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Pymunk Platformer


This tutorial covers how to write a platformer using Arcade and its Pymunk API. This tutorial assumes the you are somewhat familiar with Python, Arcade, and the Tiled Map Editor.

Common Issues

There are a few items with the Pymunk physics engine that should be pointed out before you get started:

  • Object overlap - A fast moving object is allowed to overlap with the object it collides with, and Pymunk will push them apart later. See collision bias for more information.
  • Pass-through - A fast moving object can pass through another object if its speed is so quick it never overlaps the other object between frames. See object tunneling.
  • When stepping the physics engine forward in time, the default is to move forward 1/60th of a second. Whatever increment is picked, increments should always be kept the same. Don't use the variable delta_time from the update method as a unit, or results will be unstable and unpredictable. For a more accurate simulation, you can step forward 1/120th of a second twice per frame. This increases the time required, but takes more time to calculate.
  • A sprite moving across a floor made up of many rectangles can get "caught" on the edges. The corner of the player sprite can get caught the corner of the floor sprite. To get around this, make sure the hit box for the bottom of the player sprite is rounded. Also, look into the possibility of merging horizontal rows of sprites.

Open a Window

To begin with, let's start with a program that will use Arcade to open a blank window. It also has stubs for methods we'll fill in later. Try this code and make sure you can run it. It should pop open a black window.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Starting Program

Create Constants

Now let's set up the import statements, and define the constants we are going to use. In this case, we've got sprite tiles that are 128x128 pixels. They are scaled down to 50% of the width and 50% of the height (scale of 0.5). The screen size is set to 25x15 grid.

To keep things simple, this example will not scroll the screen with the player. See :ref:`platformer_tutorial` or :ref:`sprite_move_scrolling`.

When you run this program, the screen should be larger.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Adding some constants
    :lines: 1-29
    :emphasize-lines: 4-26

Create Instance Variables

Next, let's create instance variables we are going to use, and set a background color that's green: arcade.color.AMAZON

If you aren't familiar with type-casting on Python, you might not be familiar with lines of code like this:

self.player_list: Optional[arcade.SpriteList] = None

This means the player_list attribute is going to be an instance of SpriteList or None. If you don't want to mess with typing, then this code also works just as well:

self.player_list = None

Running this program should show the same window, but with a green background.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Create instance variables
    :lines: 29-52
    :emphasize-lines: 10-24

Load and Display Map

To get started, create a map with the Tiled Map Editor. Place items that you don't want to move, and to act as platforms in a layer named "Platforms". Place items you want to push around in a layer called "Dynamic Items". Name the file "pymunk_test_map.tmx" and place in the exact same directory as your code.


If you aren't sure how to use the Tiled Map Editor, see :ref:`platformer_part_eight`.

Now, in the setup function, we are going add code to:

  • Create instances of SpriteList for each group of sprites we are doing to work with.
  • Create the player sprite.
  • Read in the tiled map.
  • Make sprites from the layers in the tiled map.


When making sprites from the tiled map layer, the name of the layer you load must match exactly with the layer created in the tiled map editor. It is case-sensitive.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Creating our sprites
    :pyobject: GameWindow.setup

There's no point in having sprites if we don't draw them, so in the on_draw method, let's draw out sprite lists.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Drawing our sprites
    :pyobject: GameWindow.on_draw

With the additions in the program below, running your program should show the tiled map you created:


Add Physics Engine

The next step is to add in the physics engine.

First, add some constants for our physics. Here we are setting:

  • A constant for the force of gravity.
  • Values for "damping". A damping of 1.0 will cause an item to lose all it's velocity once a force no longer applies to it. A damping of 0.5 causes 50% of speed to be lost in 1 second. A value of 0 is free-fall.
  • Values for friction. 0.0 is ice, 1.0 is like rubber.
  • Mass. Item default to 1. We make the player 2, so she can push items around easier.
  • Limits are the players horizontal and vertical speed. It is easier to play if the player is limited to a constant speed. And more realistic, because they aren't on wheels.
.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Constants for Physics
    :lines: 28-47

Second, add the following attributer in the __init__ method to hold our physics engine:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Physics Engine Attribute
    :lines: 72-73

Third, in the setup method we create the physics engine and add the sprites. The player, walls, and dynamic items all have different properties so they are added individually.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Sprites to Physics Engine in 'setup' Method
    :lines: 103-153

Fourth, in the on_update method we call the physics engine's step method.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Sprites to Physics Engine in 'setup' Method
    :lines: 166-168

If you run the program, and you have dynamic items that are up in the air, you should see them fall when the game starts.

Add Player Movement

Next step is to get the player moving. In this section we'll cover how to move left and right. In the next section we'll show how to jump.

The force that we will move the player is defined as PLAYER_MOVE_FORCE_ON_GROUND. We'll apply a different force later, if the player happens to be airborne.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Player Movement - Constants and Attributes
    :lines: 49-72
    :emphasize-lines: 1-2, 22-24

We need to track if the left/right keys are held down. To do this we define instance variables left_pressed and right_pressed. These are set to appropriate values in the key press and release handlers.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Handle Key Up and Down Events
    :lines: 158-172
    :emphasize-lines: 4-7, 12-15

Finally, we need to apply the correct force in on_update. Force is specified in a tuple with horizontal force first, and vertical force second.

We also set the friction when we are moving to zero, and when we are not moving to 1. This is important to get realistic movement.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Apply Force to Move Player
    :lines: 174-195
    :emphasize-lines: 4-19

Add Player Jumping

To get the player to jump we need to:

  • Make sure the player is on the ground.
  • Apply an impulse force to the player upward.
  • Change the left/right force to the player while they are in the air.

We can see if a sprite has a sprite below it with the is_on_ground function. Otherwise we'll be able to jump while we are in the air. (Double-jumps would allow this once.)

If we don't allow the player to move left-right while in the air, they player will be very hard to control. If we allow them to move left/right with the same force as on the ground, that's typically too much. So we've got a different left/right force depending if we are in the air or not.

For the code changes, first we'll define some constants:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Player Jumping - Constants
    :lines: 52-56

We'll add logic that will apply the impulse force when we jump:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Player Jumping - Jump Force
    :lines: 164-176
    :emphasize-lines: 8-13

Then we will adjust the left/right force depending on if we are grounded or not:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Player Jumping - Left/Right Force Selection
    :lines: 187-213
    :emphasize-lines: 3, 6-10, 15-19

Add Player Animation

To create a player animation, we make a custom child class of Sprite. We load each frame of animation that we need, including a mirror image of it.

We will flip the player to face left or right. If the player is in the air, we'll also change between a jump up and a falling graphics.

Because the physics engine works with small floating point numbers, it often flips above and below zero by small amounts. It is a good idea not to change the animation as the x and y float around zero. For that reason, in this code we have a "dead zone." We don't change the animation until it gets outside of that zone.

We also need to control how far the player moves before we change the walking animation, so that the feet appear in-sync with the ground.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Player Animation - Constants
    :lines: 58-66

Next, we create a Player class that is a child to arcade.Sprite. This class will update the player animation.

The __init__ method loads all of the textures. Here we use's Toon Characters 1 pack. It has six different characters you can choose from with the same layout, so it makes changing as simple as changing which line is enabled. There are eight textures for walking, and textures for idle, jumping, and falling.

As the character can face left or right, we use arcade.load_texture_pair which will load both a regular image, and one that's mirrored.

For the multi-frame walking animation, we use an "odometer." We need to move a certain number of pixels before changing the animation. If this value is too small our character moves her legs like Fred Flintstone, too large and it looks like you are ice skating. We keep track of the index of our current texture, 0-7 since there are eight of them.

Any sprite moved by the Pymunk engine will have its pymunk_moved method called. This can be used to update the animation.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Player Animation - Player Class
    :pyobject: PlayerSprite

Important! At this point, we are still creating an instance of arcade.Sprite and not PlayerSprite. We need to go back to the setup method and replace the line that creates the player instance with:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Player Animation - Creating the Player Class
    :lines: 195-196

A really common mistake I've seen programmers make (and made myself) is to forget that last part. Then you can spend a lot of time looking at the player class when the error is in the setup.

We also need to go back and change the data type for the player sprite attribute in our __init__ method:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Player Animation - Creating the Player Class
    :lines: 161-162

Shoot Bullets

Getting the player to shoot something can add a lot to our game. To begin with we'll define a few constants to use. How much force to shoot the bullet with, the bullet's mass, and the gravity to use for the bullet.

If we use the same gravity for the bullet as everything else, it tends to drop too fast. We could set this to zero if we wanted it to not drop at all.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Shoot Bullets - Constants
    :lines: 68-75

Next, we'll put in a mouse press handler to put in the bullet shooting code.

We need to:

  • Create the bullet sprite
  • We need to calculate the angle from the player to the mouse click
  • Create the bullet away from the player in the proper direction, as spawning it inside the player will confuse the physics engine
  • Add the bullet to the physics engine
  • Apply the force to the bullet to make if move. Note that as we angled the bullet we don't need to angle the force.


Does your platformer scroll?

If your window scrolls, you need to add in the coordinate off-set or else the angle calculation will be incorrect.


Bullets don't disappear yet!

If the bullet flies off-screen, it doesn't go away and the physics engine still has to track it.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Shoot Bullets - Mouse Press
    :pyobject: GameWindow.on_mouse_press

Destroy Bullets and Items

This section has two goals:

  • Get rid of the bullet if it flies off-screen
  • Handle collisions of the bullet and other items

Destroy Bullet If It Goes Off-Screen

First, we'll create a custom bullet class. This class will define the pymunk_moved method, and check our location each time the bullet moves. If our y value is too low, we'll remove the bullet.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Destroy Bullets - Bullet Sprite
    :pyobject: BulletSprite

And, of course, once we create the bullet we have to update our code to use it instead of the plain arcade.Sprite class.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Destroy Bullets - Bullet Sprite
    :lines: 310-314
    :emphasize-lines: 4

Handle Collisions

To handle collisions, we can add custom collision handler call-backs. If you'll remember when we added items to the physics engine, we gave each item a collision type, such as "wall" or "bullet" or "item". We can write a function and register it to handle all bullet/wall collisions.

In this case, bullets that hit a wall go away. Bullets that hit items cause both the item and the bullet to go away. We could also add code to track damage to a sprite, only removing it after so much damage was applied. Even changing the texture depending on its health.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Destroy Bullets - Collision Handlers
    :lines: 240-251

Add Moving Platforms

We can add support for moving platforms. Platforms can be added in an object layer. An object layer allows platforms to be placed anywhere, and not just on exact grid locations. Object layers also allow us to add custom properties for each tile we place.


Adding an object layer.

Once we have the tile placed, we can add custom properties for it. Click the '+' icon and add properties for all or some of:

  • change_x
  • change_y
  • left_boundary
  • right_boundary
  • top_boundary
  • bottom_boundary

If these are named exact matches, they'll automatically copy their values into the sprite attributes of the same name.


Adding custom properties.

Now we need to update our code. In GameWindow.__init__ add a line to create an attribute for moving_sprites_list:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Moving Platforms - Adding the sprite list
    :lines: 186

In the setup method, load in the sprite list from the tmx layer.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Moving Platforms - Adding the sprite list
    :lines: 225-227

Also in the setup method, we need to add these sprites to the physics engine. In this case we'll add the sprites as KINEMATIC. Static sprites don't move. Dynamic sprites move, and can have forces applied to them by other objects. Kinematic sprites do move, but aren't affected by other objects.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Moving Platforms - Loading the sprites
    :lines: 294-296

We need to draw the moving platform sprites. After adding this line, you should be able to run the program and see the sprites from this layer, even if they don't move yet.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Moving Platforms - Draw the sprites
    :pyobject: GameWindow.on_draw
    :emphasize-lines: 5

Next up, we need to get the sprites moving. First, we'll check to see if there are any boundaries set, and if we need to reverse our direction.

After that we'll create a velocity vector. Velocity is in pixels per second. In this case, I'm assuming the user set the velocity in pixels per frame in Tiled instead, so we'll convert.


Changing center_x and center_y will not move the sprite. If you want to change a sprite's position, use the physics engine's set_position method.

Also, setting an item's position "teleports" it there. The physics engine will happily move the object right into another object. Setting the item's velocity instead will cause the physics engine to move the item, pushing any dynamic items out of the way.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Moving Platforms - Moving the sprites
    :lines: 404-427

Add Ladders

The first step to adding ladders to our platformer is modify the __init__ to track some more items:

  • Have a reference to a list of ladder sprites
  • Add textures for a climbing animation
  • Keep track of our movement in the y direction
  • Add a boolean to track if we are on/off a ladder
.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - PlayerSprite class
    :pyobject: PlayerSprite.__init__
    :emphasize-lines: 2, 29-34, 50-53

Next, in our pymunk_moved method we need to change physics when we are on a ladder, and to update our player texture.

When we are on a ladder, we'll turn off gravity, turn up damping, and turn down our max vertical velocity. If we are off the ladder, reset those attributes.

When we are on a ladder, but not on the ground, we'll alternate between a couple climbing textures.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - PlayerSprite class
    :pyobject: PlayerSprite.pymunk_moved
    :emphasize-lines: 12-24, 28-43

Then we just need to add a few variables to the __init__ to track ladders:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - Game Window Init
    :pyobject: GameWindow.__init__
    :emphasize-lines: 16, 21-22

Then load the ladder layer in setup:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - Game Window Setup
    :lines: 257-260

Also, pass the ladder list to the player class:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - Game Window Setup
    :lines: 262-263

Then change the jump button so that we don't jump if we are on a ladder. Also, we want to track if the up key, or down key are pressed.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - Game Window Key Down
    :pyobject: GameWindow.on_key_press
    :emphasize-lines: 8-17

Add to the key up handler tracking for which key is pressed.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - Game Window Key Up
    :pyobject: GameWindow.on_key_release
    :emphasize-lines: 8-11

Next, change our update with new updates for the ladder.

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - Game Window On Update
    :lines: 431-467
    :emphasize-lines: 8, 17, 24-37

And, of course, don't forget to draw the ladders:

.. literalinclude::
    :caption: Add Ladders - Game Window Key Down
    :pyobject: GameWindow.on_draw
    :emphasize-lines: 5