you will get response with code 422 and message Illegal Argument!;
  • Parameter productId should be existing product in the market otherwise you will get response with code 404 and message Product with provided id '{productId}' is not exist!.

You can update quantity of product that is already in your basket:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X PUT http://localhost:7070/api/v3/cart/products/{productId}/quantity/{quantity} -H token:{token}
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 204;
  • Parameter productId should be integer otherwise you will get response with code 422 and message Illegal Argument!;
  • Parameter productId should be existing product in the market otherwise you will get response with code 404 and message Product with provided id '{productId}' is not exist!;
  • Parameter quantity should be positive integer otherwise you will get response with code 422 and message Illegal Argument!;
  • If you trying to update product that is not in user's shopping cart you will get response code 404 with following message Product should be in user's cart!.

You can remove product from your cart using following URL:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X DELETE -G http://localhost:7070/api/v3/cart/products/{productId} -H token:{token}
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 204;
  • Parameter productId should be integer otherwise you will get response with code 422 and message Illegal Argument!;
  • Parameter productId should be existing product in the market otherwise you will get response with code 404 and message Product with provided id '{productId}' is not exist!;
  • If you trying to remove product that is not in user's shopping cart you will get response code 404 with following message trying to remove product from user's shopping cart that is not there!.


  • For Private API if parameter token is missing you will get response with code 401 and message Parameter 'token' is required!;
  • For Private API if parameter token is wrong, there are no authorized user in the system with provided token, you will get response with code 401 and message Not Authorized!;
  • For methods that are not in API, you will get response with code 404 and message Not Found;
  • For all uncovered exceptions you will get response with code 500.


Copyright (C) 2014 Pavlo Voznenko.

Distributed under the MIT License.


Twitter Finatra and AngularJS example







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