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The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network (CKAN)

This document is a draft and may change. Contributions welcome.

This is a Request For Comments on the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network (CKAN). Please open discussions in the issues list, and send pull requests to patch this document and associated files.

This document, and all associated files, are licensed under your choice of the Creative Commons Attribution license 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0), Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL), or the MIT license (MIT).


There have been many comprehensive archive networks for various languages and platforms. While the original network was for TeX (the CTAN), the most successful has been for Perl (the CPAN), with over 11,000 contributors and 30,000 distributions.

The goal of the CKAN is to provide a network that is easy to use for both mod authors and end users. By providing a standardised way to release and install modules, it is hoped that many of the misinstall problems will be eliminated (reducing the workload on authors), and a more straightforward path of installing mods is provided (making it easier for users to use mods).


The fundamental design of the CKAN is as follows:

  • Each distribution (a mod and its associated files) must have an associated meta-data file that describes its contents.
  • The meta-data file must be detachable from the distribution itself. This facilities easy building of indexes, and means meta-data can be created independently of the distribution itself, easing adoption by authors.
  • The meta-data file should be included in the distribution whenever possible.


A JSON Schema is provided for validation purposes. Any CKAN file must conform to this schema to be considered valid.

The CKAN file

A CKAN file is designed to contain all the relevant meta-info about a mod, including its name, license, download location, dependencies, compatible versions of KSP, and the like. CKAN files are simply JSON files.

When included in a distribution, the metadata must be included in a file with a .ckan extension, which contains JSON data. The guidelines for the file name and location are:

  • The name of the file should match the identifier field for the mod it describes. (Eg: RealSolarSystem.ckan)

  • The name of the file may be appended with a dash, followed by the version number of the mod it describes (Eg: RealSolarSystem-7.3.ckan).

  • When bundled with the mod, the CKAN file should be placed in the same directory as the main mod itself. (Eg: RealSolarSystem/RealSolarSystem.ckan or GameData/ExampleMod/ExampleMod.ckan).

The CKAN metadata spec is inspired by the CPAN metadata spec and the KSP-RealSolarSystem-Bundler

Example CKAN file

    "name"       : "Real Solar System",
    "identifier" : "RealSolarSystem",
    "abstract"   : "Resizes and rearranges the Kerbal system to more closely resemble he Solar System",
    "download"   : "",
    "license"    : "CC-BY-NC-SA",
    "version"    : "7.3",
    "release_status" : "stable",
    "min_ksp" : "0.24.2",
    "max_ksp" : "0.24.2",
    "requires" : [
        { "name" : "RealSolarSystemTextures" }
    "recommends" : [
        { "name" : "RealismOverhaul" }
    "resources" : {
        "homepage" : "",
        "github"   : {
            "url"      : "",
            "releases" : true
    "install" : [
            "file"       : "RealSolarSystem",
            "install_to" : "GameData"
    "bundles" : [
            "file"       : "ModuleManager.2.3.3.dll",
            "identifier" : "ModuleManager",
            "version"    : "2.3.3",
            "install_to" : "GameData",
            "license"    : "CC-BY-SA",
            "required"   : true
            "file"       : "CustomBiomes",
            "identifier" : "CustomBiomes",
            "version"    : "1.6.6",
            "install_to" : "GameData",
            "license"    : "CC-BY-NC-SA",
            "required"   : false

Metadata description

The metadata file provides machine-readable information about a distribution.

Mandatory fields


This is the human readable name of the mod, and may contain any printable characters. Eg: "Ferram Aërospace Research (FAR)", "Real Solar System".


A human readable description of the mod and what it does.


This is the gloablly unique identifier for the mod, and is how the mod will be referred to by other CKAN documents. It may only consist of letters, numbers, underscores, and minus signs. Eg: "FAR" or "RealSolarSystem". This is the identifier that will be used whenever the mod is referenced (by depends, conflicts, or elsewhere).

If the mod would generate a FOR pass in ModuleManager, then the identifier must be same as the ModuleManager name.


A fully formed URL, indicating where a machine may download the described version of the mod.


The license, or list of licenses, under which the mod is released. The following are valid license strings:

  • CC-BY
  • CC-BY-SA
  • CC-BY-ND
  • CC-BY-NC
  • GPLv1
  • GPLv2
  • GPLv3
  • BSD
  • MIT
  • LGPLv2.1
  • LGPLv3

A single license, or list of licenses may be provided. The following are both valid, the first describing a mod released under the BSD license, the second under the user's choice of BSD or MIT licenses.

"license" : "BSD"

"license" : [ "BSD", "MIT" ]

The version of the mod. Do not include the leading v. Due to the great variety of versioning strings out there, no restrictions are placed on this field, but it is strongly encouraged mods use versions that only consist of digits and periods (1.23, 1.3.5, etc) to allow for machine-sortable version numbers.


A list of install directives for this mod, each must contain the two mandatory directives:

  • file: The file or directory root that this directive pertains to. All leading directories are stripped from the start of the filename during install. (Eg: MyMods/KSP/Foo will be installed into GameData/Foo.)
  • install_to: The location where this section should be installed. Presently the only valid value for this entry is GameData. Paths will be preserved,

An install directive may also include the following optional fields:

  • requires: Indicates this install directive should only be triggered if the required mod has already been installed.
  • overwrite: A boolean value, if set to true, then this allows files to be overwritten during install, even if those files are from another mod.

An example set of install directives, including one that overwrites parts of OtherMod (if installed) is shown below:

"install" : [
        "file"       : "GameData/ExampleMod",
        "install_to" : "GameData"
        "file"       : "GameData/OtherMod",
        "install_to" : "GameData",
        "requires"   : "OtherMod",
        "overwrite"  : true

Optional fields


A comment field, if included, is ignored. It is not displayed to users, nor used by programs. It's primary use is to convey information to humans examining the CKAN file manually


The author, or list of authors, for this mod. No restrictions are placed upon this field.


The release status of the mod, one of alpha, beta, stable, or development. If not specified, a value of stable is assumed.


The minimum version of KSP the mod requires to operate correctly. Eg 0.23.5. If not specified, a default value of any is assumed.


The maximum version of KSP the mod requires to operate correctly. Eg 0.24.2. If not specified, a default value of any is assumed.


A list of mods which are required for the current mod to operate. At its most basic, this is an array of objects, each being a name and identifier:

"requires" : [
    { "name" : "ModuleManager" },
    { "name" : "RealFuels" },
    { "name" : "RealSolarSystem" }

Each object may also contain the optional fields min_version, max_version, and version, to more precisely describe which vesions are needed:

"requires" : [
    { "name" : "ModuleManager",   "min_version" : "2.1.5" },
    { "name" : "RealSolarSystem", "min_version" : "7.3"   },
    { "name" : "RealFuels" }

It is an error to mix version (which specifies an exact vesion) with either min_version or max_version in the same object.


A list of mods which are recommended by this mod for an optimal playing experience. This uses the same format as the requires field above.


A list of mods which conflict with this mod. This uses the same format as the requires field above.


The resources field describes additional information that a user or program may wish to know about the mod, but which are not required for its installation or indexing. Presently the following fields are described:

  • homepage is a URL that goes to the preferred landing page for the mod.
  • github is an object which must contain a url pointing to the github page for the project. It may include a releases key with a boolean value (which defaults to false) indicating if github releases should be used when searching for updates.

Example resources:

"resources" : {
    "homepage" : "",
    "github"   : {
        "url"      : "",
        "releases" : "true"

A list of mods which are included with this mod distribution, each of which is an object with the following mandatory fields:

  • file: A path to the bundled mod.
  • identifier: The identifier of the bundled mod.
  • version: The version of the bundled mod.
  • install_to Where the bundled mod should be installed to. (Currently GameData is the only valid value.)
  • license: The license or list of licenses which allowed this mod to be bundled.
  • required: Whether this mod is required for operation.

Bundled mods should not be installed if a later version of the same mod is already installed.

As an example, here is a bundles section which includes both ModuleManager and CustomBiomes

"bundles" : [
        "file"       : "ModuleManager.2.3.3.dll",
        "identifier" : "ModuleManager",
        "version"    : "2.3.3",
        "install_to" : "GameData",
        "license"    : "CC-BY-SA",
        "required"   : true
        "file"       : "CustomBiomes",
        "identifier" : "CustomBiomes",
        "version"    : "1.6.6",
        "install_to" : "GameData",
        "license"    : "CC-BY-NC-SA",
        "required"   : false

An identifier, or list of identifiers, that this module provides. This field is intended for use in modules which require one of a selection of texture downloads, or one of a selection of mods which provide equivalent functionality. For example:

"provides"  : "RealSolarSystemTextures"

It is recommended that this field be used sparingly, as all mods with the same provides string are essentially declaring they can be used interchangably.

It is considered acceptable to use this field if a mod is renamed, and the old name of the mod is listed in the provides field. This allows for mods to be renamed without updating all other mods which depend upon it.


The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network






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