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Failure detection library based on gossip protocol


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Pulse is an easy-to-use hybrid failure detection library based on simple heartbeat message exchanges overlayed on a gossip protocol. Failure detectors were proposed by Chandra and Toueg used to solve consensus in asynchronous systems with crash failures. In a fully asynchronous system, a failure detector is impossible to operate. But with time bounds (RTT) we can reasonably suspect a crashed node as failed. The simplest way to build a failure detector would be send and receive heartbeat messages among all nodes in the network.

The problem with heartbeat-based FD is that it is not scalable. Every node in the network exchanges heartbeat message with other nodes, causing the network load to reach an order of O(n^2). For small number of nodes, <= 100, this is a perfectly acceptable way of communicating. However, as the numbers begin to escalate, >= 1000 we are exchanging 1,000,000+ messages! This is where gossip protocol helps us reduce the network load to an order of O(n). In a gossip protocol, every node chooses a random node to (gossip) exchange message with and piggybacks status of other nodes it knows about (SWIM).

Pulse uses a simple heartbeat protocol when the number of nodes involved are small (<= 100). As the number of nodes grows (customizable by the user), the nodes start disseminating gossip style messages to relay their liveliness. An individual node can opt to keep a heartbeat protocol to receive RTT bounded updates for nodes of their choosing, but the rest of the node discovery will be done via gossip message exchange.

🚧 The project is still in early development, expect bugs, safety issues, and components that don't work


  • Easy to use
  • Minimalistic & simple architecture
  • Heartbeat sensors (Pulses)
  • Based on Gossip protocol
  • Dynamic RTT calculation
  • Eventually perfect weakly consistent FD
  • Easily customizable
  • REST API for status updates


To install in Unix:

$ cd projectdir/
$ go get

Import into your Go project:

import (


Pulser implementions the following interface:

// Pulser is a node that responds to pulse requests
type Pulser interface {
	// Starts responding to the pulse requests on IP Address: ipAddr and Port: port
	StartPulseRes(ipAddr, port string) error

	// Stops responding to pulse requests

Coordinator implementions the following interface:

// Coordinator is a node that requests pulse response from a map of nodes
type Coordinator interface {
	// Add an IP Address: ipAddr, Port: port to the monitor list and start asking for pulses
	AddPulser(ipAddr, port string, maxRetry, delay int, wg sync.WaitGroup) error

	// Remove IP Address: ipAddr, Port: port from the monitor list and stop asking for pulses
	RemovePulser(ipAddr, port string) error

	// Collectively stop monitoring all pulsers

	// Collectively start all pulsers added to monitor list
	StartAllPulser() error

	// Get the current status of a specific Node identified by Identifier
	Status(id Identifier) (Status, error)

	// Get the current status of all Nodes
	StatusAll() ([]*Status, error)

Full node implementions the Pulser and Coordinator along with Gossip() and StopGossip():

// Pulser and Coordinator functions are indepedent, but can also be used together as a Full node
type FullNode interface {

To initialize and add a Pulser

package main

import (

func main() {
	// capacitySize indicates the buffer count for channel that delivers the notification for failed nodes
        capacitySize := 10
	// Initialize returns the Pulser node, NotificationStream (channel) and err
        p, nStream, err := Initialize(capacitySize)
        if err != nil {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	ipAddr := ""
	port := "3005"
	maxRetry := 3
	delay := 2
	err = p.AddPulser(ipAddr, port, maxRetry, delay, wg)
        if err != nil {
	// Channel to receive failure messages
	go func(stream chan FailureMessage) {
		// Do logic for failure n
	// Start a REST API server
	go HttpAPI(p, 7001, "Development")



Licensed under the MIT License.


Failure detection library based on gossip protocol








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