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Form Post Method1_0_x

Ralph Schaer edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 11 revisions


Form post methods need to fulfill some requirements:

  • These annotation are present
    • @ExtDirectMethod(ExtDirectMethodType.FORM_POST)
    • @ResponseBody
    • @RequestMapping
  • The value of the @RequestMapping method attribute is RequestMethod.POST
  • The method is a member of a Spring MVC @Controller bean
  • The method returns an instance of ExtDirectResponse
    public class Profile {
      @RequestMapping(value = "/updateBasicInfo", method = RequestMethod.POST)
      public ExtDirectResponse updateBasicInfo(Locale locale, HttpServletRequest request, @Valid BasicInfo basicInfo, BindingResult result) {
        if (!result.hasErrors()) {
          if (basicInfo.getEmail().equals("")) {
            result.rejectValue("email", null, "email already taken");
        ExtDirectResponseBuilder builder = new ExtDirectResponseBuilder(request);
        builder.addErrors(locale, result);

Such a method supports all the arguments a normal Spring MVC method does:

Validation is also working the same way:

The class ExtDirectResponseBuilder helps building the mandatory response object ExtDirectResponse.


To configure a form post handler simply configure the submit property in the api configuration of BasicForm.

  //Ext JS 3.x
  var basicInfo = new Ext.form.FormPanel( {
  //Ext JS 4.x
  var basicInfo = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
    api: {
      submit: profile.updateBasicInfo


It's possible to send additional parameters with the submit method.

  basicInfo.getForm().submit( {
    params: {
      foo: 'bar',
      uid: 34