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Added plugin for the Personal Eventing Protocol ( XEP-0163 )
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flosse committed Nov 30, 2010
1 parent f8465cc commit 6ba5295
Showing 1 changed file with 337 additions and 0 deletions.
337 changes: 337 additions & 0 deletions pep/strophe.pep.js
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
This plugin is distributed under the terms of the MIT licence.
Please see the LICENCE file for details.
Copyright (c) Markus Kohlhase, 2009-2010

* File: strophe.pep.js
* A Strophe plugin for XMPP Personal Eventing Protocol.

// Extend the Strophe.Connection object.

_connection: null,

// called by the Strophe.Connection constructor

init: function( conn ){

this._connection = conn;
Strophe.addNamespace( 'PUBSUB', "" );
Strophe.addNamespace( 'PUBSUB_EVENT', "" );


* Obejct for global options.

defaults: {
matchBare: true

* Function: subscribe
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - JID to subscribe to.
* (String) node - Node to subscribe to.
* (Function) success - Callback function on successfull subscription.
* (Function) error - Callback function on error.
* (Function) handler - Message handler for the subscribed node.
* (Boolean) matchBare -

subscribe: function( jid, node, success, error, handler, matchBare ){

var that = this;

this.createSubscriptionIQ( jid, node, matchBare ),
function( iq ){
if( handler ){
that._addPepHandler( handler, jid, node, matchBare );
if( success ){
success( iq );

* Function: unsubscribe
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - Jabber ID
* (String) node - The node
* (Function) sucess - The success callback function
* (Function) error - The error callback function
* (Boolean) matchBare -

unsubscribe: function( jid, node, success, error, matchBare ){

this.createUnsubscriptionIQ( jid, node, matchBare ),

* Function: publish
* Parameters:
* (String) node - The node.
* (Object) content - The DOM Object(s)
* (Function) success - The callback function on success.
* (Function) error - The callback function on error.

publish: function( node, content, success, error ){

this.createPublishIQ( node, content ),

* PrivateFunction: _addPepHandler
* Parameters:
* (Function) handler - Callback function
* (String) jid - JID
* (String) node - The node
* (Boolean) matchBare -
* Returns:
* A reference to the handler.

_addPepHandler: function( handler, jid, node, matchBare ){

var that = this;

if( matchBare === true ){
jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid( jid );

if( matchBare !== false && matchBare !== true ){
matchBare = this.defaults.matchBare;

return this._connection.addHandler(
function( msg ){
if( that.isCorrectNode( msg, node ) ){
return handler( msg );
return true;
{ matchBare: matchBare }

* PrivateFunction: isCorrectNode
* Parameters:
* (Object) msg - The message
* (String) node - The name of the node that should match
* Returns:
* True if the node mathes.

isCorrectNode: function( msg, node ){

if( msg.childNodes.length > 0 ){

var event = msg.childNodes[0];
var items = event.childNodes[0];

if( event.tagName === "event" &&
event.getAttribute('xmlns') === Strophe.NS.PUBSUB_EVENT &&
items.getAttribute('node') === node ){
return true;
return false;

* PrivateFunction: createSubscriptionIQ
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - JabberID
* (String) node - The node
* (Boolean) matchBare -
* Returns:
* (Object) iq - IQ stanza to subscibe

createSubscriptionIQ: function( jid, node, matchBare ){

var iqid = this._connection.getUniqueId("pepsubscriptioniq");

return $iq({ type: 'set', to: jid, id: iqid })
.c("pubsub", { xmlns: Strophe.NS.PUBSUB })
.c("subscribe", { node: node, jid: this.getJid( matchBare ) } );

* PrivateFunction: createUnsubscriptionIQ
* Parameters:
* (String) jid - JabberID
* (String) node - The node
* (Boolean) matchBare -
* Returns:
* (Obejct) iq - IQ stanza to unsubscribe

createUnsubscriptionIQ: function( jid, node, matchBare ){

var iqid = this._connection.getUniqueId("pepunsubscriptioniq");

return $iq({ type: 'set', to: jid, id: iqid })
.c("pubsub", { xmlns: Strophe.NS.PUBSUB })
.c("unsubscribe", { node: node, jid: this.getJid( matchBare ) } );


* PrivateFunction: createPublishIQ
* Parameters:
* (String) node - The node
* (Object) content - The content as an DOM object or an array of DOM objets

createPublishIQ: function( node, content ){

var pubid = this._connection.getUniqueId("peppublishiq");

if( !this.isArray(content) ){
content = [content];

var iq = $iq({ type: 'set' })
.c("pubsub", { xmlns: Strophe.NS.PUBSUB })
.c("publish", { node: node } );

for( var i in content ){

if( content[i] ){

var c = content[i];

if( this.isNode(c) || this.isElement ){
iq.c("item").cnode( c ).up().up();
return iq;

* PrivateFunction: getJid
* Parameters:
* (Boolean) matchBare
* Returns:
* (Boolean) jid - The Jabber ID of the current connection.
* If global option matchBare is set to TRUE the bare JID will be returned.

getJid: function( matchBare ){
if( matchBare === false ){
return this._connection.jid;
else if( matchBare === true ){
return Strophe.getBareJidFromJid( this._connection.jid );
if( this.defaults.matchBare === true ){
return Strophe.getBareJidFromJid( this._connection.jid );
return this._connection.jid;

* PrivateFunction: isNode
* Parameters:
* ( Object ) obj - The object to test
* Returns:
* True if it is a DOM node

isNode: function( obj ){

if( typeof( Node ) === "object" ){
return ( obj instanceof Node );
return ( typeof( obj ) === "object" && typeof( obj.nodeType ) === "number" && typeof( obj.nodeName ) === "string");

* PrivateFunction: isElement
* Parameters:
* ( Object ) obj - The object to test
* Returns:
* True if it is a DOM element.

isElement: function( obj ){

if( typeof( HTMLElement ) === "object"){
return ( obj instanceof HTMLElement ); //DOM2
} else{
return ( typeof( obj ) === "object" && obj.nodeType === 1 && typeof( obj.nodeName ) === "string" );

* PrivateFunction: isArray
* Checks if an given object is an array.
* Parameters:
* (Object) obj - The object to test
* Returns:
* True if it is an array.

isArray: function( obj ){
return obj && obj.constructor.toString().match(/array/i) !== null ;
} catch( e ){
return false;


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