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Small Release number - big changes

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@vasily-v-ryabov vasily-v-ryabov released this 25 Jun 15:38
· 2861 commits to atspi since this release
  • Quick release to get many changes out there - but this release has
    been less tested then I would like for a .3 release.
  • Allow access to non text controls using the closest Text control.
    This closest text control will normally be the static/label associated
    with the control. For example in Notepad, Format->Font dialog, the 1st
    combobox can be refered to as "FontComboBox" rather than "ComboBox1"
  • Added a new control wrapper - PopupMenuWrapper for context menu's
    You can now work easily with context menu's
     # need to use MenuClick rather then MenuSelect
     app.PopupMenu.MenuClick("Select All")

I could think of merging the RightClick() and MenuSelect() into one method
ContextMenuSelect() if that makes sense to most people.

  • Added Support for Up-Down controls

  • Not all top level windows now have a FriendlyClassName of "Dialog".
    I changed this because it made it hard to get windows of a particular
    class. For example the main Notepad window has a class name of "Notepad".

    This was primarily implemented due to work I did getting the System Tray.

  • Renamed StatusBarWrapper.PartWidths() to PartRightEdges() as this
    is more correct for what it returns.

  • Changed HwndWrapper.Text() and SetText() to WindowText() and
    SetWindowText() respectively to try and make it clearer that it is
    the text returned by GetWindowText and not the text that is visible
    on the control. This change also suggested that EditWrapper.SetText()
    be changed to SetEditText() (though this is not a hard requirement
    EditWrapper.SetText() still exists - but may be deprecated.

  • Added ClickInput, DoubleClickInput, RightClickInput, PressMouseInput
    ReleaseMouseInput to HwndWrapper - these use SendInput rather then
    WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONUP, etc used by Click, DoubleClick etc.

    I also added a MenuClick method that allows you to click on menu
    items. This means you can now 'physically' drop menus down.

  • Some further working with tooltips that need to be cleaned up.

  • Fixed a bug where coordinates passed to any of the Click operations had
    the X and Y coordinates swapped.

  • Added new MenuItem and Menu classes that are to the most part hidden
    but you can get a menu item by doing

    app.Notepad.MenuItem("View->Status Bar")

MenuItems have various actions so for example you can use
MenuItem.IsChecked() to check if the menu item is checked.
Among other methods there are Click() and Enabled().

  • Modified the 'best match' algorithm for finding controls.
    It now searches a couple of times, and tries to find the best
    fit for the text passed to it. The idea here is to make it more
    "Select what I want - not that other thing that looks a bit like
    what I want!". It is possible this change could mean you need to
    use new identifiers in scripts - but in general very little modification
    should be necessary.

    There was also a change to the algorithm that looked for the closest
    text control. It missed some obvious controls in the previous
    implementation. It also had a bug for controls above the control
    rather than to the left.

  • Added a new example scripts and which show automating downloading of a page
    from either of these browsers.

  • Added yet more unit tests, there are now a total of 134 tests.