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pytest async fixture seems not work on linux-py3.7 #386

chaokunyang opened this issue Jul 18, 2022 · 5 comments

pytest async fixture seems not work on linux-py3.7 #386

chaokunyang opened this issue Jul 18, 2022 · 5 comments


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chaokunyang commented Jul 18, 2022

pytest async fixture seems not work on linux-py3.7 seems not work on linux python3.7


import pytest

async def async_fixture1(request):
    yield "async_fixture1:value"

async def test_async_fixture1(async_fixture1):
    assert async_fixture1 == "async_fixture1:value"


$ pytest 
================================================================================================ test session starts =================================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.11, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/jenkins/agent/aci, configfile: setup.cfg
plugins: flaky-3.7.0, timeout-2.1.0, cov-3.0.0, asyncio-0.19.0, forked-1.4.0
asyncio: mode=strict
collected 1 item                                                                                                                                                                                              F                                                                                                                                                                                                         [100%]

====================================================================================================== FAILURES ======================================================================================================
________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_async_fixture1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________

async_fixture1 = <async_generator object async_fixture1 at 0x7fa846418950>

    async def test_async_fixture1(async_fixture1):
>       assert async_fixture1 == "async_fixture1:value"
E       AssertionError: assert <async_generator object async_fixture1 at 0x7fa846418950> == 'async_fixture1:value' AssertionError
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<async_generator object async_fixture1 at 0x7fa846418950>
============================================================================================== short test summary info ===============================================================================================
FAILED - AssertionError: assert <async_generator object async_fixture1 at 0x7fa846418950> == 'async_fixture1:value'
================================================================================================= 1 failed in 0.05s =============================

System info

OS: fedora
Python version: 3.7.11
Pip list:

Package                  Version                      Editable project location
------------------------ ---------------------------- -------------------------
aiohttp                  3.7.0
aiohttp-cors             0.7.0
aioredis                 1.3.1
aliyun-python-sdk-core   2.13.36
aliyun-python-sdk-kms    2.15.0
async-timeout            3.0.1
attrs                    21.4.0
black                    22.6.0
blessings                1.7
boto3                    1.24.31
botocore                 1.27.31
cachetools               5.2.0
certifi                  2022.6.15
cffi                     1.15.1
chardet                  3.0.4
charset-normalizer       2.1.0
click                    8.0.4
cloudpickle              2.1.0
cmake                    3.21.4
colorama                 0.4.5
coverage                 6.4.2
crcmod                   1.7
cryptography             3.4.8
Cython                   0.29.30
defusedxml               0.7.1
distlib                  0.3.5
filelock                 3.7.1
flake8                   4.0.1
flaky                    3.7.0
google-api-core          2.8.2
google-auth              2.9.1
googleapis-common-protos 1.56.4
gpustat                  0.6.0
greenlet                 1.1.2
grpcio                   1.47.0
hiredis                  2.0.0
idna                     3.3
importlib-metadata       4.12.0
importlib-resources      5.8.0
iniconfig                1.1.1
Jinja2                   3.1.2
jmespath                 0.10.0
joblib                   1.1.0
jsonschema               4.7.2
lz4                      4.0.1
MarkupSafe               2.1.1
mccabe                   0.6.1
mock                     4.0.3
moto                     3.1.16
msgpack                  1.0.4
multidict                6.0.2
mypy-extensions          0.4.3
numexpr                  2.8.3
numpy                    1.17.3
nvidia-ml-py3            7.352.0
opencensus               0.10.0
opencensus-context       0.1.2
oss2                     2.15.0
packaging                21.3
pandas                   1.3.0
pathspec                 0.9.0
pickle5                  0.0.12
Pillow                   9.2.0
pip                      22.1.2
platformdirs             2.5.2
pluggy                   1.0.0
prometheus-client        0.11.0
protobuf                 3.19.4
psutil                   5.9.1
py                       1.11.0
py-cpuinfo               6.0.0
py-spy                   0.3.12
pyarrow                  4.0.1
pyasn1                   0.4.8
pyasn1-modules           0.2.8
pycodestyle              2.8.0
pycparser                2.21
pycryptodome             3.15.0
pydantic                 1.9.1
pyflakes                 2.4.0
pymars                   0+untagged.10.gf04ab4f.dirty /home/jenkins/agent/aci
pyparsing                3.0.9
pyrsistent               0.18.1
pytest                   7.1.2
pytest-asyncio           0.19.0
pytest-cov               3.0.0
pytest-forked            1.4.0
pytest-timeout           2.1.0
python-dateutil          2.8.2
pytz                     2022.1
PyYAML                   6.0
ray                      2.0.0.dev0
ray-actor-optimizer      0.1.0
redis                    3.5.3
requests                 2.28.1
responses                0.21.0
rsa                      4.8
s3transfer               0.6.0
scikit-learn             1.0.2
scipy                    1.5.0
setproctitle             1.2.3
setuptools               63.2.0
shared-memory38          0.1.2
six                      1.16.0
sklearn                  0.0
SQLAlchemy               1.4.39
testfixtures             6.18.3
threadpoolctl            3.1.0
tomli                    2.0.1
tornado                  6.2
tqdm                     4.64.0
typed-ast                1.5.4
typing_extensions        4.3.0
urllib3                  1.26.10
uvloop                   0.16.0
virtualenv               20.15.1
Werkzeug                 2.1.2
wheel                    0.37.1
xmltodict                0.13.0
yarl                     1.7.2
zipp                     3.8.1
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eirnym commented Jul 18, 2022

Could you please share your is details to reproduce the issue. Also it's important to know what it means "not working"

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Thanks for your quick reply, I added the pip list info, is there other details I can add? The test script work on my mac, but failed at linux.

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chaokunyang commented Jul 18, 2022

Seems it's caused by pytest-asyncio==0.19, aftger downgrade it to 0.18, everything works fine

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@chaokunyang pytest-asyncio uses --asyncio-mode=strict by default since v0.19. Strict mode ignores fixtures decorated with @pytest.fixture. You should use @pytest_asyncio.fixture instead (see Async Fixtures).

Can you try this and report back, please?

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Fixed issue with strict pytest-asyncio breaking OpenMined/PySyft#6643

thanks, @pytest_asyncio.fixture works

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