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likrura is Kucqit Word for encryption

this project made for privacy and user security


git clone
ln -s "$PWD"/likrura/likrura.bash /usr/local/bin/likrura

or, you can install it by downloading the tar.gz package then,unpack it:

tar -xz likrura.tar.gz

when unpacking was done, run the file


Bash tab completion

Add tools/likrura-bash-completion.bash to your tab completion file directory.



encrypt <file> - Encryptes file with OpenSSL AES-256 cipher block chaining. Writes an encrypted file out (ciphertext) appending .aes extension.

➜ likru kru ./secret-file
enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
➜ ls -alh
-rw-r--r--  1 user  group   1.0G Oct  1 13:33 secret-file
-rw-r--r--  1 user  group   1.0G Oct  1 13:34 secret-file.aes

You may optionally define the password to use when encrypting using the CRYPTR_PASSWORD environment variable. This enables non-interactive/batch operations.

➜ LIKRU_PASSWORD=A1EO7S9SsQYcPChOr47n cryptr encrypt ./secret-file


decrypt <file.aes> - Decrypt encrypted file using OpenSSL AES-256 cipher block chaining. Writes a decrypted file out (plaintext) removing .aes extension.

➜ ls -alh
-rw-r--r--  1 user  group   1.0G Oct  1 13:34 secret-file.aes
➜ likru dru ./secret-file.aes
enter aes-256-cbc decryption password:
➜ ls -alh
-rw-r--r--  1 user  group   1.0G Oct  1 13:35 secret-file
-rw-r--r--  1 user  group   1.0G Oct  1 13:34 secret-file.aes

You may optionally define the password to use when decrypting using the CRYPTR_PASSWORD environment variable. This enables non-interactive/batch operations.

➜ LIKRU_PASSWORD=A1EO7S9SsQYcPChOr47n cryptr decrypt ./secret-file.aes


help - Displays help

➜ likru help
Usage: likru command <command-specific-options>

  kru <file>       Encrypt file
  dru <file.aes>   Decrypt encrypted file
  help                 Displays help
  version              Displays the current version


version - Displays the current version

➜ likru version
likrura 1.0.0


default - Displays the current version and help

➜ likru
likrura 1.0.0

Usage: likru command <command-specific-options>

  kru <file>       Encrypt file
  dru <file.aes>   Decrypt encrypted file
  help                 Displays help
  version              Displays the current version