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ikopylov edited this page Apr 12, 2017 · 6 revisions

Qoollo BlockingQueue<T>

BlockingQueue<T> is a thread-safe queue with limited capacity and blocking. It is similar to standard BlockingCollection<T> with queue inside, but take advantage of SemaphoreLight. So the BlockingQueue<T> works up to 5 times faster, especially in heavy load scenarios. Also BlockingQueue<T> has several interesting additional methods.

Sample code:

// Create queue
var queue = new BlockingQueue<int>(boundedCapacity: 100);
int item = 0;

// Enqueue then Dequeue
item = queue.Take();

// Peek methods supported
if (queue.TryPeek(out item))

// Allow to add element even if bouned capacity reached

// You can change capacity in runtime

// Dispose queue


All tests performed on CPU with 8 cores. Every iteration has pause for 10 processor ticks (Thread.Spin(10)).

Add thread count / Take thread count BlockingQueue BlockingCollection Boost
1 / 1 1150 ms 2020 ms 1.75x
4 / 4 860 ms 1900 ms 2.2x
16 / 1 1290 ms 16100 ms 12.48x
1 / 16 1520 ms 11400 ms 7.5x
16 /16 910 ms 2520 ms 2.77x
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