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Stefan edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 6 revisions

This page is about the demo project that is able to show the main functionality of QGEP. It is shipped with the datamodel of QGEP.

Target audience

The demo is intended as a mean for an assisted demonstration to an interested party. It is not intended as a one-click download-and-run look-at-it-yourself demo. People that install the demo are expected to be able to setup QGIS, install an additional plugin repository, install a plugin and do some trivial postgres connection configuration.


  • PostgreSQL/PostGIS database populated with demo data (Arbon)
    • Available as sql dump for environments with existing database
    • Available as docker instance (qgep/demo01) for easy setup (under development)
  • Project file
    • with symbology (reach, manhole, cover, waste water structure, to develop catchment areas)
    • Forms will be designed (.ui files) based on gepview forms
      • Reach
      • Manhole
      • Cover
      • Wastewater Structure
      • Catchment areas
    • Relations based on beforementioned tables will be defined
  • Installation instructions
  • Video tutorials

Further duties

  • develop symbology for catchments
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