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This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.2.0.


  1. 路由

    • 对某些路由地址设置权限 guard
    • 子路由的使用
    • 路由参数(待实现)
  2. http

    • 全局http服务 对ajax返回值统一过滤
  3. 父子组件传递数据

  4. mvc模式在ng2中的简单实用。(完成80%)

  5. angular-material modules封装 避免在app.module.ts 中出现大量的ui组件import

  6. 一个完整的项目目录结构优化

    • views 存放每个页面型组件 (与其他功能型组件做区分)
    • components 存放功能型组件
    • models 数据模型文件夹(mvc模式中的m文件存放位置,把m从组件中抽离,有好处也有坏处)
    • services 服务文件夹
    • modules 一些第三方模块(比如UI组件啥的)的二次封装,避免在主模块中导入大量的第三方模块。瞅着闹心
    • guards 路由守卫,给路由做权限跳转的。
  7. 如何对不同开发环境的接口地址切换的问题(在environments文件夹中,还有api.service.ts 中有体现)

  8. angular-material 的使用

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

  1. 通过ng-cli创建新的组建的指令: ng generate component 组件名称
  2. 如果想为一个module中添加新的组件,前提是不使用ng generate component这种方式的话,需要在这个module中引入这个新组件,并在declarations字段中添加这个组件的依赖。

ng new <options...>

--dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false) Run through without making any changes. Will list all files that would have been created when running "ng new".

--verbose (Boolean) (Default: false) Adds more details to output logging.

--skip-install (Boolean) (Default: false) Skip installing packages.

--skip-git (Boolean) (Default: false) Skip initializing a git repository.

--skip-tests (Boolean) (Default: false) Skip creating spec files.

--skip-commit (Boolean) (Default: false) Skip committing the first commit to git.

--directory (String) The directory name to create the app in.

--source-dir (String) (Default: src) The name of the source directory. You can later change the value in ".angular-cli.json" (apps[0].root).

--style (String) (Default: css) The style file default extension. Possible values: css, scss, less, sass, styl(stylus). You can later change the value in ".angular-cli.json" (defaults.styleExt).

--prefix (String) (Default: app) The prefix to use for all component selectors. You can later change the value in ".angular-cli.json" (apps[0].prefix).

--routing (Boolean) (Default: false) Generate a routing module.

--inline-style (Boolean) (Default: false) Should have an inline style.

--inline-template (Boolean) (Default: false) Should have an inline template.

--minimal (Boolean) (Default: false) Should create a minimal app.
ng new xxxx --routing true --style scss --skip-tests true --prefix component前缀

本项目使用的是: ng new Ng2MaterialTest --routing true --style scss --skip-tests true

接下来是ng server的一些相关的指令

ng serve <options...>
--environment (String) Defines the build environment.这个是添加环境变量的,这样可以做到对不同的环境进行判断取出不同的url值。










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