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Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)

randcode-generator edited this page Sep 10, 2014 · 5 revisions

The offset in the interrupt descriptor table is the offset of the interrupt handler (or function) to be called when interrupt is signaled.

Notice that the function interrupt0 is at 0xD2 and interrupt1 is at 0xE6. The full code is at code 2 section

   140                                  interrupt0:   
   141 000000D2 8D05[18000000]              lea     eax, [intMessage0]  ; load address of msg to eax
   142 000000D8 50                          push    eax                 ; push into stack (this will be parameter 1)
   143 000000D9 6A00                        push    0                   ; x
   144 000000DB 6A01                        push    1                   ; y
   145 000000DD E8A2FFFFFF                  call    print
   146 000000E2 83C40C                      add     esp,12              ; pop off the stack
   147 000000E5 CF                      iret
   149                                  interrupt1:
   150 000000E6 8D05[25000000]              lea     eax, [intMessage1]  ; load address of msg to eax
   151 000000EC 50                          push    eax                 ; push into stack (this will be parameter 1)
   152 000000ED 6A00                        push    0                   ; x
   153 000000EF 6A02                        push    2                   ; y
   154 000000F1 E88EFFFFFF                  call    print
   155 000000F6 83C40C                      add     esp,12              ; pop off the stack
   156 000000F9 CF                      iret

The offset for interrupt 1 is 0xD2 + 0x7c00 (remember we start at 0x7c00 therefore, our offset is 0x7cd2). The offset for interrupt 0 is 0xE6 + 0x7c00 (0x7ce6). The full code is at code 1 section

    ; interrupt 0
    db   0xD2,0x7c          ; offset(0:15)-address of interrupt 1 function (handler)
    dw   8                  ; code segment (0x08)
    db   0                  ; hard coded all zeros
    db   10001110b          ; 1000b
                            ; 1-segment present flag
                            ; 00-privilage level
                            ; 0-hard coded value
                            ; 1110b
                            ; 1-size of gate 1-32 bit, 0-16 bit
                            ; 110-hard coded value for type interrupt gate
    db   0,0                ; offset(16:31)
    ; interrupt 1
    db   0xE6,0x7c          ; address of interrupt 0 function (handler)
    dw   8                  ; code segment (0x08)
    db   0                  ; hard coded all zeros
    db   10001110b          ; 1000b
                            ; 1-segment present flag
                            ; 00-privilage level
                            ; 0-hard coded value
                            ; 1110b
                            ; 1-size of gate 1-32 bit, 0-16 bit
                            ; 110-hard coded value for type interrupt gate
    db   0,0                ; offset(16:31)

Code 1 : Added interrupt descriptor table