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Rancher 2.5

Jacob Payne edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 8 revisions


  • Shipped: Oct 5, 2020


Release Notes

Release Goals

Rancher 2.5 is focused on managing Kubernetes resources at scale. As part of the transformation, Rancher will expose Kubernetes resources allowing for GitOps workflows to manage Rancher.

GitOps at Scale with Rancher Continuous Deliver powered by Fleet

Kubernetes manifests offer a declarative syntax that makes it possible to deploy infrastructure and applications. In Rancher 2.5 users will be able to manage these Kubernetes manifests across 1 Million clusters through Fleet management. Users will be able to define Kubernetes resources and target groups of clusters for deployment. The deployment of these manifests can be achieved via CLI and a catalog based experience in the UI.

Cloud-Hosted provisioning v2

In Rancher 2.5 cloud-hosted provisioning will take advantage of new features of the cloud-hosted providers to allow autoscaling and node management. Users will be able to deploy, upgrade, and configure clusters directly through the Rancher UI and new Kubernetes custom resources. Additionally, Rancher will be able to manage imported EKS clusters so that users can upgrade and configure EKS through Ranchers.


RKE 2 will be a new CNCF certified distribution option for users who need SELinux, FIPS compliance, or expanded container runtime options. RKE 2 will install as a single self-contained binary that includes all Kubernetes components, etcd, and containerd. No external container runtime is required for installation or operation. Users will be able to disable built-in components and use alternatives if needed.

Install and Run Rancher Everywhere

Rancher is now able to install on any Kubernetes cluster. With the GA release of the Cluster Explorer, dashboard users have access to a new Apps catalog to deploy day 2 operations tooling. Also available, is a new Rancher backup utility allowing users to safely backup the Rancher application on any Kubernetes distribution. The new backups can be restored to any Kubernetes cluster.

Additional Features

  • Longhorn - custom UX for managing Rancher Longhorn storage.
  • Rancher Monitoring and Alerts Powered by Prometheus Operator - Monitoring updates will allow the cluster level Prometheus to scrape custom metrics. Operators * will have access to customize the configuration.
  • Logging powered by Banzi Cloud Logging operator - Will introduce filtering capabilities and expose more configuration options to the end-user.
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