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Handle negative slope2 the same way for all visible channels
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AAPP treat all visible channels the same
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Nina.Hakansson committed Jun 13, 2022
1 parent ea9b102 commit 4d88d41
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 9 deletions.
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions satpy/readers/
Expand Up @@ -593,15 +593,14 @@ def _vis_calibrate(data,
intercept2 = da.from_array(data["calvis"][:, chn, coeff_idx, 3],
chunks=line_chunks) * 1e-7

if chn == 1 or chn == 2:
# In the level 1b file, the visible coefficients are stored as 4-byte integers. Scaling factors then convert
# them to real numbers which are applied to the measured counts. The coefficient is different depending on
# whether the counts are less than or greater than the high-gain/low-gain transition value (nominally 500).
# The slope for visible channels should always be positive (reflectance increases with count). With the
# pre-launch coefficients the channel 2 slope is always positive but with the operational coefs the stored
# number in the high-reflectance regime overflows the maximum 2147483647, i.e. it is negative when
# interpreted as a signed integer. So you have to modify it.
slope2 = da.where(slope2 < 0, slope2 + 0.4294967296, slope2)
# In the level 1b file, the visible coefficients are stored as 4-byte integers. Scaling factors then convert
# them to real numbers which are applied to the measured counts. The coefficient is different depending on
# whether the counts are less than or greater than the high-gain/low-gain transition value (nominally 500).
# The slope for visible channels should always be positive (reflectance increases with count). With the
# pre-launch coefficients the channel 2, 3a slope is always positive but with the operational coefs the stored
# number in the high-reflectance regime overflows the maximum 2147483647, i.e. it is negative when
# interpreted as a signed integer. So you have to modify it. Also chanel 1 is treated the same way in AAPP.
slope2 = da.where(slope2 < 0, slope2 + 0.4294967296, slope2)

channel = da.where(channel <= intersection[:, None],
channel * slope1[:, None] + intercept1[:, None],
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