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Growth-dependent predation and generalised transduction of antimicrobial resistance by bacteriophage: Code Repository


This repository contains all the code used to run the analyses outlined in the corresponding paper available here.

For any questions, please contact Quentin Leclerc.


The "/Data" folder contains the in vitro data generated as part of this project. Please refer to the paper for further details. The files included are:

  • growth_summary.csv: results from the growth experiment of the two single-resistant bacterial strains and the one double-resistant progeny strain in the absence of exogenous phage.
  • transduction_summary_X.csv: results from the transduction experiment, where "X" is either "10_3", "10_4", or "10_5", indicating the starting phage concentration for that dataset.
  • varying_MOI_data.xlsx: results from the transduction experiment conducted with a starting concentration of 10^6 bacteria per mL, with varying starting phage concentrations.


The core model code is in the "/Model" folder. The skeletons of the growth model (no phage, bacteria only) and transduction model are respectively stored in the files growth_model.rds and transduction_model.rds, generated by the scripts growth_fitmodel.R and transduction_fitmodel.R.

These models are designed to work within the R package fitR, please refer to the package here for further documentation.

The transduction_model_functions.R script contains essential functions to work with the transduction model:

  • choose_model(): when first loaded, the transduction model is by default incomplete. You can flexibly choose the features of the model by running it through the choose_model() function. Below is an example to set the model to be frequency-depedent, with a link between phage burst size and bacterial growth. Please refer to the script for detals on further options available.
#load the model skeleton:
model = readRDS(here::here("Model", "transduction_model.rds"))

#define the model:
model = choose_model(model,                   #provide model
                     frequentist = TRUE       #should the model be frequency-dependent? Otherwise, will be density-dependent
                     link_beta = FALSE,       #link adsorption rate to bacterial growth?
                     link_L = TRUE,           #link burst size to bacterial growth?
                     transduction = TRUE)     #enable transduction?
#the "model" object is now ready to be used!
  • run_mcmc(): wrapper function for the model fitting framework provided by the fitR package. This is used in the scripts contained in the folder "/Fitting".
  • multi_run2(): function used to run the model multiple times, with multiple ways to introduce random variations through parameter sampling or Poisson resampling of model output.


The "/Fitting" folder contains the scripts used to fit the model to the in vitro data. The mcmcMH_growth.R script performs the fitting for the bacterial growth parameters (using the basic growth model, with no phage present), and the other scripts each perform fitting for a different model (e.g. density dependent with adsorption rate linked to bacterial growth, frequency dependent with burst size linked to bacterial growth etc...). Scripts labelled with a "b" are identical to their counterpart without the "b", but with different starting values for the model fitting - so we had two chains for the MCMC fitting process.

Note that the fitting process takes several hours! These script were run several times on parallel servers rather than a single computer as part of this work, until convergence was achieved.

The resulting full MCMC chains are present in the "/Fitting/Full_chains" subfolder as .RDS files. The subfolder "/Fitting/Full_chains/Best_fits" contains plots showing the single best-fitting output from the fitting process for each model and chain, for rapid visual inspection.

These full chains have then undergone burning and thinning, resulting in the .csv files in the "/Fitting/Fitted_params" subfolder.

Finally, these burned and thinned chains are processed into summary parameter tables (Table 1 in the paper), resulting in the growth_params.csv and transduction_params.csv files in the "/Fitting" folder.


The "/Analysis" folder contains various scripts used to create the figures shown in the paper. Most are explicitly named to indicate the figure they generate, except the following:

  • analyse_lab_data.R: this generate Figure 2 and Supplementary Figure 2, looking at the in vitro data, alongside some bacteria fitness values shown in the paper.
  • analyse_fitted_models.R: this converts the burned and thinned fitted parameter chains into summary parameter tables (see previous section), and generates the 1st part of Figure 4.
  • plot_varying_MOI.R: this generates the 2nd part of Figure 4, and should be run after the previous script to recreate the complete Figure 4. This script also generates Supplementary Figure 4.


The "/Figures" folder contains the figures created by the different scripts. Each figure is named according to its position in the paper (e.g. "fig2" is Figure 2 in the paper).


This work is distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file).


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