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DockingInterface is a Python wrapper for open-source molecular docking programs: Autodock Vina, Smina, QVina2, and rDock.


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Copyright (c) 2022 Quantori.

DockingInterface is a Python wrapper for open-source molecular docking programs: Autodock Vina, Smina, QVina2, and rDock.


DockingInterface is usually installed as part of Quantori DockingFactory Bundle. Other projects that are also parts of the bundle are:


Python 3.6 or higher is required

CMake (cmake) 2.8.12 or higher is required.

boost 1.53 or higher is required.
For vina/qvina
(libboost-program-options-dev, libboost-system-dev, libboost-thread-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev)
For smina, in addition to the libraries specified for vina / qvina, you need:
(libboost-regex-dev, libboost-serialization-dev, libboost-timer-dev, libboost-iostreams-dev)

For smina, Openbabel libopenbabel-dev 2.4.1 or higher is required.

If installing system-wide boost and Openbabel is not an option, you can use a local installation (see BOOST_ROOT and OPENBABEL2_ROOT / OPENBABEL3_ROOT options below).

Building libraries

  1. Clone vina, smina, and qvina repositories.
  2. In each of them, do:
     mkdir lib && cd lib
     cmake ..
     make %target_name%

Where %target_name% is vinaDynamic, sminaDynamic, or qvinaDynamic respectively.

If you have a multiprocessor machine, you can use a parallel build:

make -j4 %target_name%

You can provide BOOST_ROOT to cmake to use a specific boost installation:

cmake .. -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/my/boost

In smina, similar option is provided for Openbabel 2 or 3:

cmake .. -DOPENBABEL2_ROOT=/path/to/my/openbabel2
cmake .. -DOPENBABEL3_ROOT=/path/to/my/openbabel3

You are allowed to combine BOOST_ROOT with OPENBABEL2_ROOT or OPENBABEL3_ROOT, but not the latter two.

Installing DockingInterface

python3 -m pip install DockingInterface/

Where to put libraries

By default the DockingInterface looking for the dynamic libraries in the C_Dynamic_Libs subfolder of the DockingInterface source code. So you should copy or create symlinks for qvina/lib/, smina/lib/ and qvina/lib/ into one of the following folders:

  • DockingInterface/C_Dynamic_Libs/Linux/x86_64
  • DockingInterface/C_Dynamic_Libs/Linux/arm64
  • DockingInterface/C_Dynamic_Libs/macOS/x86_64
  • DockingInterface/C_Dynamic_Libs/macOS/arm64
  • DockingInterface/C_Dynamic_Libs/win

depending on your system architecture. But you can re-configure this behaviour using an environment variable

export DOCKING_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/DockingInterface:/usr/local/lib/DockingInterface

In the example above the libraries are expected in one of directory: /usr/lib/DockingInterface and /usr/local/lib/DockingInterface.

Using Docking Interface (class DockingInterface)

Use DockingInterface to run vina/smina/qvina inside Python script without spawning sub-process.


First you call constructor with no arguments:
docking = DockingInterface()

Setting the parameters

  1. set_handler('<handler>') - == vina or smina or qvina
  2. docking.set_ligand(./path/to/your/ligand.pdbqt) - takes a path to pdbqt file
  3. docking.set_center(x, y, z) - takes double values x, y, z
  4. docking.set_size(x, y, z) - takes double values x, y, z
  5. docking.set_exhaustiveness(exhaustiveness) - takes int value. Default == 8;
  6. docking.set_log_file(./path/to/your/log.txt) - use this setter if you need all output in txt file - takes a path to txt file
  7. docking.set_receptor(./path/to/your/receptor.pdbqt) - takes a path to pdbqt file
  8. docking.set_config(./path/to/your/config.txt)- takes a path to txt file. In config file must be center and size, may be exhaustiveness. You can use config or setter (center or size)
  9. docking.set_output(./path/to/your/output.pdbqt) takes a path to pdbqt file
  10. docking.set_autobox_ligand(./path/to/your/crystal_ligand.pdbqt) takes a path to pdbqt file
  11. docking.set_scoring_function(scoring_function) takes scoring functions name. You can use:
    9.1 ad4_scoring
    9.2 default
    9.3 dkoes_fast
    9.4 dkoes_scoring
    9.5 dkoes_scoring_old
    9.6 vina
    9.7 vinardo

Runing the docking

After the parameters are set up, call the docking method:


Geting the results

When docking ends, use this function to get results as list of lists of numbers:

result = docking.get_result()
After getting the result (it is an object of class DockingResult), you can use getters:
result.get_number_of_models() - get the number of models
result.get_values_by_index(i) - for a given model index, get a list containing: model index, affinity, rms lower bound and upper bound.
result.get_model_by_index() - get text (PDBQT) representation of the model by index


from DockingInterface import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
    docking = DockingInterface()
    docking.set_center(17.3564, 1.5176, 12.9464)
    docking.set_size(25.0, 25.0, 25.0)
    result = docking.get_result()
    for i in range(a.get_number_of_models()):


Quantori DockingInterface is released under Apache License, Version 2.0


DockingInterface is a Python wrapper for open-source molecular docking programs: Autodock Vina, Smina, QVina2, and rDock.




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