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extends mysql npm's package and provide a cli for database schema diff and updating

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Extends mysql npm's package and provide a cli for database schema diff and updating


$> npm -g install rm-mysql


var config = require('./config.js');
var Model = require('rm-mysql');
var model = new Model(config);

config & cli

Create a config.js file at the root of the project with a mysql field containing the connection configuration :

$> emacs config.js
module.exports = {
    mysql: {
        host: 'xxx',
        user: 'xxx',
        database: 'xxx_xxx',
        password: 'xxx',
        charset: 'utf8mb4',
        /* use any config supported by npm mysql */
    logger: console,
    schema: require('./schema.js'),

create a schema file

$> emacs schema.js
module.exports = {
    user: {
        columns: {
            id: { nullable: false, type: 'int', autoincrement: true, primary: true },
            enable: { nullable: false, type: 'tinyint', default: '0' },
            name: { nullable: false, type: 'varchar', maxlength: 50, collation: 'utf8mb4_general_ci' },
            email: { nullable: false, type: 'varchar', maxlength: 50, collation: 'utf8mb4_general_ci' },
            password: { nullable: false, type: 'varchar', maxlength: 50, collation: 'utf8mb4_general_ci' },
            groupId: {
                nullable: true,
                type: 'int',
                foreign: {
                    name: 'user_group',
                    table: 'group',
                    column: 'id',
                    delete: 'CASCADE',
                    update: 'CASCADE',
            updatedAt: { nullable: false, type: 'datetime' },
            createdAt: { nullable: false, type: 'datetime' },
        uniques: {
            uniqueEmail: ['email'],
        comment: "user table contains all data of the user",
    group: {
        columns: {
            id: { nullable: false, type: 'int', autoincrement: true, primary: true },
            name: { nullable: false, type: 'varchar', maxlength: 50, collation: 'utf8mb4_general_ci' },
            updatedAt: { nullable: false, type: 'datetime' },
            createdAt: { nullable: false, type: 'datetime' },
        comment: "group table",

Will generate the proper "create / alter table" to update database to match schema.js

$> modeltools update

Will do the opposite. Generate a schema from the database schema

$> modeltools update

Execute custom sql on database

$> modeltools exec "select 1"

See more commands by typings

$> modeltools


model.query('select 1 as x', function(err, data) {
    // data : [{x: 1}]

model.queryOne('select 1 as x', function(err, data) {
    // data : {x: 1}

model.queryNb('select 1 as x', function(err, data) {
    // data : 1


escape a single value

// 'a'

escape multiple ids : ensures all given ids are integers (for use in IN clause for exemple) :

// 1,2,3

clean an object according to database schema. will sanitize fields for a safe insert/update and removes fields that do not exist in database.

var cleanObject = model.clean(object)


data is autoescaped according to model schema. The generated id is returned automatically

model.insert('user', {
    name: 'test',
    age: 12
}, function(err, data){
    data : {
        id: 1,
        name: 'test',
        age: 12,

insertIgnore('user', object, callback);
insertMulti('user', arrayOfObjects, callback);


In the user table, the id is a primary key, therefore it will generate "where id = 1" and update the name

model.update('user', {
    id: 1,
    name: 'newname',
}, function(err, data){

if the key already exists update instead of inserting

model.insertOrUpdate('user', object, callback);


model.delete('user', 1, callback)

generating where clause

var where = [];
where.push('name like '%test%')
where.push('age > 20')
model.query('select * from user ${model.where(where)}')

generating order by

var orderBy = {id: 'ASC'};
model.query('select * from user ${model.orderBy(orderBy)}')

closing connections


log format

This package calls the logger in that way :

logger[level](key, message, obj, callback);

  • level : can be info, error, warn
  • key : the package name
  • message : blablabla
  • obj (optional) : additional data in an object
  • callback (optional) : called when the data is logged


In a terminal

cd test
docker-compose up

In another

cd test
node ../modeltools.js create
node ../modeltools.js update


extends mysql npm's package and provide a cli for database schema diff and updating






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