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This page contains the full reference to pytest's API.

.. autofunction:: _pytest.python_api.approx

You can use the following functions in your test, fixture or setup functions to force a certain test outcome. Note that most often you can rather use declarative marks, see :ref:`skipping`.

.. autofunction::

.. autofunction:: _pytest.outcomes.skip

.. autofunction:: _pytest.outcomes.importorskip

.. autofunction:: _pytest.outcomes.xfail

.. autofunction:: _pytest.outcomes.exit

.. autofunction:: _pytest.config.main

.. autofunction:: _pytest.python_api.raises
    :with: excinfo

Examples at :ref:`assertraises`.

.. autofunction:: _pytest.recwarn.deprecated_call

.. currentmodule:: _pytest.hookspec

Reference to all hooks which can be implemented by :ref:` files <localplugin>` and :ref:`plugins <plugins>`.

Bootstrapping hooks called for plugins registered early enough (internal and setuptools plugins).

.. autofunction:: pytest_load_initial_conftests
.. autofunction:: pytest_cmdline_preparse
.. autofunction:: pytest_cmdline_parse
.. autofunction:: pytest_cmdline_main

Initialization hooks called for plugins and files.

.. autofunction:: pytest_addoption
.. autofunction:: pytest_configure
.. autofunction:: pytest_unconfigure

All runtest related hooks receive a :py:class:`pytest.Item <_pytest.main.Item>` object.

.. autofunction:: pytest_runtestloop
.. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_protocol
.. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_logstart
.. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_logfinish
.. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_setup
.. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_call
.. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_teardown
.. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_makereport

For deeper understanding you may look at the default implementation of these hooks in :py:mod:`_pytest.runner` and maybe also in :py:mod:`_pytest.pdb` which interacts with :py:mod:`_pytest.capture` and its input/output capturing in order to immediately drop into interactive debugging when a test failure occurs.

The :py:mod:`_pytest.terminal` reported specifically uses the reporting hook to print information about a test run.

pytest calls the following hooks for collecting files and directories:

.. autofunction:: pytest_collection
.. autofunction:: pytest_ignore_collect
.. autofunction:: pytest_collect_directory
.. autofunction:: pytest_collect_file

For influencing the collection of objects in Python modules you can use the following hook:

.. autofunction:: pytest_pycollect_makeitem
.. autofunction:: pytest_generate_tests
.. autofunction:: pytest_make_parametrize_id

After collection is complete, you can modify the order of items, delete or otherwise amend the test items:

.. autofunction:: pytest_collection_modifyitems

Session related reporting hooks:

.. autofunction:: pytest_collectstart
.. autofunction:: pytest_itemcollected
.. autofunction:: pytest_collectreport
.. autofunction:: pytest_deselected
.. autofunction:: pytest_report_header
.. autofunction:: pytest_report_collectionfinish
.. autofunction:: pytest_report_teststatus
.. autofunction:: pytest_terminal_summary
.. autofunction:: pytest_fixture_setup
.. autofunction:: pytest_fixture_post_finalizer

And here is the central hook for reporting about test execution:

.. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_logreport

You can also use this hook to customize assertion representation for some types:

.. autofunction:: pytest_assertrepr_compare

There are few hooks which can be used for special reporting or interaction with exceptions:

.. autofunction:: pytest_internalerror
.. autofunction:: pytest_keyboard_interrupt
.. autofunction:: pytest_exception_interact
.. autofunction:: pytest_enter_pdb

Full reference to objects accessible from :ref:`fixtures <fixture>` or hooks

.. autoclass:: _pytest.config.Config()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.config.Parser()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.nodes.Node()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.nodes.Collector()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.nodes.FSCollector()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.main.Session()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.nodes.Item()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.python.Module()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.python.Class()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.python.Function()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureDef()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.runner.CallInfo()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.runner.TestReport()

.. autoclass:: pluggy._Result

.. autofunction:: _pytest.config.get_plugin_manager()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.config.PytestPluginManager()

.. autoclass:: pluggy.PluginManager()

.. currentmodule:: _pytest.pytester

.. autoclass:: Testdir()
    :members: runpytest,runpytest_subprocess,runpytest_inprocess,makeconftest,makepyfile

.. autoclass:: RunResult()

.. autoclass:: LineMatcher()

.. autoclass:: _pytest.capture.CaptureFixture()

Fixtures are requested by test functions or other fixtures by declaring them as argument names.

Example of a test requiring a fixture:

def test_output(capsys):
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out == 'hello\n'

Example of a fixture requiring another fixture:

def db_session(tmpdir):
    fn = tmpdir / 'db.file'
    return connect(str(fn))

For more details, consult the full :ref:`fixtures docs <fixture>`.

.. currentmodule:: _pytest.fixtures
.. autofunction:: fixture

The config.cache object allows other plugins and fixtures to store and retrieve values across test runs. To access it from fixtures request pytestconfig into your fixture and get it with pytestconfig.cache.

Under the hood, the cache plugin uses the simple dumps/loads API of the :py:mod:`json` stdlib module.

.. currentmodule:: _pytest.cacheprovider

.. automethod:: Cache.get
.. automethod:: Cache.set
.. automethod:: Cache.makedir

.. currentmodule:: _pytest.capture

.. autofunction:: capsys()

    Returns an instance of :py:class:`CaptureFixture`.


    .. code-block:: python

        def test_output(capsys):
            captured = capsys.readouterr()
            assert captured.out == "hello\n"

.. autofunction:: capsysbinary()

    Returns an instance of :py:class:`CaptureFixture`.


    .. code-block:: python

        def test_output(capsysbinary):
            captured = capsysbinary.readouterr()
            assert captured.out == b"hello\n"

.. autofunction:: capfd()

    Returns an instance of :py:class:`CaptureFixture`.


    .. code-block:: python

        def test_system_echo(capfd):
            os.system('echo "hello"')
            captured = capsys.readouterr()
            assert captured.out == "hello\n"

.. autofunction:: capfdbinary()

    Returns an instance of :py:class:`CaptureFixture`.


    .. code-block:: python

        def test_system_echo(capfdbinary):
            os.system('echo "hello"')
            captured = capfdbinary.readouterr()
            assert captured.out == b"hello\n"

.. autofunction:: _pytest.doctest.doctest_namespace()

    Usually this fixture is used in conjunction with another ``autouse`` fixture:

    .. code-block:: python

        def add_np(doctest_namespace):
            doctest_namespace['np'] = numpy

    For more details: :ref:`doctest_namespace`.

The request fixture is a special fixture providing information of the requesting test function.

.. autoclass:: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest()

.. autofunction:: _pytest.fixtures.pytestconfig()

.. autofunction:: _pytest.junitxml.record_xml_property()

.. autofunction:: _pytest.logging.caplog()

    This returns a :class:`_pytest.logging.LogCaptureFixture`.

.. autoclass:: _pytest.logging.LogCaptureFixture