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ACPI Brightness

A small script with minimal requirements for interacting with ACPI backlights via sysfs, intended as a stand-in for xbacklight on systems which it does not support. Interface uses percentages. Supports linear fading between values, relative brightness changes, and only-decrease and only-increase options.


acpi-brightness [-h|--help]
acpi-brightness [--time|-t TIME [--block|-b]] [--COND] [+-]TARGET

With no argument, report current brightness as % of maximum.

With TARGET %, alter brightness. If --time is set, fade over TIME seconds. If --block is also specified, subsequent attempts to change brightness will fail until this invocation is finished. --force can be used to ignore previously --blocking invocations.

COND is either inc[rement] or dec[rement] -- if decrement is specified, but TARGET is brighter than the current brightness, there will be no change.


  • -h, --help : Display usage instructions
  • -t, --time TIME : Fade brightness over TIME seconds (positive decimal)
  • -b, --block : With --time, prevent other brightness changes until complete
  • -f, --force : Stop previous blocking invocations
  • --COND : Only change if increasing or decreasing brightness. COND is inc or dec


  • Get current brightness in %

    $ acpi-brightness 
  • Set brightness to 40%

    $ acpi-brightness 40
  • Set brightness to 40% unless current brightness is lower than 40%

    $ acpi-brightness --dec 40
  • Decrease brightness by 10pp

    $ acpi-brightness -20
  • Increase brightness by 20pp over 2.5 seconds

    $ acpi-brightness -t 2.5 +20
  • Set brightness to 100% over 2 seocnds, and prevent any brightness changes until complete

    $ acpi-brightness --block -t 2 100
  • Set brightness to 40%, ignoring previous --blocking invocations

    $ acpi-brightness -f 40


  • awk


  • Add $USER to video group

    $ sudo usermod -a -G video $USER
  • Give video group write-access to ACPI brightness file

    The following udev rule will do this at startup:

    SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", RUN+="/usr/bin/chgrp video /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness", RUN+="/usr/bin/chmod 660 /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness"

    e.g. with the following command:

    $ sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/60-acpi-backlight.rules <<< 'SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", RUN+="/usr/bin/chgrp video /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness", RUN+="/usr/bin/chmod 660 /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness"'
  • Place acpi-brightness on your $PATH

  • Test everything is working

    $ acpi-brightness 100
    $ acpi-brightness
    $ acpi-brightness 30
    $ acpi-brightness

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acpi-brightness is licensed under the GNU General Public Licence v3.0.


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