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avm edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 7 revisions
  • Right now, trimming and fit-width are set simultaneously. They should be separated, so that trimming cycles through the modes no trim, trim width, and trim width and height; and fitting cycles through the modes no-fit, fit-width, and fit-page. Trimming and fitting modes should be mapped to different keys.
  • An indicator should be added to show current trimming and fitting modes.
  • A reader mode should be implemented, where the next page button, instead of changing page, pans downwards. Only when the end of the page is reached should the next page button advance to the next page. This way, a person reading an e-book which is taller than the screen height need only use next page and previous page buttons, instead of alternating between panning and page-turning controls.
  • The options that govern the panning increment, currently the minimum overlap percentage, should be reformulated to provide a mathematically equivalent, but more intuitive setting.
  • Key handling in madpdf.c should be changed to use Keyhandler.c, and interface should be made to be usable in d-pad mode (nav_mode=1). Suggest using + as a modifier key, so that pressing it switches d-pad from page mode to pan mode. Note that options menu already (mostly) works in d-pad mode.
  • Reflowable PDF support.
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