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Shocker is a C++ 17 project made for Linux that allows you to configure the DualShock 4 buttons/triggers/axis as:

  • Keyboard Inputs
  • Mouse Input
  • Macros
  • Commands e.g. firefox

This types of inputs are called actions. It probably works for other controllers but I haven't tested.



NewShocker is the terminal based application, you can only start the application and quit.


ShockerGUI is the GUI based application using QT-5.15, for now it only creates an SystemTrayIcon and with it you can:

  • Start getting the events controller events
  • Stop getting the events controller events
  • Quit the app

There is plans to used to it to edit or create new profiles (Not yet implemented).


If you are as lazy as I am you know there is a good reason. I wanted to be able to:

  1. Use the PS4 controller for games that don't have native support ( not perfect but it works ).
  2. Have a easier way to control stream services from afar without a janky setup.
  3. Automation of boring tasks.

Obtaining Shocker sources

$ git clone 

or alternatively

$ git clone

Building Shocker

First time you will need to execute in the project root:

$ cmake .

After that to build just run the command:

$ cmake --build .

If you want to build only the NewShocker:

$ cmake --build . --target NewShocker

If you want to build only the ShockerGUI:

$ cmake --build . --target ShockerGUI


First you need to install

$  sudo cmake --install .

To run simple execute the command

$ NewShocker 


$ ShockerGUI 

The default profile is in this path $HOME/.config/shocker/profiles/default.json, if you want to run with another profile just run

$ NewShocker <path/to/new/profile/file>

You can and should modify the default profile as what you wish.

Profiles configuration

Profiles are written in json files following this example.

  "R2": {
    "type": "button",
    "value": "ENTER"
  "R3_MU": {
    "type": "mouse",
    "value": "MOUSE_Y",
    "sensibility": 50,
    "positive": false
  "L1": {
    "type": "macro",
    "value": [
        "type": "button",
        "value": "H"
        "type": "button",
        "value": "E"
        "type": "button",
        "value": "L"
        "type": "button",
        "value": "L"
        "type": "button",
        "value": "O"

There is 4 types of actions as talked before.

They all follow the same basic layout.

    "type": type,
    "value": value

Keyboard Input:

    "type": "button",

CONTROLLER_BUTTON being the name of the key in the DualShock button that you want to bind with, and KEYBOARD_OR_MOUSE_BUTTON being the name of the keyboard or mouse button you want to press

Mouse Movement Input : For now only work with the directionals (up, right, left, down), triggers and axis of the controller.

    "type": "mouse",
    "value": "MOUSE_X"
    "positive": <bollean>,
    "sensibility": <int>

CONTROLLER_BUTTON being the name of the key in the DualShock button that you want to bind with.
In the mouse value you can only put or MOUSE_X or MOUSE_Y, they are the axis of the mouse movement.
If the positive value is true that will move the mouse in the positive direction of the axis (up if MOUSE_Y or right if MOUSE_X), if false will move in the negative direction of the axis.
Sensibility is the max amount of pixels that the axis will move in one iteration (20 ms) while the button is being held.


    "type": "macro",
    "value": [
        "type": type_of_action,
        "value": value_of_action
        "type": type_of_action,
        "value": value_of_action

CONTROLLER_BUTTON being the name of the key in the DualShock button that you want to bind with.
The value is an array of actions, can be any type of action, even macros.

Commands It will run any command you can execute in your terminal.

    "type": "command",
    "value": "COMMAND"

CONTROLLER_BUTTON being the name of the key in the DualShock button that you want to bind with.
COMMAND being the command you want to execute (It will open a non-blocking thread to execute, but It wont be able to execute again until the command exit, for safety reasons).

All keyboard and mouse button names can be found in the key_codes/keys.json file. ( Except the MOUSE_X and MOUSE_Y, it wont break but it wont move the mouse )

All controller buttons names can be found in here or in the profiles/default.json :

  • X
  • L1
  • L3
  • R1
  • R3
  • OPT
  • L2
  • R2
  • R3_MU ¹
  • R3_MR ²
  • R3_ML ³
  • R3_MD ⁴
  • L3_MU ¹
  • L3_MR ²
  • L3_ML ³
  • L3_MD ⁴
  • LEFT_BU ¹
  • LEFT_BR ²
  • LEFT_BL ³
  • LEFT_BD ⁴
  • PS

¹ UP