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An experimental no-nonsense issue/bug tracker.



In development. Ready some day, maybe.

Currently we have a CockroachDB backend/model, a frontend, and are able to list issues.

Stability and forward compatibilty: this is pre-alpha software. All APIs, schemas, and assumptions are subject to change - even ones that are currently written down as guarantees. Once the software starts hitting alpha releases, things will slowly begin to stabilize.

Building and running development instance

Start the model with an in-memory database:

bazel build //svc/model/crdb
bazel-bin/svc/model/crdb/*/crdb -hspki_disable -eat_my_data

The model will listen on :4200 for gRPC and :4201 for debug HTTP.

Start the web frontend (this currently has a hard dep on an OIDC provider - any OIDC provider should do, but bugless is being actively developed against

bazel build //svc/webfe
bazel-bin/svc/webfe/*/webfe -hspki_disable -oidc_provider https://XXX -oidc_client_id YYY -oidc_client_secret ZZZ -secret hackme

The web frontend will connect to the model at by default, serve debug HTTP at :4211, and serve public HTTP at :8080. Visting with your browser should show you the bugless UI.

To add ann issue via grpcurl:

grpcurl -plaintext -format=text -d \
    'author < id: "" > initial_state < priority: 2 type: 1 status: 1 title: "Hello, World" > initial_comment: "Testing"' \ bugless.svc.Model.NewIssue


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