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Add MonadThreeCol layout
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mbenford committed Jul 4, 2021
1 parent 225cca5 commit d0733d5
Showing 1 changed file with 191 additions and 0 deletions.
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions libqtile/layout/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1004,3 +1004,194 @@ def cmd_swap_main(self):
elif self.align == self._down:

class MonadThreeCol(MonadTall):
"""Emulate the behavior of XMonad's ThreeColumns layout.
A layout similar to tall but with three columns. With an ultra wide display
this layout can be used for a huge main window - ideally at the center of the
screen - and up to six reasonable sized secondary windows.
A main pane that contains a single window takes up a vertical portion of
the screen_rect based on the ratio setting. This ratio can be adjusted with
the ``cmd_grow_main`` and ``cmd_shrink_main`` or, while the main pane is in
focus, ``cmd_grow`` and ``cmd_shrink``. The main pane can also be centered.
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Occupying the rest of the screen_rect are one or more secondary panes. The
secondary panes will be divided into two columns and share the vertical space
of each column. However they can be resized at will with the ``cmd_grow`` and
``cmd_shrink`` methods. The other secondary panes will adjust their sizes to
smoothly fill all of the space.
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--------------------------- ---------------------------
Panes can be moved with the ``cmd_shuffle_up`` and ``cmd_shuffle_down``
methods. As mentioned the main pane is considered the top of the stack;
moving up is counter-clockwise and moving down is clockwise. A secondary
pane can also be promoted to the main pane with the ``cmd_swap_main``
To restore all secondary client windows to their default size ratios
use the ``cmd_normalize`` method.
To reset all client windows to their default sizes, including the primary
window, use the ``cmd_reset`` method.
To toggle a client window between its minimum and maximum sizes
simply use the ``cmd_maximize`` on a focused client.

defaults = [
("main_centered", False, "Place the main pane at the center of the screen"),

def __init__(self, **config):
MonadTall.__init__(self, **config)

def _configure_specific(self, client, screen_rect, border_color, index):
clients = self._get_clients_per_column()
if index == 0:
self._configure_main(client, screen_rect)
elif index <= clients[0]:
self._configure_left(client, screen_rect, index)
self._configure_right(client, screen_rect, index)

def _configure_main(self, client, screen_rect):
width = self._get_main_width(screen_rect)
height = screen_rect.height
left = screen_rect.x
top = screen_rect.y

if self.main_centered and len(self.clients) > 2:
left += (screen_rect.width - width) // 2

self._place_client(client, left, top, width, height)

def _configure_left(self, client, screen_rect, index):
width = self._get_secondary_width(screen_rect)
height = self._get_secondary_height(index)
left = screen_rect.x
top = screen_rect.y + self._get_secondary_heights_above(index)

if not self.main_centered or len(self.clients) == 2:
left += self._get_main_width(screen_rect)

self._place_client(client, left, top, width, height)

def _configure_right(self, client, screen_rect, index):
width = self._get_secondary_width(screen_rect)
height = self._get_secondary_height(index)
left = screen_rect.x + width + self._get_main_width(screen_rect)
top = screen_rect.y + self._get_secondary_heights_above(index)

self._place_client(client, left, top, width, height)

def _get_main_width(self, screen_rect):
return int(screen_rect.width * self.ratio)

def _get_secondary_width(self, screen_rect):
width = screen_rect.width - self._get_main_width(screen_rect)
if len(self.clients) > 2:
width //= 2

return width

def _get_secondary_height(self, index):
return self._get_absolute_size_from_relative(
self.relative_sizes[index - 1]

def _get_secondary_heights_above(self, index):
clients = self._get_clients_per_column()
start = 0 if index <= clients[0] else clients[0]
return self._get_absolute_size_from_relative(
sum(self.relative_sizes[start:index - 1])

def _place_client(self, client, left, top, width, height):
width - 2 * self.border_width,
height - 2 * self.border_width,
self.border_focus if client.has_focus else self.border_normal,

def cmd_normalize(self, redraw=True):
clients = self._get_clients_per_column()
if self.screen_rect is not None:
self.relative_sizes = []
if clients[0] > 0:
self.relative_sizes += [1.0 / clients[0]] * clients[0]
if clients[1] > 0:
self.relative_sizes += [1.0 / clients[1]] * clients[1]

if redraw:
self.do_normalize = False

def cmd_swap_main(self):
self.cmd_swap(self.clients.current_client, self.clients[0])

def _grow_secondary(self, amt):

def _shrink_secondary(self, amt):

def _resize_secondary(self, amt):
amt = self._get_relative_size_from_absolute(amt)
clients = self._get_clients_per_column()
if self.focused <= clients[0]:
start = 0
end = clients[0]
count = clients[0]
start = clients[0]
end = clients[0] + clients[1]
count = clients[1]

for i in range(start, end):
if i == self.focused - 1:
self.relative_sizes[i] += amt
self.relative_sizes[i] += -amt / (count - 1)

def _get_clients_per_column(self):
clients = len(self.clients) - 1
return [clients // 2 + clients % 2, clients // 2]

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