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git-svn-id: 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
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dhh committed Oct 26, 2006
1 parent b9ffbd3 commit 2227a17
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Showing 2 changed files with 61 additions and 26 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions railties/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@

* Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the binding address #5133 [zsombor]

* Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoload_paths. Closes #6478 [caio]

* Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality. Closes #6480. [BobSilva]
Expand Down
85 changes: 59 additions & 26 deletions railties/lib/commands/process/spawner.rb
Expand Up @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ def self.record_pid(name = "#{OPTIONS[:process]}.spawner", id =
def self.spawn_all
OPTIONS[:instances].times do |i|
port = OPTIONS[:port] + i
print "Checking if something is already running on port #{port}..."
print "Checking if something is already running on #{OPTIONS[:address]}:#{port}..."

srv ='', port)
srv =[:address], port)
srv = nil

puts "NO"
puts "Starting dispatcher on port: #{port}"
puts "Starting dispatcher on port: #{OPTIONS[:address]}:#{port}"

Expand All @@ -44,13 +44,25 @@ def self.spawn_all

class FcgiSpawner < Spawner
def self.spawn(port)
system("#{OPTIONS[:spawner]} -f #{OPTIONS[:dispatcher]} -p #{port} -P #{OPTIONS[:pids]}/#{OPTIONS[:process]}.#{port}.pid")
cmd = "#{OPTIONS[:spawner]} -f #{OPTIONS[:dispatcher]} -p #{port} -P #{OPTIONS[:pids]}/#{OPTIONS[:process]}.#{port}.pid"
cmd << " -a #{OPTIONS[:address]}" if can_bind_to_custom_address?

def self.can_bind_to_custom_address?
@@can_bind_to_custom_address ||= /^\s-a\s/.match `#{OPTIONS[:spawner]} -h`

class MongrelSpawner < Spawner
def self.spawn(port)
system("mongrel_rails start -d -p #{port} -P #{OPTIONS[:pids]}/#{OPTIONS[:process]}.#{port}.pid -e #{OPTIONS[:environment]}")
cmd = "mongrel_rails start -d -p #{port} -P #{OPTIONS[:pids]}/#{OPTIONS[:process]}.#{port}.pid -e #{OPTIONS[:environment]}"
cmd << "-a #{OPTIONS[:address]}" if can_bind_to_custom_address?

def self.can_bind_to_custom_address?

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +111,7 @@ def self.spawn(port)
:pids => File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT + "/tmp/pids"),
:process => "dispatch",
:port => 8000,
:address => '',
:instances => 3,
:repeat => nil
Expand All @@ -110,31 +123,51 @@ def self.spawn(port)

opts.on <<-EOF
The spawner is a wrapper for spawn-fcgi and mongrel that makes it easier to start multiple
processes running the Rails dispatcher. The spawn-fcgi command is included with the lighttpd
web server, but can be used with both Apache and lighttpd (and any other web server supporting
externally managed FCGI processes). Mongrel automatically ships with with mongrel_rails for starting
The first choice you need to make is whether to spawn the Rails dispatchers as FCGI or Mongrel. By default,
this spawner will prefer Mongrel, so if that's installed, and no platform choice is made, Mongrel is used.
Then decide a starting port (default is 8000) and the number of FCGI process instances you'd
like to run. So if you pick 9100 and 3 instances, you'll start processes on 9100, 9101, and 9102.
By setting the repeat option, you get a protection loop, which will attempt to restart any FCGI processes
that might have been exited or outright crashed.
spawner # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using Mongrel if available
spawner fcgi # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using FCGI
spawner mongrel -i 5 # starts instances on 8000, 8001, 8002, 8003, and 8004 using Mongrel
spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to 9109 using Mongrel if available
spawner -p 9100 -r 5 # starts 3 instances counting from 9100 to 9102 and attempts start them every 5 seconds
The spawner is a wrapper for spawn-fcgi and mongrel that makes it
easier to start multiple processes running the Rails dispatcher. The
spawn-fcgi command is included with the lighttpd web server, but can
be used with both Apache and lighttpd (and any other web server
supporting externally managed FCGI processes). Mongrel automatically
ships with with mongrel_rails for starting dispatchers.
The first choice you need to make is whether to spawn the Rails
dispatchers as FCGI or Mongrel. By default, this spawner will prefer
Mongrel, so if that's installed, and no platform choice is made,
Mongrel is used.
Then decide a starting port (default is 8000) and the number of FCGI
process instances you'd like to run. So if you pick 9100 and 3
instances, you'll start processes on 9100, 9101, and 9102.
By setting the repeat option, you get a protection loop, which will
attempt to restart any FCGI processes that might have been exited or
outright crashed.
You can select bind address for started processes. By default these
listen on every interface. For single machine installations you would
probably want to use, hiding them form the outside world.
spawner # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002
# using Mongrel if available.
spawner fcgi # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002
# using FCGI.
spawner mongrel -i 5 # starts instances on 8000, 8001, 8002,
# 8003, and 8004 using Mongrel.
spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to
# 9109 using Mongrel if available.
spawner -p 9100 -r 5 # starts 3 instances counting from 9100 to
# 9102 and attempts start them every 5
# seconds.
spawner -a # starts 3 instances binding to localhost

opts.on(" Options:")

opts.on("-p", "--port=number", Integer, "Starting port number (default: #{OPTIONS[:port]})") { |OPTIONS[:port]| }
if spawner_class.can_bind_to_custom_address?
opts.on("-a", "--address=ip", String, "Bind to IP address (default: #{OPTIONS[:address]})") { |OPTIONS[:address]| }
opts.on("-p", "--port=number", Integer, "Starting port number (default: #{OPTIONS[:port]})") { |v| OPTIONS[:port] = v }
opts.on("-i", "--instances=number", Integer, "Number of instances (default: #{OPTIONS[:instances]})") { |v| OPTIONS[:instances] = v }
opts.on("-r", "--repeat=seconds", Integer, "Repeat spawn attempts every n seconds (default: off)") { |v| OPTIONS[:repeat] = v }
Expand Down

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