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Closed Jun 3, 2024 100% complete

Target: pre Qt6.7 feature release. Feb-March. Likely to be a mix of a) small to medium features b) bug fixes c) maybe one big feature. I don't think we have the bandwidth to get any significant refactorings in this time round.

Update: we didn't manage to get this out before Qt6.7 and it ended up being a lot smaller than I was hoping. There was a couple of…

Target: pre Qt6.7 feature release. Feb-March. Likely to be a mix of a) small to medium features b) bug fixes c) maybe one big feature. I don't think we have the bandwidth to get any significant refactorings in this time round.

Update: we didn't manage to get this out before Qt6.7 and it ended up being a lot smaller than I was hoping. There was a couple of small but valuable features added, a couple of smaller contributions from first time contributors (yay!), some fixes for weird and wonderful bugs then a surprisingly protracted month of trying to get everything lined up for the Qt 6.7.0 release (and then skipping that and aiming for 6.7.1).
