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Use argparse config throughout app (#349)
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This PR is a pretty substantial refactor of the entrypoints of pypiserver (`__main__` and `__init__`) to use the argparse-based config added in #339.

- Updated `RunConfig` and `UpdateConfig` classes to have exclusive init kwargs, instead of taking an namespace. This turned out to be much easier when working with the library-style app initialization in `__init__`, both for direct instantiation and via paste config
- Added an `iter_packages()` method to the `RunConfig` to iterate over packages specified by the configuration (note @elfjes, I think that replacing this with e.g. a `backend` reference will be a nice way to tie in #348)
- Added a general-purpose method to map legacy keyword arguments to the `app()` and `paste_app_factory()` functions to updated forms
- Refactored the `paste_app_factory()` to not mutate the incoming dictionary
- Removed all argument-parsing and config-related code from `__main__` and `core`
- Moved `_logwrite` from `__init__` to `__main__`, since that was the only place it was being used after the updates to `core`
- Updated `digest_file` to use `` instead of `getattr(hashlib, algo)`, because the former supports more algorithms
- Updated `` to, instead of calling `eval()` on the entirety of `__init__`, to instead just evaluate the line that defines the version
- Assigned the config to a `._pypiserver_config` attribute on the `Bottle` instance to reduce hacky test workarounds
- Fixed the tox config, which I broke in #339 

* Config: add auth & absolute path resolution

* Config: check pkg dirs on config creation

* Instantiate config with kwargs, not namespace

* WIP: still pulling the threads

* Init seems to be working

* tests passing locally, still need to update cache

* Fix tox command

* unused import

* Fix typing

* Be more selective in exec() in

* Require accurate casing for hash algos

* Remove old comment

* Comments, minor updates and simplifications

* move _logwrite to a more reasonable place

* Update config to work with cache

* Type cachemanager listdir in core

* Update config module docstring, rename method

* Add more comments re: paste config

* Add comments to main, remove unneded check

* Remove commented code

* Use {posargs} instead of [] for clarity in tox

* Add dupe check for kwarg updater

* Remove unused references on app instance

* Fix typo

* Remove redundancy in log level parsing
  • Loading branch information
mplanchard committed Oct 25, 2020
1 parent 47d6efe commit c668b18
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Showing 15 changed files with 807 additions and 844 deletions.
363 changes: 178 additions & 185 deletions pypiserver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
import os
import functools
import pathlib
import re as _re
import sys
import typing as t

from pypiserver.bottle import Bottle
from pypiserver.config import Config, RunConfig, strtobool

version = __version__ = "2.0.0dev1"
__version_info__ = tuple(_re.split("[.-]", __version__))
Expand All @@ -11,203 +16,191 @@
__uri__ = ""

class Configuration:
.. see:: config-options: :func:`pypiserver.configure()`
identity = lambda x: x

def __init__(self, **kwds):

def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return f"Configuration(**{vars(self)})"
def backwards_compat_kwargs(kwargs: dict, warn: bool = True) -> dict:
"""Return a dict with deprecated kwargs converted to new kwargs.
def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return "Configuration:\n" + "\n".join(
f"{k:>20} = {v}" for k, v in sorted(vars(self).items())
:param kwargs: the incoming kwargs to convert
:param warn: whether to output a warning to stderr if there are deprecated
kwargs found in the incoming kwargs
# A mapping of deprecated kwargs to a 2-tuple of their corresponding updated
# kwarg and a function to convert the value of the deprecated kwarg to a
# value for the new kwarg. `identity` is just a function that returns
# whatever it is passed and is used in cases where the only change from
# a legacy kwarg is its name.
backwards_compat = {
"authenticated": ("authenticate", identity),
"passwords": ("password_file", identity),
# `root` could be a string or an array of strings. Handle both cases,
# converting strings to Path instances.
"root": (
lambda root: [
# Convert strings to absolute Path instances
for r in ([root] if isinstance(root, str) else root)
# `redirect_to_fallback` was changed to `disable_fallback` for clearer
# use as a flag to disable the default behavior. Since its behavior
# is the opposite, we negate it.
"redirect_to_fallback": (
lambda redirect: not redirect,
"server": ("server_method", identity),
# `welcome_msg` now is just provided as text, so that anyone using
# pypiserver as a library doesn't need to worry about distributing
# files if they don't need to. If we're still passed an old-style
# `welcome_file` argument, we go ahead and resolve it to an absolute
# path and read the text.
"welcome_file": (
lambda p: pathlib.Path(p).expanduser().resolve().read_text(),
# Warn the user if they're using any deprecated arguments
if warn and any(k in backwards_compat for k in kwargs):
# Make nice instructions like `Please replace the following:
# 'authenticated' with 'authenticate'` and print to stderr.
replacement_strs = (
f"'{k}' with '{backwards_compat[k][0]}'"
for k in filter(lambda k: k in kwargs, backwards_compat)
warn_str = (
"You are using deprecated arguments. Please replace the following: \n"
f" {', '.join(replacement_strs)}"
print(warn_str, file=sys.stderr)

# Create an iterable of 2-tuple to collect into the updated dictionary. Each
# item will either be the existing key-value pair from kwargs, or, if the
# keyword is a legacy keyword, the new key and potentially adjusted value
# for that keyword. Note that depending on the order the argument are
# specified, this _could_ mean an updated legacy keyword could override
# a new argument if that argument is also specified. However, in that
# case, our updated kwargs dictionary would have a different number of
# keys compared to our incoming dictionary, so we check for that case
# below.
rv_iter = (
(k, v)
if k not in backwards_compat
else (backwards_compat[k][0], backwards_compat[k][1](v))
for k, v in kwargs.items()
updated_kwargs = dict(rv_iter)

# If our dictionaries have different lengths, we must have gotten duplicate
# legacy/modern keys. Figure out which keys were dupes and throw an error.
if len(updated_kwargs) != len(kwargs):
legacy_to_modern = {k: v[0] for k, v in backwards_compat.items()}
dupes = [
(k, v)
for k, v in legacy_to_modern.items()
if k in kwargs and v in kwargs
raise ValueError(
"Keyword arguments for pypiserver app() constructor contained "
"duplicate legacy and modern keys. Duplicates are shown below, in "
"the form (legacy_key, modern_key):\n"

def update(self, props):
d = props if isinstance(props, dict) else vars(props)


def default_config(
log_err_frmt="%(body)s: %(exception)s \n%(traceback)s",
Fetch default-opts with overridden kwds, capable of starting-up pypiserver.
Does not validate overridden options.
Example usage::
kwds = pypiserver.default_config(<override_kwds> ...)
## More modifications on kwds.**kwds)``.
Kwds correspond to same-named cmd-line opts, with '-' --> '_' substitution.
Non standard args are described below:
:param return_defaults_only:
When `True`, returns defaults, otherwise,
configures "runtime" attributes and returns also the "packages"
found in the roots.
:param root:
A list of paths, derived from the packages specified on cmd-line.
If `None`, defaults to '~/packages'.
:param redirect_to_fallback:
see :option:`--disable-fallback`
:param authenticated:
see :option:`--authenticate`
:param password_file:
see :option:`--passwords`
:param log_file:
see :option:`--log-file`
Not used, passed here for logging it.
:param log_frmt:
see :option:`--log-frmt`
Not used, passed here for logging it.
:param callable auther:
An API-only options that if it evaluates to a callable,
it is invoked to allow access to protected operations
(instead of htpaswd mechanism) like that::
auther(username, password): bool
When defined, `password_file` is ignored.
:param host:
see :option:`--interface`
Not used, passed here for logging it.
:param port:
see :option:`--port`
Not used, passed here for logging it.
:param server:
see :option:`--server`
Not used, passed here for logging it.
:param verbosity:
see :option:`-v`
Not used, passed here for logging it.
:param VERSION:
Not used, passed here for logging it.
:return: a dict of defaults
return updated_kwargs

return locals()

def app(**kwargs: t.Any) -> Bottle:
"""Construct a bottle app running pypiserver.
def app(**kwds):
:param kwds: Any overrides for defaults. Any property of RunConfig
(or its base), defined in `pypiserver.config`, may be overridden.
:param dict kwds: Any overrides for defaults, as fetched by
:func:`default_config()`. Check the docstring of this function
for supported kwds.
from . import core
config = Config.default_with_overrides(**backwards_compat_kwargs(kwargs))
return app_from_config(config)

def app_from_config(config: RunConfig) -> Bottle:
"""Construct a bottle app from the provided RunConfig."""
# The _app module instantiates a Bottle instance directly when it is
# imported. That is ``. We directly mutate some global variables
# on the imported `_app` module so that its endpoints will behave as
# we expect.
_app = __import__("_app", globals(), locals(), ["."], 1)
# Because we're about to mutate our import, we pop it out of the imported
# modules map, so that any future imports do not receive our mutated version
sys.modules.pop("pypiserver._app", None)

kwds = default_config(**kwds)
config, packages = core.configure(**kwds)
_app.config = config
_app.packages = packages = _app # HACK for testing.

# Add a reference to our config on the Bottle app for easy access in testing
# and other contexts. = config

def str2bool(s, default):
if s is not None and s != "":
return s.lower() not in ("no", "off", "0", "false")
return default

def _str_strip(string):
"""Provide a generic strip method to pass as a callback."""
return string.strip()

def paste_app_factory(global_config, **local_conf):
"""Parse a paste config and return an app."""

def upd_conf_with_bool_item(conf, attr, sdict):
conf[attr] = str2bool(sdict.pop(attr, None), conf[attr])

def upd_conf_with_str_item(conf, attr, sdict):
value = sdict.pop(attr, None)
if value is not None:
conf[attr] = value

def upd_conf_with_int_item(conf, attr, sdict):
value = sdict.pop(attr, None)
if value is not None:
conf[attr] = int(value)

def upd_conf_with_list_item(conf, attr, sdict, sep=" ", parse=_str_strip):
values = sdict.pop(attr, None)
if values:
conf[attr] = list(filter(None, map(parse, values.split(sep))))

def _make_root(root):
root = root.strip()
if root.startswith("~"):
return os.path.expanduser(root)
return root

c = default_config()

upd_conf_with_bool_item(c, "overwrite", local_conf)
upd_conf_with_bool_item(c, "redirect_to_fallback", local_conf)
upd_conf_with_list_item(c, "authenticated", local_conf, sep=" ")
upd_conf_with_list_item(c, "root", local_conf, sep="\n", parse=_make_root)
upd_conf_with_int_item(c, "verbosity", local_conf)
str_items = [
for str_item in str_items:
upd_conf_with_str_item(c, str_item, local_conf)
# cache_control is undocumented; don't know what type is expected:
# upd_conf_with_str_item(c, 'cache_control', local_conf)

return app(**c)

def _logwrite(logger, level, msg):
if msg:
line_endings = ["\r\n", "\n\r", "\n"]
for le in line_endings:
if msg.endswith(le):
msg = msg[: -len(le)]
if msg:
logger.log(level, msg)
T = t.TypeVar("T")

def paste_app_factory(_global_config, **local_conf):
"""Parse a paste config and return an app.
The paste config is entirely strings, so we need to parse those
strings into values usable for the config, if they're present.

def to_bool(val: t.Optional[str]) -> t.Optional[bool]:
"""Convert a string value, if provided, to a bool."""
return val if val is None else strtobool(val)

def to_int(val: t.Optional[str]) -> t.Optional[int]:
"""Convert a string value, if provided, to an int."""
return val if val is None else int(val)

def to_list(
val: t.Optional[str],
sep: str = " ",
transform: t.Callable[[str], T] = str.strip,
) -> t.Optional[t.List[T]]:
"""Convert a string value, if provided, to a list.
:param sep: the separator between items in the string representation
of the list
:param transform: an optional function to call on each string item of
the list
if val is None:
return val
return list(filter(None, map(transform, val.split(sep))))

def _make_root(root: str) -> pathlib.Path:
"""Convert a specified string root into an absolute Path instance."""
return pathlib.Path(root.strip()).expanduser().resolve()

# A map of config keys we expect in the paste config to the appropriate
# function to parse the string config value. This map includes both
# current and legacy keys.
maps = {
"cache_control": to_int,
"roots": functools.partial(to_list, sep="\n", transform=_make_root),
# root is a deprecated argument for roots
"root": functools.partial(to_list, sep="\n", transform=_make_root),
"disable_fallback": to_bool,
# redirect_to_fallback is a deprecated argument for disable_fallback
"redirect_to_fallback": to_bool,
"overwrite": to_bool,
"authenticate": functools.partial(to_list, sep=" "),
# authenticated is a deprecated argument for authenticate
"authenticated": functools.partial(to_list, sep=" "),
"verbosity": to_int,

# First, convert values from strings to whatever types we need, or leave
# them as strings if there's no mapping function available for them.
mapped_conf = {k: maps.get(k, identity)(v) for k, v in local_conf.items()}
# Convert any legacy key/value pairs into their modern form.
updated_conf = backwards_compat_kwargs(mapped_conf)

return app(**updated_conf)

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