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SPEAR3 dynamicAperture

David Bruhwiler edited this page Nov 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Original files

Sirepo simulation (make your own copy and start simulating!)

Not yet available.

Status of the example, as implemented in Sirepo for cloud computing

Files have not yet been imported.

Anyone is welcome to give it a try and document their efforts here:

 Point your browser to
 Select the 'Import' icon near the upper-right corner.
 Then select the 'Choose File' button in the pop-up window.
 Browse your local file directory for the relevant *.ele file.
 (It is convenient to clone this repo to your local disk.)
 Follow instructions regarding upload of *.lte and/or *.sdds files.
 Have a look at the 'Source', 'Lattice' and 'Control' tabs.
 If you see anything that doesn't make sense, create an issue:
    (Click on the green 'New issue' button.)
 If things look reasonable, then go to the 'Visualization' tab:
 Click the 'Start New Simulation' button in the 'Simulation Status' box.
 It the results don't make sense, create a Sirepo issue (see above).

 At any point, if you decide to stop, please paste your simulation URL
    below the "## Sirepo simulation" header above.
 Copy the URL from your browser, click the 'Edit' button above, then paste.
 (...or click the cogwheel icon & select 'Simulation Documentation URL'.)
 Then, please delete all of this text and document the status of your efforts.
 You can look at the other example pages to see how the status is documented.

The suite of 'elegant' examples

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