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QualState is an automatic SPA(Single Page Application) crawler

How to run

const qualstate = require("qualstate");

let qualStateOptions = {
    "url": "http://localhost:4000/",
    "headless": true,
    "maxStates": 2

(async () => {
    await qualState.crawl(qualStateOptions);


The available options fot the crawl() function are:

  "url": "http://localhost:3000/", // url to evaluate
  "headless": false, // value of headless to use on puppeteer. Default value = false 
  "waitTime": 2000, // time to wait between actions
  "maxStates": 2, // number of maximum states to be found
  "numberOfProcess": 3, // Number of concurrent processes. Default value = 1
  "log": {
    "file": true, // Logs errors to a file. Default value = false
    "console": false // Logs errors to the console. Default value = false

  "cookies": {
        "waitBefore": 9000,  // time to wait before clicking in the btn
        "btn": "body > div:nth-child(27) > div > div > div > > div > button", // XPaht or ID of btn
        "waitAfter": 5000  // time to wait after clicking in the btn
  "login": [
          "credentials": {// Credential
            "#identifierId": "", // key:value, where key is the ID of input and value the input - in this case could be email
          "credentials": {// Credential
            "#password > div > div > div > input": "", // key:value, where key is the ID of input and value the input - in this case could be password
          "action": {
            "id": "#login_button", // Id of button to execute login action in the page
            "event": "click"// type of event to be executed
          "info": { 
            "wait": 6000  // time to wait for the login to be executed
  "viewport": {
    "mobile": false, // default value = false
    "landscape": true, // default value = viewPort.width > viewPort.height
    "resolution": {
      "width": 1920, // default value for desktop = 1366, default value for mobile = 1080
      "height": 1080 // default value for desktop = 768, default value for mobile = 1920
  "ignore": {
    "ids_compare": ["pErrorMessage"], // array of IDs or any identifying attribute of element that should be ignore when comparing states.
    "ids_events": ["btnReq", "hoverTest", "btnId", "aHref", "idTd1", "idTd2"] // array of IDs of element that have events and should be ignore.
  "interaction": {
    "inputs": [ // array of inputs, that will be executed on the page if the inputs exist
        "value": { // one or more key:value, where key is the ID of input and value the input value
          "onChangeInput": "inputOnChange"
        "info": {
          "wait": 2000 // time to wait after executing the inputs
    "forms": [ // array of forms, that will be executed on the page if the forms exist
        "input": [ // array inputs to be place on the form
          { // one or more key:value, where key is the ID of input and value the input value
            "fname": "filipe"
        "action": { // action that submits the form
          "id": "btnSubmit", // ID of the element
          "event": "click" // type of event to be executed
        "info": {
          "formId": "idForm" // ID of the form
    "directions": [ // array of directions, that will be executed at the beginning of the crawl process
        "actions": [ // array of actions to be executed for each directions
            "values": { // one or more key:value, where key is the ID of input and value the input value
              "fname": "Name"
            "action": { // action that should be trigger
              "id": "btnSubmit", // ID of the element
              "eventType": "click" // type of event to be executed
            "values": {
              "newFName": "Name"
            "action": {
              "id": "btnSubmitNewForm",
              "eventType": "click"
        "info": {
          "crawl": "stop", // flag to know if the crawl process shoulf continue after the directions process. Value = "stop" || "continue"
          "save": true // save the states during the directions process

Report details

At the end of the process there is a report to the user. The report its divide in two different set of information. In case console was true, there's only one report.


info: 20:46:13
  "msg": "Ação realizada",
  "action": [
      "user": "auto",
      "id": "input#btnSubmit",
      "className": "HTMLInputElement",
      "eventType": "click",
      "selector": "html > body:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > form:nth-child(1) > input:nth-child(10)"
  "bodyHash": "1704e38477f0c68cc992b23b6390e77576a2e66121c80496deab4594752a1446"

In case the file was true there's two reports File logs.log:

info: 20:46:13
  "msg": "Ação realizada",
  "action": [
      "user": "auto",
      "id": "input#btnSubmit",
      "className": "HTMLInputElement",
      "eventType": "click",
      "selector": "html > body:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > form:nth-child(1) > input:nth-child(10)"
  "bodyHash": "1704e38477f0c68cc992b23b6390e77576a2e66121c80496deab4594752a1446"

File states.log

info: 20:46:13
  "bodyHash": "1704e38477f0c68cc992b23b6390e77576a2e66121c80496deab4594752a1446",
  "body": "<!DOCTYPE html><html>......n</body></html>"


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