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Global Descriptor Table (GDT)

randcode-generator edited this page Sep 8, 2014 · 5 revisions

In code 1, the code segment is at 0x08 and data segment is at 0x10. Note that in order to jump to print function after GDT is turned on, we need to specify the code segment which is 0x08

jmp     0x08:print

In code 2, the code segment is at 0x10 and data segment is at 0x10. Note that we specify 0x10 instead of 0x08 because the code and data segment has been swapped.

jmp     0x10:print

Code 1 : the code segment is at 0x08 and data segment is at 0x10

[ORG 0x7c00]
jmp main

msg db 'Welcome to RandCodeOS', 0

; null descriptor: 8 bytes of zeros
    dd      0
    dd      0
; GDT code descriptor -- offset is 0x08
    dw      0xFFFF          ; segment limit (0:15)
    dw      0               ; base address (0:15)
    db      0               ; base address (16:23)
    db      10011010b       ; 1001b-1 for present
                            ;      -00 for privilage level
                            ;      -1 for descriptor type (code or data)
                            ; 1010b-segment type (execute/read)
    db      11001111b       ; 1100b-1 for granularity
                            ;      -1 for operation size (0-16 bit, 1-32 bit)
                            ;      -0 reserved bit
                            ;      -0 available for software use
                            ; 1111b segment limit(16:19)
    db      0               ; base address (24:31)
; GDT data descriptor -- offset is 0x10
    dw      0xFFFF          ; segment limit (0:15)
    dw      0               ; base address (0:15)
    db      0               ; base address (16:23)
    db      10010010b       ; 1001b-1 for present
                            ;      -00 for privilage level
                            ;      -1 for descriptor type (code or data)
                            ; 0010b-segment type (read/write)
    db      11001111b       ; 1100b-1 for granularity
                            ;      -1 for operation size (0-16 bit, 1-32 bit)
                            ;      -0 reserved bit
                            ;      -0 available for software use
                            ; 1111b segment limit(16:19)    
    db      0               ; base address (24:31)
    dw      gdt_info_end - gdt_info - 1     ; GDT size
    dd      gdt_info                        ; base of GDT

    cli                     ; disable interrupts
    pusha                   ; push all registers into stack
    lgdt    [gdt_entry]     ; load GDT
    popa                    ; Restores all registers from stack

    ; Go into protected mode
    ; set cr0 register to 1
    mov     eax, cr0
    mov     eax, 1
    mov     cr0, eax

    ; Jump to print
    ; Note: 0x08 is our code segment as specified in our GDT
    jmp     0x08:print

bits 32
    mov     eax, 0x10
    mov     ds, eax             ; set ds to 0x10 (as specified in GDT)
    mov     eax, 0xb8000        ; start of color video memory
    mov     ebx, 0              ; bx is going to be our string offset
    mov     edx, 0              ; dx is going to be our memory offset
    ; must be aligned as the following
    ; byte 1: character
    ; byte 2: the color of character
    movzx   cx, byte[msg + ebx] ; copy character from msg plus offset into cx
                                ; NOTE: must specify to copy a byte
    mov     [eax + edx], cx     ; copy character (cx) into memory
    push    cx                  ; save the character by pushing to stack
    mov     cx, 5               ; 5 is the color Magenta
    mov     [eax + edx + 1], cx ; copy into memory
    pop     cx                  ; pop value (character) from stack into cx
    inc     bx                  ; increment bx (move to next character)
    add     edx, 2              ; add memory counter by 2  
    test    cx, cx              ; test for 0
    jnz     loop                ; if not zero, go to loop

    times 510-($-$$) db 0
    db 0x55
    db 0xAA

Code 2 : the data segment is at 0x08 and code segment is at 0x10

[ORG 0x7c00]
jmp main

msg db 'Welcome to RandCodeOS', 0

; null descriptor: 8 bytes of zeros
    dd      0
    dd      0
; GDT data descriptor -- offset is 0x08
    dw      0xFFFF          ; segment limit (0:15)
    dw      0               ; base address (0:15)
    db      0               ; base address (16:23)
    db      10010010b       ; 1001b-1 for present
                            ;      -00 for privilage level
                            ;      -1 for descriptor type (code or data)
                            ; 0010b-segment type (read/write)
    db      11001111b       ; 1100b-1 for granularity
                            ;      -1 for operation size (0-16 bit, 1-32 bit)
                            ;      -0 reserved bit
                            ;      -0 available for software use
                            ; 1111b segment limit(16:19)    
    db      0               ; base address (24:31)
; GDT code descriptor -- offset is 0x10
    dw      0xFFFF          ; segment limit (0:15)
    dw      0               ; base address (0:15)
    db      0               ; base address (16:23)
    db      10011010b       ; 1001b-1 for present
                            ;      -00 for privilage level
                            ;      -1 for descriptor type (code or data)
                            ; 1010b-segment type (execute/read)
    db      11001111b       ; 1100b-1 for granularity
                            ;      -1 for operation size (0-16 bit, 1-32 bit)
                            ;      -0 reserved bit
                            ;      -0 available for software use
                            ; 1111b segment limit(16:19)
    db      0               ; base address (24:31)
    dw      gdt_info_end - gdt_info - 1     ; GDT size
    dd      gdt_info                        ; base of GDT

    cli                     ; disable interrupts
    pusha                   ; push all registers into stack
    lgdt    [gdt_entry]     ; load GDT
    popa                    ; Restores all registers from stack

    ; Go into protected mode
    ; set cr0 register to 1
    mov     eax, cr0
    mov     eax, 1
    mov     cr0, eax

    ; Jump to print
    ; Note: 0x10 is our code segment as specified in our GDT
    jmp     0x10:print

bits 32
    mov     eax, 0x10
    mov     ds, eax             ; set ds to 0x10 (as specified in GDT)
    mov     eax, 0xb8000        ; start of color video memory
    mov     ebx, 0              ; bx is going to be our string offset
    mov     edx, 0              ; dx is going to be our memory offset
    ; must be aligned as the following
    ; byte 1: character
    ; byte 2: the color of character
    movzx   cx, byte[msg + ebx] ; copy character from msg plus offset into cx
                                ; NOTE: must specify to copy a byte
    mov     [eax + edx], cx     ; copy character (cx) into memory
    push    cx                  ; save the character by pushing to stack
    mov     cx, 5               ; 5 is the color Magenta
    mov     [eax + edx + 1], cx ; copy into memory
    pop     cx                  ; pop value (character) from stack into cx
    inc     bx                  ; increment bx (move to next character)
    add     edx, 2              ; add memory counter by 2  
    test    cx, cx              ; test for 0
    jnz     loop                ; if not zero, go to loop

    times 510-($-$$) db 0
    db 0x55
    db 0xAA