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v1.3.0 - Proper X-Forwarded-Host Handling & Doc Updates

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@mplanchard mplanchard released this 05 May 22:09
· 171 commits to master since this release
  • ENH: pypiserver now consistently and correctly handles the X-Forwarded-Host
    header to allow for alternative base URLs (#248, resolves #155, thanks
    @kujyp for an excellent first-time contribution!)
  • DOC: significantly more information added to the docker-compose.yml
    example, including recipes for various configuration options (thanks
    @jetheurer for pointing out the errors in the existing docs, #243!)
  • DOC: removed outdated suggestion to serve the packages data directly via
    a webserver and replaced with information about setting up nginx
    caching (thanks @ricekab for bringing the issue to our attention, #232)