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CSS, Sass, Less, Stylus

rafamadriz edited this page Mar 27, 2021 · 1 revision
Prefix Snippets
ai align-items : flex-start;
aib align-items : baseline;
aic align-items : center;
aifs align-items : flex-start;
aife align-items : flex-end;
ais align-items : stretch;
as align-self : flex-start;
ani animation : name 1s linear;
anide animation-delay : 1s;
anidi animation-direction : alternate;
anidu animation-duratuion : 1s;
anifm animation-fill-mode : forwards;
aniic animation-iteration-count: infinite;
anin animation-name : name;
anips animation-play-state : paused;
anitf animation-timing-function: linear;
bg background : #fff;
bga background-attachment : fixed;
bgc background-color : #fff;
bgcl background-clip : border-box;
bgi background-image : url("background.jpg");
bgo background-origin : border-box;
bgp background-position : left top;
bgr background-repeat : no-repeat;
bgrr background-repeat : repeat;
bgrx background-repeat : repeat-x;
bgry background-repeat : repeat-y;
bgrn background-repeat : no-repeat;
bgs background-size : cover;
bor border : 1px solid #000;
born border : none;
borc border-color : #000;
bors border-style : solid;
borw border-width : 1px;
borb border-bottom : 1px solid #000;
borl border-left : 1px solid #000;
borr border-right : 1px solid #000;
bort border-top : 1px solid #000;
br border-radius : 2px;
bot bottom : 0;
bos box-shadow : 1px 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
boz box-sizing : border-box;
clr clear : both;
col color : #000;
con content : '';
cur cursor : auto;
curp cursor : pointer;
curd cursor : default;
dis display : none;
disb display : block;
disi display : inline-block;
disn display : none;
disf display : flex;
flex flex : 1 1 auto;
fle flex : 1 1 auto;
fld flex-direction : row;
fldr flex-direction : row;
fldc flex-direction : column;
flf flex-flow : row, wrap;
flw flex-wrap : wrap;
fl float : left;
fll float : left;
flr float : right;
fln float : none;
ff font-family : arial;
fz font-size : 12px;
fst font-style : italic;
fsti font-style : italic;
fstn font-style : normal;
fsto font-style : oblique;
fw font-weight : bold;
fwb font-weight : bold;
fwl font-weight : light;
fwn font-weight : normal;
ft font : 12px/1.5;
hei height : 1px;
jc justify-content : flex-start;
jcfe justify-content : flex-end;
jcfs justify-content : flex-start;
jcc justify-content : center;
jcsa justify-content : space-around;
jcsb justify-content : space-between;
lis list-style : disc outside;
lisp list-style-position : outside;
list list-style-type : disc;
listc list-style-type : circle;
listd list-style-type : disc;
listlr list-style-type : lower-roman;
listn list-style-type : none;
lists list-style-type : square;
listur list-style-type : upper-roman;
lef left : 0;
lh line-height : 1.5;
ls letter-spacing : 2px;
lsn letter-spacing : normal;
mar margin : 0;
marb margin-bottom : 0;
marl margin-left : 0;
marr margin-right : 0;
mart margin-top : 0;
mara margin : 0 auto;
mih min-height : 1px;
miw min-width : 1px;
mah max-height : 1px;
maw max-width : 1px;
opa opacity : 0;
ov overflow : visible;
ova overflow : auto;
ovh overflow : hidden;
ovs overflow : scroll;
ovv overflow : visible;
pad padding : 0;
padb padding-bottom : 0;
padl padding-left : 0;
padr padding-right : 0;
padt padding-top : 0;
pos position : relative;
posa position : absolute;
posf position : fixed;
posr position : relative;
poss position : sticky;
rig right : 0;
ta text-align : center;
tac text-align : center;
tal text-align : left;
tar text-align : right;
td text-decoration : none;
tdu text-decoration : underline;
tdn text-decoration : none;
tdl text-decoration : line-through;
ti text-indent : 2em;
ts text-shadow : 1px 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
tt text-transform : capitalize;
top top : 0;
va vertical-align : baseline;
vab vertical-align : bottom;
vam vertical-align : middle;
vat vertical-align : top;
vis visibility : visible;
visv visibility : visible;
vish visibility : hidden;
wb word-break : break-all;
wid width : 0;
wida width : auto;
ws white-space : nowrap;
wsn white-space : nowrap;
wsp white-space : pre;
ww word-wrap : break-word;
zi z-index : -1;
imp @import 'filename';
inc @include mixin;
key @keyframes name {};
med @media screen and (max-width: 300px) {}
mix @mixin name {}
! !important
i !important
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