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Extension to Makers final project, post course

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Greenpeas UK: Guilt Tripper

Project Team

  • Celia From
  • Papya Qureshi
  • Rachel Griffiths
  • Rhys Collier


  • An eco-friendly app that guilt-trips the user into not buying products that cause damage to the environment.

Project Documentation


  • Install Xcode
  • Command line instructions:
 cd path/to/project/folder
 git clone
 cd greenpeas-uk

 xed guilt-tripper.xcworkspace
  • Press play in top left corner of Xcode screen to launch simulator
  • Interact with App through simulator


  • Navigate to UI (User Interface) testing file in Xcode:
    • guilt-tripper/guilt-tripperUITests/guilt_tripperUITests.swift
  • To run UI tests, press diamond in line 13 of file (adjacent to class guilt-tripperUITests: XCTestCase)
  • DISCLAIMER: Time out issue associated with API call - if test fails, run test again.


  • Code coverage 80%
  • To view in Xcode, run tests and open Report navigator (Command-9)


App Requirements

Current Version

  • Enter product name
  • App determines whether product contains ingredient which negatively impacts the environment - palm oil
    • Find list of currently recognised products here
  • If product does not have a negative impact on the environment and is contained within our app, the user is congratulated
  • If the product does have a negative impact on the environment and is contained within our app:
    • User is made to feel guilty through the use of images of animals being affected by this ingredient - orangutans in a destroyed forest
    • User is invited to find out more about the issue
    • User can read news articles related to product - palm oil
  • If the product is not contained within our app, user is directed to a product not found page and invited to enter another product

Future Version

  • Check multiple products using a barcode scanner
    • Or move current array of products into a database
  • Check for multiple ingredients which cause harm to the environment
  • Photos displayed change dependant on what ingredient is highlighted
  • Sounds are made depending on what ingredients are found e.g. applause or aggressive alarm
  • Alternative products are suggested

User Stories

As an environmentally concerned shopper
So that I can check if an item has palm oil in it
I want to be able to open the Guilt Tripper app on my iPhone

As an environmentally concerned shopper
So that I can check if an item has palm oil in it
I want to push a button that takes me to a page where I can search products

As an environmentally concerned shopper
So that I can search for a specific product to see if it contains palm oil
I can enter the product name into a text box and submit

As an environmentally concerned shopper
So that I am guilt-tripped into not buying the product if it contains palm oil
I see pictures of sad orangutans in a deforested area and I can click on a 'Find Out More' button

As an environmentally concerned shopper
So that I can read the lates news headlines about palm oil
I am presented with a list of 3 news articles and I can click on read more '...' and this takes me to the article

As an environmentally concerned shopper
So that I can feel good if the product doesn't contain palm oil
I see a picture of a happy orangutan in a healthy forest and I'm congratulated

As an environmentally concerned shopper
So that I know if the app doesn't contain a product I've searched for
I see a message 'Product not found'

As an environmentally concerned shopper
So that I can check another product
I can click on 'Select Another Product'

App Simulation

Product contains Palm Oil:


Product does not contain Palm Oil:


Product not found:



Extension to Makers final project, post course






No releases published


No packages published


  • Swift 97.3%
  • Ruby 2.7%