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And. That. Is. It.

Adding new versions

  1. Add new versions workflow will create a PR,
  2. A CODEOWNER will need to review and approve the PR,
  3. Upon review, the Validate PR workflow will run to meet merge requirements,
  4. The PR can be merged after all checks pass,
  5. Once merged, the Publish Images workflow will run:
    • Validates versions file,
    • Prebuild information collection,
    • Image's built with docker buildx action,
    • CPU arch specific tags published

Merging PRs & Image Releases

Before a PR can be merged it must be:

  • Reviewed and Approved by at least 1 user assigned in CODEOWNERS,
  • passing the Check kubectl release versions action.

Digging Deeper

The source for the versions to create the images is in versions.txt. This file is maintained by the scheduled add-new-veresions.yml workflow which automatically looks up new versions and creates a pull request. Additionally, you can manually add entries to it or manually run the GitHub Actions workflow to create an automatic PR on-demand.

Scripts live in the ./scripts directory:

  • Checks GitHub releases for kubernetes/kubernetes with a version regex, checks if the image already exists, and if not, adds it to versions.txt.
  • Checks if the binaries exists for all architectures for versions in versions.txt.
  • Compares versions in versions.txt to filter out new versions into new-versions.txt temp file. (Based on existing image versions defined by $EXISTING_VERSIONS env variable.)


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.