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GammaC0de edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 6 revisions

pyLoad has three configurations, pyload.cfg is for the pyLoad Core, plugins.cfg for all the plugins and accounts.cfg for all hoster accounts. These are located in module/config/.

A short description for every setting

section standard setting description
listenaddr sets the IP the core will listen on for connections from a remote interface. listens on all interfaces
port 7227 sets the port the core will listen on for remote interfaces
username admin sets the username a remote interface has to use to authenticate
password pwhere sets the password a remote interface has to use to authenticate
activated False enables/disables connections over SSL for GUI and CLI
cert Certificate file for SSL
key ssl.key Private key for SSL
activated True enable/disable the webinterface. set False to disable
host sets the IP the core will listen on for connections. listens on all interfaces
port 8000 sets the port for the webinterface to listen on.
username User sets the username for the webinterface login
password webpw sets the password for the webinterface login
template default template of the webinterface. Located in module/web/templates
local True ?
ssl False currently not supported
username None sets the username to use to authenticate in the webinterface
adress None currently not supported?
extport None currently not supported?
pw None sets the password to use to authenticate in the webinterface
file_log True enables/disables logging
log_folder Logs directory the logs are stored
log_count 5 maximum number of files used for logging
language de sets the language. de (german) or en (english) or fr (french)
download_folder downloads folder where downloaded files will be saved
max_downloads 3 sets the maximum number of parallel downloads
link_file links.txt file with new links. one link per line
failed_file failed_links.txt links that failed to download will be backuped in this file
debug_mode False enables/disables debugging. useful if a plugin stops working.
max_download_time 5 time in hours after which a download will be timed out
checksum True ?
activated False enables/disables the use of reconnect
method None script runs on reconnect, e.g. ./ or reconnect.bat
startTime 0:00 Time of day from when to when to enable reconnects
endTime 0:00
start 0:00 Time of day from when to when to enable downloading
end 0:00
activated False enable/disable proxy
adress http://localhost:8080 Proxy address
protocol http Proxy protocol
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