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This the source for the Racket package: "slatex".


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By making a contribution, you are agreeing that your contribution is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Instructions for rebuilding (note: out of date)

This collection contains Dorai Sitaram's slatex. Unlike prior versions of this collection, it contains only the 'translated' --- that is, the mzscheme-specific --- version of slatex. This means that an update to slatex can only be incorporated into the PLT collects world by manually running scmxlate and placing the resulting file into this collection.

Instructions for updating to a new version of SLaTeX (for the maintainer of this collection):

  1. Follow Dorai's instructions for generating the file 'slatex.scm' (currently, this involves downloading the 'scmxlate' and 'slatex' packages and loading the scmxlate.scm file while (current-directory) points to the slatex directory.

  2. place this file in $PLTHOME/collects/slatex/private.

  3. also copy slatex.sty to $PLTHOME/collects/slatex.

  4. (hopefully temporary?) Modify slatex.scm so that it doesn't refer to slatex::slatex-error at evaluation time.

  5. check it in.