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Kartoffel - 0.3

CI Information

Build Status

Build Status Coverage Status

Getting Started


    npm install


    npm test

Running the server with compilation

    npm start

Running the server without compilation

    npm run serve

Run on Docker

Build an Image

    docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t kartoffel:latest .

Run the image in a container

    docker run -p 3000:3000/tcp kartoffel:latest


You should create a .env file like the example.env.

If you're not working with Spike ( you need change the value of ENABLE_AUTH to false.

API Endpoints

1. User

Method Endpoint Description Required Permissions Example
GET /api/user/getAll Returns all the users Basic /api/user/getAll
GET /api/user/:id Get user by ID Basic /api/user/1234567
GET /api/user/getUpdated/:from Returns users updated from a given date Basic /api/user/getUpdated/1500000000000
GET /api/user/in/:group Get all the users in group Basic /api/user/in/111111
POST /api/user Create new user Advanced /api/user
DELETE /api/user/:id Remove a user by ID Advanced /api/user/1234567
PUT /api/user/ Update user's info Advanced /api/user
PUT /api/user/:id/personal Update user's personal info by his ID User /api/user/1234567/personal
PUT /api/user/:id/assign Assign user to a Kartoffel Advanced /api/user/1234567/assign
PUT /api/user/:id/dismiss Dismiss a user from his current Kartoffel Advanced /api/user/1234567/dismiss
PUT /api/user/:id/manage Appoint a user to manage a Kartoffel Advanced /api/user/1234567/manage
PUT /api/user/:id/resign Discharge user from management Advanced /api/user/1234567/resign

2. Strong Groups

Method Endpoint Description Required Permissions Example
GET /api/kartoffel Returns all the kartoffeln. You can add querystring for search Basic /api/kartoffel
GET /api/kartoffel/:id Returns kartoffel by ID. By default comes unpopulated. To populate use querystring: populate=fields_to_populate Basic /api/kartoffel/1234567?populate=children
GET /api/kartoffel/:id/members Return all the members under the givven kartoffel Basic /api/kartoffel/1234567/members
POST /api/kartoffel Create a Kartoffel Advanced /api/kartoffel/adoption
PUT /api/kartoffel/adoption Move Kartoffeln to another Kartoffel Advanced /api/kartoffel/adoption
DELETE /api/kartoffel/:id Remove a user by ID Advanced /api/kartoffel/1234567