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Auth in Google Colaboratory notebooks #140

jennybc opened this issue May 4, 2020 · 33 comments · Fixed by #246

Auth in Google Colaboratory notebooks #140

jennybc opened this issue May 4, 2020 · 33 comments · Fixed by #246


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jennybc commented May 4, 2020

Manually transferring from tidyverse/googledrive#284, since I can't truly do a cross-org transfer.

This is the one about auth in Colaboratory / Jupypter notebooks, where you can't really do normal oob auth, but because interactive() returns FALSE, the normal oauth dance doesn't work either.

See also r-lib/httr#634 for an experiment around that (the interactive() issue).

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jcccf commented May 12, 2020

Following up with this issue,

I was previously using jobdiogenes's workaround to access Google Drive from R in Colaboratory, which changed is_interactive() in httr to always return true.

In the newest release though, I've had to also add options(rlang_interactive = TRUE).

Excluding either of these workarounds gives the non-interactive error:

Error: Can't get Google credentials.
Are you running googledrive in a non-interactive session? ...

There's also a separate, related (?) issue when calling drive_auth with cache = TRUE twice. The first time around, drive_auth works and displays the oauth prompt. But if one calls it again, it seems to not be able to accept user input the second time around:

The googledrive package is requesting access to your Google account. Select a pre-authorised account or enter '0' to obtain a new token. Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort.

Error: Can't get Google credentials.
Are you running googledrive in a non-interactive session?...

Here's a minimal working version (that also demos the second issue above):

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jennybc commented May 12, 2020

In the newest release though, I've had to also add options(rlang_interactive = TRUE).

This makes sense in light of changes in the most recent gargle release.

Just from reading, I don't have immediate insight into your second observation. Perhaps a first-hand experience is necessary.

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A quick note that this issue was also solved via the method linked above using the same process of overwriting is_interactive()

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Note that google is completely shutting down out-of-band auth by the end of this month, after it being deprecated for at least a year.

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jennybc commented Jan 27, 2023

Note that google is completely shutting down out-of-band auth by the end of this month, after it being deprecated for at least a year.

Addressed in #202

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jennybc commented Jan 27, 2023

I just went to re-familiarize myself with the Colab experience and it seems like newly created notebooks can't use R. Do I have that right @craigcitro (or anyone else who knows)?

I have some pre-existing notebooks that use R that seem to still be executable.

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It is still possible to create a new Colab notebook with R, using the following link:

I am having authentication issues though, and jobdiogenes's method of overwriting is_interactive() is not working for me. What is your current recommendation?

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jennybc commented Feb 17, 2023

What is your current recommendation?

I'm not sure I have one. But hopefully I can use your tip to get back into position to experiment there and that will lead to some progress.


(I'm surprised that the httr patch no longer works, so I would consider trying that again, in case you did something like forget to restart R. Also, make sure you're using current gargle; it recently had a release.)

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It may be version installed on Colab is older since it follows Anaconda package schedules. Would check if you can install latest version.

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Update: I did the httr patch before installing and loading googledrive, and this helped, to a point.

When I run drive_auth(use_oob = TRUE), I no longer get the "Can't get Google credentials, Are you running googledrive in a non-interactive session?" error. Instead I'm prompted to "point your browser to the following url" and "Enter authorization code."

However, once I click the link, I get the "Access blocked: Tidyverse API Packages’s request is invalid" 400 error due to the changes in OOB.

I confirmed that the gargle version is 1.3.0. It seems like the conventional OOB flow is being triggered rather than the new pseudo-OOB. I'm guessing the issue is that gargle should be using a "web" client for Colab just like on RStudio Server, Posit Cloud, and Posit Workbench, but it's using the "installed" client on Colab?

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I have the same problem. What is the current recommended way to read from google drive in R colab notebooks?

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@jennybc @MarkEdmondson1234 Is there a way to specify the tidyverse_client type (web or installed) when calling drive_auth or bq_auth? Looking through the documentation and source code it doesn't seem possible.

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jennybc commented Feb 21, 2023

You should be able to force the pseudo-oob flow by setting a global option (and many client packages also accept use_oob = TRUE in their auth function).

Set the option with code like this, before any gargle usage:

options(gargle_oob_default = TRUE)

Or you can request it in an explicit auth call, e.g.:

googledrive::drive_auth(use_oob = TRUE)

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Trying the following locally in Rstudio:


gs4_auth(use_oob = TRUE, cache=FALSE)

brings up a browser window with the message:

Access blocked: Tidyverse API Packages’s request is invalid
You can’t sign in because Tidyverse API Packages sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the [developer]( about this issue. [Learn more about this error](
If you are a developer of Tidyverse API Packages, see [error details](
Error 400: invalid_request

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Or you can request it in an explicit auth call, e.g.:

googledrive::drive_auth(use_oob = TRUE)

This, or the global option, forces the oob flow but not necessarily the pseudo-oob flow. If I'm reading the code for tidyverse_client() correctly, the traditional oob vs pseudo-oob choice is determined by is_rstudio_server() and can't be explicitly called from googledrive::drive_auth(use_oob = TRUE)

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jennybc commented Feb 21, 2023

OK yes you folks are right. I will need to develop a way to explicitly request pseudo-oob in this setting. Let me create a PR with some working solution for you to try. Please hold.

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jennybc commented Feb 21, 2023

In case anyone here know the answer: Does Colab set an environment variable or provide some other way to detect that code is running in that context?

I will also try to discover the answer myself.

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jcccf commented Feb 21, 2023

In the meanwhile, I've actually had success using this (maximal) example in Colaboratory, borrowing ideas from jobdiogenes and @leon-seranova:

install_version("httr", version = "1.4.4", repos = "")
install_version("R.utils", version = "2.12.2", repos = "")
install_version("gargle", version = "1.3.0", repos = "")
install_version("googledrive", version = "2.0.0", repos = "")
if (file.exists("/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/google/colab/")) {
  reassignInPackage("is_interactive", pkgName = "httr", function() return(TRUE))
  reassignInPackage("is_rstudio_server", pkgName = "gargle", function() return(TRUE))
} else {
  stop("Failed to reassign is_interactive and is_rstudio_server!")

drive_auth(use_oob = TRUE, cache = FALSE)

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jennybc commented Feb 21, 2023

Thanks @jcccf that's helpful to know, i.e. to confirm exactly where our two blockers are. Perhaps my experimental PR could implement both, to create a working solution for Colab. Not sure I could release such a thing on CRAN (with the httr monkey patch), but let's just get a branch that works, then worry about that.

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jennybc commented Feb 21, 2023

The existence of the env var COLAB_RELEASE_TAG seems like a good candidate for testing if we're on Colab.

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Re: detecting Colab: using either $COLAB_RELEASE_TAG or the existence of /var/colab/hostname are both reliable ways of detecting that you're in a managed Colab backend.

Re: package versions: LMK if there's something I can/should update version-wise on the Colab side. 😅

Re: httr::is_interactive: does httr expose a way to declare ourselves as in an interactive environment? If so, I'm happy to add some code to the Colab .Rprofile so it's always set.

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jennybc commented Feb 21, 2023

Re: httr::is_interactive: does httr expose a way to declare ourselves as in an interactive environment? If so, I'm happy to add some code to the Colab .Rprofile so it's always set.

I think I will be able to get httr to start using rlang::is_interactive() instead of base::interactive() and then, yes, we can explicitly declare the session to be interactive via an option. Which I will probably be able to do within gargle. I'm not sure you'd want to globally declare Colab to be interactive.

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jennybc commented Feb 21, 2023

I just successfully auth'ed on Colab and listed some Google Drive files.

Here's how to install gargle from my branch / draft PR (you could do similar with remotes::install_github()):


Note that I also installed googledrive.

With that experimental version of gargle, I can do:


drive_auth(cache = FALSE)
drive_find(n_max = 5)

This also works with cache = TRUE. The point is that cache can't be unspecified, because then gargle wants to interact with you about that via utils::menu(), which apparently fails here. As an alternative to specifying cache in the drive_auth() call, one can also express the same via the "gargle_oauth_cache" option.

I'll be interested to hear if others can replicate my success.

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jennybc commented Feb 21, 2023

So if I do the same, but allowing the token to be cached:


drive_auth(cache = TRUE)
drive_find(n_max = 5)

I can restart the runtime, say it's OK to auto-discover an existing token, I can use the cached token to list files again:

options(gargle_oauth_email = TRUE)

drive_find(n_max = 5)

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I'll be interested to hear if others can replicate my success.

This worked for me. I also tried bq_auth() and that worked too. Thank you @jennybc !

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jennybc commented Feb 24, 2023

The necessary version of httr is now on CRAN.

Another thing I want to improve is how cache establishment works on Colab.

We can't use utils::menu() in Jupyter, which is currently how we ask an interactive user what to do about caching. This is why a Colab user has to pro-actively address caching. But I can make that easier.

readline() does work, because it has been shimmed in IRKernel. The (pseudo-)OOB flow already uses readline(), so I plan to do similar re: checking in with a Colab user re: the cache.

PR where the readline() shim was introduced:

Lots of things make more sense now that I've (partially) read:

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jennybc commented Feb 25, 2023

OK even the interaction around initating the cache or selecting from available user tokens works the same on Colab now as it does, e.g., on a local computer (in the google-colab branch).

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nmarusan commented Mar 7, 2023

I had a similar problem and was successful with the code @jcccf presented. However, I am not sure of the cause of the problem, as the authentication did not work with the code provided by @jennybc. Thank you for your precious information. It was very helpful for me.

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jennybc commented Mar 7, 2023

@nmarusan can you be more specific?

the authentication did not work with the code provided by @jennybc

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nmarusan commented Mar 7, 2023

my colab information is next:
`R version 4.2.2 Patched (2022-11-10 r83330)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] rstudioapi_0.14 magrittr_2.0.3 rappdirs_0.3.3 tidyselect_1.2.0
[5] uuid_1.1-0 R6_2.5.1 rlang_1.0.6 fastmap_1.1.1
[9] fansi_1.0.4 httr_1.4.5 dplyr_1.1.0 tools_4.2.2
[13] utf8_1.2.3 cli_3.6.0 htmltools_0.5.4 digest_0.6.30
[17] tibble_3.1.8 gargle_1.3.0 lifecycle_1.0.3 crayon_1.5.2
[21] IRdisplay_1.1 purrr_1.0.1 repr_1.1.6 base64enc_0.1-3
[25] vctrs_0.5.2 fs_1.6.1 curl_5.0.0 IRkernel_1.3.2
[29] glue_1.6.2 evaluate_0.20 pbdZMQ_0.3-9 compiler_4.2.2
[33] pillar_1.8.1 generics_0.1.3 googledrive_2.0.0 jsonlite_1.8.3
[37] pkgconfig_2.0.3 `

First of all, I executed the following code that you suggested.

install.packages("pak") pak::pak("r-lib/gargle@google-colab") install.packages("googledrive")

The result is here:
Installing package into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

! Using bundled GitHub PAT. Please add your own PAT using gitcreds::gitcreds_set().
! Using bundled GitHub PAT. Please add your own PAT using gitcreds::gitcreds_set().

✔ Updated metadata database: 2.71 MB in 6 files.
✔ Updated metadata database: 2.71 MB in 6 files.

ℹ Updating metadata database
ℹ Updating metadata database

✔ Updating metadata database ... done
✔ Updating metadata database ...

→ Will install 16 packages.

→ Will install 16 packages.

→ Will download 15 CRAN packages (6.02 MB).

→ Will download 15 CRAN packages (6.02 MB).

→ Will download 1 package with unknown size.

→ Will download 1 package with unknown size.

  • askpass 1.1 [bld][cmp][dl] (5.73 kB)

  • cli 3.6.0 [bld][cmp][dl] (565.15 kB)

  • curl 5.0.0 [bld][cmp][dl] (682.05 kB)

  • fs 1.6.1 [bld][cmp][dl] (1.19 MB)

  • gargle [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: bb94a25)

  • glue 1.6.2 [bld][cmp][dl] (106.51 kB)

  • httr 1.4.5 [bld][dl] (160.87 kB)

  • jsonlite 1.8.4 [bld][cmp][dl] (1.05 MB)

  • lifecycle 1.0.3 [bld][dl] (106.85 kB)

  • mime 0.12 [bld][cmp][dl] (12.56 kB)

  • openssl 2.0.5 [bld][cmp][dl] (1.20 MB)

  • R6 2.5.1 [bld][dl] (63.42 kB)

  • rappdirs 0.3.3 [bld][cmp][dl] (12.29 kB)

  • rlang 1.0.6 [bld][cmp][dl] (742.51 kB)

  • sys 3.4.1 [bld][cmp][dl] (20.13 kB)

  • withr 2.5.0 [bld][dl] (102.09 kB)

  • askpass 1.1 [bld][cmp][dl] (5.73 kB)

  • cli 3.6.0 [bld][cmp][dl] (565.15 kB)

  • curl 5.0.0 [bld][cmp][dl] (682.05 kB)

  • fs 1.6.1 [bld][cmp][dl] (1.19 MB)

  • gargle [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: bb94a25)

  • glue 1.6.2 [bld][cmp][dl] (106.51 kB)

  • httr 1.4.5 [bld][dl] (160.87 kB)

  • jsonlite 1.8.4 [bld][cmp][dl] (1.05 MB)

  • lifecycle 1.0.3 [bld][dl] (106.85 kB)

  • mime 0.12 [bld][cmp][dl] (12.56 kB)

  • openssl 2.0.5 [bld][cmp][dl] (1.20 MB)

  • R6 2.5.1 [bld][dl] (63.42 kB)

  • rappdirs 0.3.3 [bld][cmp][dl] (12.29 kB)

  • rlang 1.0.6 [bld][cmp][dl] (742.51 kB)

  • sys 3.4.1 [bld][cmp][dl] (20.13 kB)

  • withr 2.5.0 [bld][dl] (102.09 kB)

ℹ Getting 15 pkgs (6.02 MB) and 1 pkg with unknown size

ℹ Getting 15 pkgs (6.02 MB) and 1 pkg with unknown size

✔ Got askpass 1.1 (source) (5.73 kB)

✔ Got askpass 1.1 (source) (5.73 kB)

✔ Got mime 0.12 (source) (12.56 kB)

✔ Got mime 0.12 (source) (12.56 kB)

✔ Got rappdirs 0.3.3 (source) (12.29 kB)

✔ Got rappdirs 0.3.3 (source) (12.29 kB)

✔ Got R6 2.5.1 (source) (63.42 kB)

✔ Got R6 2.5.1 (source) (63.42 kB)

✔ Got cli 3.6.0 (source) (565.15 kB)

✔ Got cli 3.6.0 (source) (565.15 kB)

✔ Got lifecycle 1.0.3 (source) (106.85 kB)

✔ Got lifecycle 1.0.3 (source) (106.85 kB)

✔ Got curl 5.0.0 (source) (682.05 kB)

✔ Got curl 5.0.0 (source) (682.05 kB)

✔ Got sys 3.4.1 (source) (20.13 kB)

✔ Got sys 3.4.1 (source) (20.13 kB)

✔ Got rlang 1.0.6 (source) (742.51 kB)

✔ Got rlang 1.0.6 (source) (742.51 kB)

✔ Got glue 1.6.2 (source) (106.51 kB)

✔ Got glue 1.6.2 (source) (106.51 kB)

✔ Got httr 1.4.5 (source) (160.87 kB)

✔ Got httr 1.4.5 (source) (160.87 kB)

✔ Got withr 2.5.0 (source) (102.09 kB)

✔ Got withr 2.5.0 (source) (102.09 kB)

✔ Got jsonlite 1.8.4 (source) (1.05 MB)

✔ Got jsonlite 1.8.4 (source) (1.05 MB)

✔ Got fs 1.6.1 (source) (1.19 MB)

✔ Got fs 1.6.1 (source) (1.19 MB)

✔ Got gargle (source) (403.17 kB)

✔ Got gargle (source) (403.17 kB)

✔ Got openssl 2.0.5 (source) (1.20 MB)

✔ Got openssl 2.0.5 (source) (1.20 MB)

ℹ Building cli 3.6.0

ℹ Building cli 3.6.0

ℹ Building curl 5.0.0

ℹ Building curl 5.0.0

✔ Built curl 5.0.0 (7.8s)

✔ Built curl 5.0.0 (7.8s)

ℹ Building fs 1.6.1

ℹ Building fs 1.6.1

✔ Built cli 3.6.0 (21.2s)

✔ Built cli 3.6.0 (21.2s)

ℹ Building glue 1.6.2

ℹ Building glue 1.6.2

✔ Built glue 1.6.2 (3s)

✔ Built glue 1.6.2 (3s)

ℹ Building jsonlite 1.8.4

ℹ Building jsonlite 1.8.4

✔ Built jsonlite 1.8.4 (9.6s)

✔ Built jsonlite 1.8.4 (9.6s)

ℹ Building mime 0.12

ℹ Building mime 0.12

✔ Built mime 0.12 (2.1s)

✔ Built mime 0.12 (2.1s)

ℹ Building R6 2.5.1

ℹ Building R6 2.5.1

✔ Built R6 2.5.1 (2.8s)

✔ Built R6 2.5.1 (2.8s)

ℹ Building rappdirs 0.3.3

ℹ Building rappdirs 0.3.3

✔ Built rappdirs 0.3.3 (2.8s)

✔ Built rappdirs 0.3.3 (2.8s)

ℹ Building rlang 1.0.6

ℹ Building rlang 1.0.6

✔ Built fs 1.6.1 (54.9s)

✔ Built fs 1.6.1 (54.9s)

ℹ Building sys 3.4.1

ℹ Building sys 3.4.1

✔ Built sys 3.4.1 (2.7s)

✔ Built sys 3.4.1 (2.7s)

ℹ Building withr 2.5.0

ℹ Building withr 2.5.0

✔ Built withr 2.5.0 (4.3s)

✔ Built withr 2.5.0 (4.3s)

✔ Installed cli 3.6.0 (82ms)

✔ Installed cli 3.6.0 (82ms)

✔ Installed curl 5.0.0 (74ms)

✔ Installed curl 5.0.0 (74ms)

✔ Installed fs 1.6.1 (78ms)

✔ Installed fs 1.6.1 (78ms)

✔ Installed glue 1.6.2 (50ms)

✔ Installed glue 1.6.2 (50ms)

✔ Installed jsonlite 1.8.4 (72ms)

✔ Installed jsonlite 1.8.4 (72ms)

✔ Installed mime 0.12 (50ms)

✔ Installed mime 0.12 (50ms)

✔ Installed R6 2.5.1 (40ms)

✔ Installed R6 2.5.1 (40ms)

✔ Installed rappdirs 0.3.3 (44ms)

✔ Installed rappdirs 0.3.3 (44ms)

✔ Installed sys 3.4.1 (41ms)

✔ Installed sys 3.4.1 (41ms)

ℹ Building askpass 1.1

ℹ Building askpass 1.1

✔ Built askpass 1.1 (2s)

✔ Built askpass 1.1 (2s)

✔ Installed askpass 1.1 (43ms)

✔ Installed askpass 1.1 (43ms)

ℹ Building openssl 2.0.5

ℹ Building openssl 2.0.5

✔ Built rlang 1.0.6 (33.4s)

✔ Built rlang 1.0.6 (33.4s)

✔ Installed rlang 1.0.6 (95ms)

✔ Installed rlang 1.0.6 (95ms)

ℹ Building lifecycle 1.0.3

ℹ Building lifecycle 1.0.3

✔ Built lifecycle 1.0.3 (3.3s)

✔ Built lifecycle 1.0.3 (3.3s)

✔ Installed lifecycle 1.0.3 (75ms)

✔ Installed lifecycle 1.0.3 (75ms)

✔ Installed withr 2.5.0 (1.1s)

✔ Installed withr 2.5.0 (1.1s)

✔ Built openssl 2.0.5 (10.3s)

✔ Built openssl 2.0.5 (10.3s)

✔ Installed openssl 2.0.5 (59ms)

✔ Installed openssl 2.0.5 (59ms)

ℹ Building httr 1.4.5

ℹ Building httr 1.4.5

✔ Built httr 1.4.5 (4.5s)

✔ Built httr 1.4.5 (4.5s)

✔ Installed httr 1.4.5 (1.1s)

✔ Installed httr 1.4.5 (1.1s)

ℹ Packaging gargle

ℹ Packaging gargle

✔ Packaged gargle (577ms)

✔ Packaged gargle (577ms)

ℹ Building gargle

ℹ Building gargle

✔ Built gargle (6.1s)

✔ Built gargle (6.1s)

✔ Installed gargle (github::r-lib/gargle@bb94a25) (34ms)

✔ Installed gargle (github::r-lib/gargle@bb94a25) (34ms)

✔ 1 pkg + 15 deps: added 16, dld 16 (NA B) [1m 52.7s]

✔ 1 pkg + 15 deps: added 16, dld 16 (NA B) [1m 52.7s]

Installing package into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

Next, I executed the following code.
library(googledrive) drive_auth(cache = FALSE) drive_find(n_max = 5)

The error message is as follows:
Error in drive_auth():
! Can't get Google credentials
ℹ Are you running googledrive in a non-interactive session? Consider:
drive_deauth() to prevent the attempt to get credentials
• Call drive_auth() directly with all necessary specifics
ℹ See gargle's "Non-interactive auth" vignette for more details:

  1. drive_auth(cache = FALSE)
  2. drive_abort(c("Can't get Google credentials", i = "Are you running googledrive in a non-interactive session? \\n Consider:",
    . * = "{.fun drive_deauth} to prevent the attempt to get credentials",
    . * = "Call {.fun drive_auth} directly with all necessary specifics",
    . i = "See gargle's "Non-interactive auth" vignette for more details:",
    . i = "{.url}"))
  3. cli::cli_abort(message = message, ..., .envir = .envir)
  4. rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, use_cli_format = TRUE,
    . .frame = .frame)
  5. signal_abort(cnd, .file)

However, when I restarted and executed the next code, the authentication went well.
library(googledrive) options(gargle_oauth_email = TRUE) drive_find(n_max = 5)

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nmarusan commented Mar 7, 2023

I am very sorry, but when I install the R package in colab, I have to Restart for the changes to take effect...
After restarting, the authentication worked fine without any problem.

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DamonDay commented Jun 2, 2023

Hi, I think I may run into a similar issue within databricks notebook.
Since the security regulation, I'm not allowed to upload client json file or cache file directly to databricks DBFS.
However I can retrieve them secretly via databricks secret API as well as other json variables like client_id, client_secret, etc.


I spent plenty of time debugging but still can not authorize correctly.


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jennybc commented Jun 2, 2023

Please open a new issue if you want to explore the auth situation in a new context, such as Databricks.

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