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General info

Project for detecting tennis ball using OpenCV library and Python.


  • Linux environment,
  • installed OpenCV tools [2].
  • configured Python >= 3.6.


$ git clone
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Detail info

To detect item was chosen Haar feature-based cascade classifier proposed by Paul Viola and Michael Jones, which is implemented in OpenCV library.

Procedure of generating classifier consists of two main steps:

  1. Generating .vec file based on special prepared file with references to images, coordinates and size of tennis balls (positives),
  2. Training classifier based on .vec file and special prepared file with references to images that does not contain tennis balls (negatives).

Vector file composed of positives

Using Google were collected 25 images that contains tennis balls. Then tennis balls has been cut, cropped to 114x114 pixels and saved to pos_sample/ directory. Unfortunately, this is not enough to get classifier of great quality, cause there is a need to have at least few hundred of positives. Then Ubuntu library libopencv-dev comes with help by offering opencv_createsamples method that allows to create as many positives as we want. Refering to documentation:

"...The scheme of test samples creation is similar to training samples creation since each test sample is a background image into which a randomly distorted and randomly scaled instance of the object picture is pasted at a random position..." [1].

Using script 1800 grayscale negatives in 200x200 pixels size were collected to neg/ directory.

To automatize process of generating positives bash script was written ( First of all few variables were defined:

DIM=$1  # command line argument, to square with the edge with $DIM length wil be cropped image

POS=25  # amount of positive samples
NEG=1800  # amount of negatives
NEG_PER_POS=72  # basically NEG/POS
NEG_PER_POS_2_3=48  # 2/3 * NEG_PER_POS
SAMPLES=1200  # amount of generated positives, NEG_PER_POS_2_3*POS

Then in loop to every positive sample have been assigned 72 (NEG_PER_POS) negative photos and using opencv_createsamples command were created 48 (NEG_PER_POS_2_3) positive images for every positive sample. So after this procedure there should be 1200 (SAMPLES) positives - 48 per single positive sample with unique negative image as a background:

for (( i=1; i<=$POS; i++)) do
	mkdir net$i
	for (( j=$START + 1; j<=$START+$NEG_PER_POS; j++)) do
		cp neg/$j.jpg net$i
	find net$i -iname "*.jpg" > net$i.txt
	opencv_createsamples -img pos_sample/$i.png -bg net$i.txt -info info$i/info.lst -pngoutput info$i -maxxangle 0.5 -maxyangle 0.5 -maxzangle 0.5 -num $NEG_PER_POS_2_3
	sed "s/^/$i|/" info$i/info.lst >> all/info.lst
	cd info$i
	for file in *.jpg; do
		mv "$file" "../all/$i|$file"
	cd ..

After executing script above it will be visible directory all/ with 1200 positive images and file info.lst which contains information about all images. In first column there is filename, number before | means from which positive sample, image is created. In second amount of tennis balls in this photo, in third and fourth x and y coordinates appropriately and in fifth and sixth height and width in pixels:

1|0001_0056_0026_0080_0080.jpg 1 56 26 80 80
25|0042_0066_0024_0080_0080.jpg 1 66 24 80 80
25|0043_0065_0040_0056_0056.jpg 1 65 40 56 56
25|0044_0092_0047_0035_0035.jpg 1 92 47 35 35
25|0045_0017_0132_0037_0037.jpg 1 17 132 37 37

That info.lst file is consumed by command below and vector file positives.vec will be created:

opencv_createsamples -info all/info.lst -num $SAMPLES -w $DIM -h $DIM -vec positives.vec 

In terminal will be visible following output:

$ Create training samples from images collection...
$ Done. Created 1200 samples
$ root@vm1:~/home/github/tennis-ball-detector#

Training classifier

For training classifier also was created bash script ( At the beggining is created bg.txt file which contains paths for all negatives:

find neg/ -iname "*.jpg" > bg.txt

Content of bg.txt look like this:


Next few variables are defined, data/ folder is created and proper training is taking place using opencv_traincascade commmand:

STAGES=$1  # amount of training stages
DIM=$2  # same as in script
FA_RATE=$3  # false alarm rate, the smaller the longer training process will be and classifier will be beter 

NUM_POS=800  # number of positives that will be investigated in each training stage (usually 80-90% of all positives)
NUM_NEG=400  # half of NUM_POS

mkdir data
opencv_traincascade -data data -vec positives.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos $NUM_POS -numNeg $NUM_NEG -numStages $STAGES -w $DIM -h $DIM -maxFalseAlarmRate  $FA_RATE

After executing this script data/ folder will be visible with data from all stages and main classifier in cascade.xml file:

$ root@vm1:~/home/github/tennis-ball-detector/data# ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5657 Apr  4 12:16 cascade.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  594 Apr  4 12:16 params.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1461 Apr  4 12:16 stage0.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1463 Apr  4 12:16 stage1.xml



$ chmod 777
$ chmod 777
$ ./ 22
$ ./ 12 22 0.25

For testing classifier quality was created script which takes two arguments - path to directory where images for tennis balls detection are stored and path to classifier:

$ python3 images/ data/cascade.xml

Directory results will be created that contains images from images with tennis balls marked in green squares and text files with detail info about detected balls.



Text file:

ball_no_0: coords (585, 12), size 56x56
ball_no_1: coords (115, 241), size 72x72
ball_no_2: coords (96, 296), size 71x71
ball_no_3: coords (629, 279), size 79x79
ball_no_4: coords (178, 129), size 57x57

You can test classifier from classifiers/ directory created using parameters STAGES=12, DIM=24, FA_RATE=0.25:

python images/ classifiers/cascade_12stages_24dim_0_25far.xml


[1] libopencv-dev Ubuntu documentation

[2] Creating your own Haar Cascade OpenCV Python Tutorial


OpenCV project for detecting tennis balls in images







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