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QFS Kerberos Security Design

Faraaz Sareshwala edited this page Mar 23, 2016 · 1 revision


The security scope includes the following concepts with respect to the network communication between hosts in the distributed QFS file system:

  1. Authentication
  2. Authorization
  3. Integrity
  4. Confidentiality
  5. Authentication delegation


Authentication is attained by using Kerberos 5 system, asymmetric key cryptography with X509 certificates, or TLS-PSK. TLS-PSK is used to attain Integrity and Confidentiality with Kerberos and QFS authentication delegation methods.

  1. Depending on the specifics of the particular run time and environment, and the desired protection level, Authentication, Integrity, and Confidentiality can be selected by the QFS configuration.
  2. The minimum security level is authentication only between individual chunk servers, and between chunk servers and the clients. This level assumes that the network communication between QFS client and QFS nodes cannot be tampered with (no man in the middle attack is possible), or observed by a 3rd party. This could be a reasonable assumption for a "private" cluster network.
  3. Integrity and Confidentiality might be turned off for communications between client and chunk servers, as well as between chunk servers, in order to reduce CPU utilization. With authentication enabled, turning off integrity and confidentiality between between the client and meta server is not supported.
  4. It should be noted that Kerberos 5 system relies on the host file system access control and therefore any unauthorized unrestricted (root) access to one of the hosts in the Kerberos 5 system would constitute a major security breach, and can void authentication, integrity, and confidentiality. In this respect QFS security design is not different from any other Kerberos 5 ("kerberized") service designs. For this reason and to enforce local (host) file system access control the map / reduce tasks need to run under [delegated] user account started the job.
  5. Typically meta and chunk servers each will have their own unique (host specific) Kerberos 5 service keys used for mutual authentication between QFS client, meta and chunk servers, and, in turn, if configured, to ensure integrity and confidentiality. Customarily such service keys are stored in the Kerberos 5 KDC database, and in the corresponding host specific "key tab" files. The distinct chunk server Kerberos principals are required for “revocation” / "blacklisting" to work.
  6. With X509 authentication method typically meta server and chunk servers each have their own X509 certificate with distinct “common name”, issued by typically the same trusted “authority”, and the corresponding private key. The distinct common names are required for “revocation” / “blacklisting” to work.
  7. QFS uses standard Kerberos 5 mechanisms to obtain the necessary Kerberos 5 tickets. For example "kinit" with user password, or kinit with "key tab" if the client is running on behalf of some other "service".
  8. Depending on the configuration, the chunk servers and the meta server perform Kerberos 5 mutual authentication, or X509 SSL/TLS mutual authentication. TLS/PSK with a single fixed “secret” key is supported, but is not recommended, as with this method unique server identity (other than the shared “secret” key) is not supported and “revocation” / “blacklisting” cannot work.
  9. Each chunk server creates and periodically updates the QFS keys, and communicates the newly created key to the meta server. The meta server uses the most recently communicated key to create QFS chunk server authentication and chunk access tokens. As a consequence the tokens can be used only with one chunk server.
  10. The original ("job launch") client running under user account, and meta server can use Kerberos 5 or X509 mutual authentication. The map / reduce job launch client obtains the QFS authentication delegation token and forwards this token to the job tracker.
  11. QFS meta server creates QFS authentication delegation tokens that can be forwarded to QFS clients and / or other parties to act on behalf (impersonate) a user with QFS.
  12. By default only clients authenticated with the Kerberos 5 or X509 mechanisms are allowed to request QFS authentication delegation tokens.
  13. QFS meta server creates QFS chunk server access tokens.
  14. The meta server performs mutual authentication with QFS authentication delegation tokens.
  15. The chunk servers only perform mutual client authentication with QFS chunk server access tokens.
  16. Chunk server to chunk server authentication uses QFS keys created by the destination chunk server and communicated to the meta server.
  17. Map / reduce tasks use QFS authentication delegation tokens to authenticate with the meta server.
  18. Job tracker performs Kerberos 5 or X509 mutual authentication with the meta server.
  19. Task tracker performs Kerberos 5 mutual authentication with the job tracker.
  20. Alternatively job tracker and task tracker can use Kerberos 5 mutual authentication with the QFS meta server and use QFS to establish a secure communication channel between them. For example, the job tracker, sort controller, and sort master can use QFS to establish TLS-PSK shared keys. Generic support to establish shared secrets between the services could be added to the meta server in the form of drop boxes stored entirely in metadata. However, this is currently not implemented. It is not clear how/whether this would work with respect to metadata backups.
  21. All file system components including meta server, chunk servers, and QFS clients enforce the level of protection required by the configuration to combat against protection level downgrade attacks. For example if the initiator (client) and / or the responder (server) require mutual authentication, confidentiality, and integrity to be enabled, initiator and / or responder will declare a communication failure, unless all of these requirements are fulfilled.


The existing UNIX like QFS file access permissions are used for Authorization purposes.

  1. QFS meta server performs authorization for the user name obtained as a result of the QFS client and the meta server mutual authentication, or QFS user ID obtained from the QFS delegation token.
  2. Effective user name is derived from Kerberos 5 principal, client’s X509 certificate common name, or from QFS user ID stored in QFS delegation token. The meta server is assigned its own specific Kerberos ”service" key, and/or X509 certificate, and X509 certificates of the trusted authorities. The client obtains the corresponding Kerberos 5 service ticket, or uses conventional X509 certificate verification in order to complete the mutual authentication with the meta server.
  3. Effective group. Kerberos 5, and X509 certificate has no concept of groups, therefore a different mechanism must be used to establish QFS group membership. The meta server obtains group membership from the standard UNIX group database. Specifically, the "local" database (/etc/groups) on the meta server host. If required, in the future, a different group membership mechanism can be implemented.
  4. The meta server uses the meta server host’s UNIX user and group databases to obtain the mapping of user and group names to user and group ID. The mapping is required due to absence of user and group ID concepts in Kerberos 5 client principal, and client’s X509 certificate. The primary reason to use such a mapping is to reduce space requirements for storing and communicating i-node (files and directories) attributes. The secondary reason is to maintain backward compatibility with the previous meta server checkpoint and transaction log versions by providing initial user and group IDs to names mapping.
  5. With authentication enabled the QFS client library uses the same user and group names to numeric IDs mapping as the meta server by maintaining a cached view of the meta server’s respective tables. To maintain backward compatibility the client host’s local user and group database is used to map numeric IDs to names with no authentication. The QFS FUSE module always uses the same user and group IDs as the meta server.


QFS authentication delegation and access tokens.

  1. QFS authentication delegation token is a tuple: { User ID, Random Sequence, QFS Key ID, Flags, Issued Time, Expiration Time Delta, Signature }. The signature is HMAC SHA-1 of all fields, except the signature fields itself, created by using the QFS Key that corresponds to the QFS Key ID. The HMAC SHA-1 signature computation can optionally include any implicit “subject” field. The implicit subject field is not part of the token. Presently implicit subject field is used with chunk access tokens, where the subject is QFS chunk ID, or QFS write ID.

  2. The meta and chunk servers create and store in memory QFS Key ID and the corresponding QFS Keys as a dictionary of key value pairs: Key = {QFS Key ID} Value = { QFS Key }. QFS Key consists of randomly generated 384 bits (48 bytes), and QFS Key ID consists of randomly generated 8 bytes (64 bit). Optionally the meta server can be configured to keep the copy of all currently valid meta server keys and the corresponding IDs on disk to allow keys to persist across meta server restarts. The meta and chunk servers periodically generate new and expire existing QFS Keys. The expired keys are discarded. The QFS Key lifetime implicitly defines the QFS Delegation token renewal interval, and QFS Access tokens maximum expiration time. The key lifetime cannot be lower than QFS lease expiration time — 5 minutes.

  3. The QFS delegation tokens must be renewed before the corresponding QFS Key expires. The meta server renews the token by replacing the Key ID and re-computing the Signature field with the current key; all other token fields remain the same. Only clients authenticated with Kerberos 5 or X509 authentication methods are allowed to renew the delegation tokens.

  4. Delegation token cancellation. The meta server maintains a set of all currently valid cancelled tokens. The token Key-ID and Signature fields are not stored in this set entry. Doing so allows a single entry to match all possible renewed token variants created with different QFS Key and QFS Key IDs. To cancel a delegation token the default configuration requires the client to be authenticated with Kerberos 5 or X509 authentication methods and present a valid token to be cancelled along with the token’s session key.

  5. The meta server can be configured with the list of user or group names that are allowed to renew and cancel delegation tokens that were issued to users other than the currently authenticated user. For example, the configuration might allow job tracker [user] to renew and cancel delegation tokens that were issued to users different than job tracker user.

  6. The delegation and access tokens, along with the corresponding QFS Key are used to create the QFS authenticated session key. The session key is created by computing SHA-384 over the QFS Token and QFS Key concatenation.

  7. The meta server computes and communicates to the client the QFS session key along with the QFS delegation token.

  8. The Delegation Token and Session Key are used with TLS PSK authentication. The QFS client uses session key as a shared secret, and passes the token to the meta server in the TLS client hello message.

  9. Chunk server access tokens only differ from the delegation token in the Flags field value. The chunk server access tokens and the corresponding session keys are used by the client or other chunk servers acting as client to authenticate with the chunk server and, unless explicitly disabled by configuration, attain communication secrecy and integrity.

  10. Chunk access token differs from the delegation token in the Flags field value. The token’s signature “includes” implicit chunk or write ID. The chunk access tokens are used to authorize chunk access with the chunk server, with the minimum communication security and integrity levels configured on the client and meta server.

  11. A number of Flags bits are currently reserved for future extensions.

Chunk Access

Authentication and authorization with chunk server and chunk access tokens.

  1. The meta server creates and returns to the QFS client chunk server and chunk access tokens, and chunk server access session keys at the time of the chunk creation, or read lease acquisition, or renewal. In order to access chunks the QFS client (or chunk server acting as a client) must be authenticated with the chunk server by using valid chunk server access token, and present valid chunk access token with user ID that matches the user ID in the chunk access token. The token’s chunk access (read or write) permissions, and communication security and integrity must match requested chunk access mode, and communication (client connection) security and integrity level.

  2. When chunk is created or opened for write (“allocated” in QFS terms) the chunk server access and chunk access tokens are communicated by the meta server to the chunk server at the head of the synchronous replication chain, along with the chunk write lease. This is needed in order to allow to establish synchronous replication chain. The chunk server session keys for the chunk servers past the head of the chain are encrypted using the most recent QFS Key of the corresponding chunk server.

  3. The client can request chunk server access and chunk access token from the chunk server at the head of the replication chain, if the access tokens issued by the meta server are about to expire. The chunk server will create the tokens as long as the chunk write lease remains valid. The chunk authorization (file permissions) are re-evaluated during periodic (every five minutes) chunk write lease renewals performed by the chunk server at the head of the synchronous replication chain.

  4. The chunk server acting as recovery client is authenticated by the meta server using same delegation token and session key mechanism that is used for the client authentication delegation. The chunk server and chunk access tokens used for re-replication and recovery have “chunk server access” flag set. The token’s user ID is set to a value derived by hashing the chunk server’s clients listener ip and port.

Implementation Considerations

  1. Using higher level SASL API was considered. SASL presents more generic API, and has a generic enough "plugin" system that allows adding possible new "security" mechanisms. The considered Cyrus SASL implementation adds noticeable cpu overhead due to an increased number of memory allocations, buffer copies, and plugin selection with dlopen() / dlsym() on every server context creation (accept). The overhead might be more noticeable with integrity and confidentiality enabled, as the initial authentication of the existing Kerberos 5 implementation on CentOS 5 does not seem to be very cpu efficient by itself. Performance testing showed 0.2 ms per server authentication context establishment call with a single thread being cpu bound on the modern hardware. (The time per call seems to noticeably increase with more parallel threads, possibly due to concurrency limiting effects of using /proc/urandom.) On the other hand, the existing and possibly future SASL plugging authentication mechanism will unlikely be useful or easily adoptable / switchable for the task at hand. For these reasons it is hard to recommend using SASL on top of GSSAPI.

  2. TLS Kerberos 5 ciphers were also considered. One problem with the TLS Kerberos 5 ciphers is that the existing standard / RFC and openssl implementation do not include AES ciphers. With AES-NI instruction set AES encryption looks very attractive: 128 bit AES outperforms RC4 cipher with 770 vs 700 MB/s according to openssl speed. Due to the benchmark likely being completely cache resident, and given the fact that HMAC-SHA1 speed is noticeably lower (512 MB/s), the real world speed will differ significantly, nevertheless the cryptographic strength of 128 bit AES cipher presently considered much higher than the strength of RC4. The other, perhaps the main, problem is that the existing openssl implementation has no support for kerberos tickets encrypted with AES. While it is relatively simple to patch openssl to support AES encrypted tickets, relying on such a patch for all supported platforms would increase code maintenance overhead, and decrease code "portability" and adoption.

  3. Initial prototyping and studying the example code suggested that the increase in complexity by using Kerberos 5 API directly instead of using GSSAPI is fairly small. The practical implications of the differences between the two popular Kerberos implementations (MIT and Heimdal) for the purpose of QFS implementation are fairly small, and it is relatively straightforward to support both. On the other hand, GSSAPI layer does does not seem optimal and provides limited access to the underlying Kerberos library.

  4. In order to reduce chunk server and client cpu utilization, secrecy and integrity of client and chunk server communications can be turned off by changing the meta server configuration. In this case the TLS layer is shutdown, and bypassed, after the connection is established and authenticated. In such case after the authentication finishes the existing generic QFS network IO code path is used with no modifications.

  5. With Kerberos 5 authentication the client, and/or chunk server authenticating with the meta server, issues standard AP_REQ messages to the meta server. The meta server validates AP_REQ, obtains a kerberos principal, and then validates derived from Kerberos principal user name. The session key in the Kerberos ticket is used as the shared key with TLS-PSK exchange. The Kerberos session key is retrieved from the Kerberos 5 ticket by the service (meta server) and the client.

  6. Backward compatibility. Only QFS client library and the corresponding "client" tools / utilities will maintain backward compatibility with the previous QFS versions with no authentication support. For example one of the existing meta server RPCs is used by the client to detect authentication support. The status code of LOOKUP RPC performed on root directory is used for this purpose.

  7. To reduce meta server cpu utilization the number of client connections to the meta server from a single client is reduced from 2 to 1, at the cost of a minor complexity increase.

  8. Kerberos 5 infrastructure / KDC load and performance consideration. Services', for example, chunk servers', service tickets should have reasonably long lifetimes in order to keep KDC load at a reasonable level. Moreover, the service tickets on a large enough cluster might need to be obtained in a coordinated / staggered fashion in order to keep KDC peak load at a reasonable level. Alternatively, X509 authentication method can be used for chunk server authentication to the meta server instead.


Write Path with Replication



  • Step 3. The client sends AP_REQ Kerberos message, as a payload of the QFS authenticate RPC.
  • Step 4. Meta server returns authentication RPC reply, that says "use TLS/PSK," and expects to receive TLS client hello from the client. The client responds with client hello, then the meta server and the client complete TLS/PSK handshake. Meta server and the client both use kerberos session key as shared secret to perform TLS/PSK handshake. The "use TLS/PSK" reply is essentially an "empty" reply. In other words if the reply says "don't use TLS/PSK,” and doesn't present AP_REP message, the client will fail the authentication, in order to prevent man-in-the-middle downgrade attack.
  • Step 5. All the subsequent RPCs are sent via the established TLS connection/channel: authenticated, encrypted, and integrity protected.
  • Step 9. The replication master and the client perform standard TLS/PSK handshake (the same handshake is used with kerberos meta server authentication and delegation). Openssl does this handshake. The handshake is bidirectional: =>client hello, <=server hello, =>client key exchange + client finished, <=server finished). The client uses token's session key that it obtained from the meta server as PSK secret, the chunk server uses its QFS Key and the token to compute the same key -- shared secret.
  • Step 10. The client uses the TLS channel (connection) established in 9 to communicate with the chunk server. The client sends the write payload along with the chunk access token to the write master.
  • Step 11. The master establishes connection with the "slave", and performs TLS/PSK authentication using the key it received from the meta server in 6. The master forwards the write data and chunk server access tokens along with the corresponding encrypted session keys, and chunk access tokens, for the other chunk servers.

Note: QFS does not "invent" a new authentication method, but uses standard TLS/PSK for all communications, except when standard TLS X509 authentication method is used.