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Wreath Webring Template

Wreath is a template for building a webrings with Jekyll on GitHub Pages.


To add a person to the webring, create a file in the _ring folder named YOUR_NAME.html -- this name won't be used anywhere except for in the URL of the navbar widget. Its content should be like this:

href: "<url>"
name: "<name>"
blurb: |

<extra html>


  • <url> is the URL of their website, that links in the webring for your website will point to.
  • <name> is the name shown in the navbar widget, and on the index page.
  • <description> is a brief description, used in the listing on the index page.

You can also have a look at existing entries to see examples

How to embed the navbar

Once you're part of this webring, it's highly recommended that you add the navbar widget to your website. To do so, include the following html snippet, replacing YOUR_NAME with the username you registered with.

    width: 100%;
    max-width: 30rem;
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;
    height: 3rem;
    border: none;
  src="{{ "/embed/YOUR_NAME" | absolute_url }}"

Feel free to tweak the style attribute -- these are just defaults that work for most people.

You can specify <extra html> to inject extra CSS to your widget to make it fit in better with your website.

A note about dark-themed website and iframe backgrounds

The embed is capable of rendering in both light or dark mode. However, unless you website is correctly configured for it, it may be styled incorrectly:

Additional background Unreadable text
Widget with extra grey background Widget with black text on dark background

The cause of this is that the browser, by default, assumes your website is light-themed, and either inserts a background (case 1), or uses colours suitable for light-themed websites (case 2). As such, these problems are also more likely to occur in dark-themed websites.

If you already have <meta name="color-scheme" content="dark light">, or have color-scheme: dark light in your CSS (or similar two-valued color-scheme), you shouldn't need to do anything!

Otherwise, if your website:

  • is always dark-themed, add <meta name="color-scheme" content="dark"> to the <head> of your pages.

  • is always light-themed, add <meta name="color-scheme" content="light"> to the <head> of your pages.

  • supports both light and dark theme (e.g. via a theme toggle, or because you respect prefers-color-scheme), then you need to apply certain CSS rules depending on whether your website is in light or dark mode:

    • In light mode, apply color-scheme: light to :root or html or body
    • In dark mode, apply color-scheme: dark to :root or html or body

    Make sure they are also correct for the default theme you use!

For users of this template

you may wish to remove this section when you use this template

To build the site locally, you can use, which requires Docker. It spins up a Docker container that serves the website on port 5000.

After copying this template, you should change title in _config.yml to the actual name of your webring. You can also edit the widget by changing _layouts/embed.html. Since this uses Jekyll, you can also add additional pages to the ring's website by creating .md or .html files in the root folder. See the Jekyll documentation for more information.

About the Wreath webring template

This template is a cleaned up version of another webring I ran for a bit in late 2021 -- sike lipu, a webring for fans of toki pona that were in the ma pona discord server. I ended up shutting it down in 2021 during a period in my life where I didn't have the time to maintain it.

However, it still kinda lived on as something that inspired the bucket webring, and eventually this webring template. Turns out, it's actually quite a neat and simple implementation of a webring, that also happens to be completely JS-free!