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Bump cypress to 13.13.2 #3604

Bump cypress to 13.13.2

Bump cypress to 13.13.2 #3604

Workflow file for this run

name: Build
- "controller/builds/**"
- ".github/workflows/docker-build.yml"
- "controller/builds/**"
- ".github/workflows/docker-build.yml"
# Cancel previous running jobs on the same branch in case of new pushs
group: build-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 10
service: [
# not used yet
# not used yet
# used by nig, sdc, highlander
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Build the Docker image
run: |
cd controller/builds
docker buildx version
docker buildx build \
--tag rapydo/${{ matrix.service }}:${RAPYDO_VERSION} \
--build-arg CURRENT_UID=1000 \
--build-arg CURRENT_GID=1000 \
${{ matrix.service }}
- name: Test fail2ban
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'fail2ban' }}
run: |
docker run --rm -d --name fail2ban --network host --cap-add NET_ADMIN --cap-add NET_RAW rapydo/${{ matrix.service }}:${RAPYDO_VERSION}
# ipt=$(docker exec fail2ban iptables -L)
# echo $ipt
# echo $ipt | grep --color "DOCKER-USER"
docker cp controller/builds/fail2ban/tests/testbed.syslog fail2ban:/tmp/
docker cp controller/confs/fail2ban fail2ban:/tmp/
docker exec fail2ban fail2ban-regex /tmp/testbed.syslog /tmp/fail2ban/filters/nginx.conf --print-all-matched > /tmp/nginx.matched
docker exec fail2ban fail2ban-regex /tmp/testbed.syslog /tmp/fail2ban/filters/nginx.conf --print-all-missed > /tmp/nginx.missed
# Verify that all rules have matches on the testbed
EXPECTED_RULES=$(grep -E "^\s+\^%\(prefix\)s<ADDR>" controller/confs/fail2ban/filters/nginx.conf | wc -l)
echo "Expected ${EXPECTED_RULES} rules in nginx.conf"
for i in $(seq 1 ${EXPECTED_RULES}); do
if ! grep -F " ${i}) [" /tmp/nginx.matched;
echo "No matches found for rule ${i}";
exit 1
A=$(expr $EXPECTED_RULES + 1)
B=$(expr $EXPECTED_RULES + 100)
for i in $(seq ${A} ${B}); do
if grep -F " ${i}) [" /tmp/nginx.missed;
echo "No matches expected to be found for rule ${i}";
exit 1
cat fail2ban/tests/testbed.blacklist | while read url
echo "grep -F \"${url}\" /tmp/nginx.matched";
if ! grep -F "${url}" /tmp/nginx.matched;
echo "Invalid result, this URL was expected to match: ${url}";
exit 1
cat fail2ban/tests/testbed.whitelist | while read url
echo "grep -F \"${url}\" /tmp/nginx.missed";
if ! grep -F "${url}" /tmp/nginx.missed;
echo "Invalid result, this URL was expected to be missed: ${url}";
exit 1
- name: Set up Python
if: ${{ matrix.service != 'fail2ban' }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: "3.12"
- name: Install RAPyDo
if: ${{ matrix.service != 'fail2ban' }}
run: |
pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir --editable .
rapydo --version
mkdir test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo install compose
- name: Test backend
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'backend' }}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo start backend
# Expected startup time: ~ 2 seconds
sleep 2
rapydo logs backend
echo -e "\nBackend is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs backend | grep "REST API backend server is ready to be launched"
- name: Test backend legacy311
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'backend-legacy311' }}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo -e BACKEND_PYTHON_VERSION=v3.11 init
rapydo start backend
# Expected startup time: ~ 2 seconds
sleep 2
rapydo logs backend
echo -e "\nBackend is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs backend | grep "REST API backend server is ready to be launched"
- name: Test backend legacy310
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'backend-legacy310' }}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo -e BACKEND_PYTHON_VERSION=v3.10 init
rapydo start backend
# Expected startup time: ~ 2 seconds
sleep 2
rapydo logs backend
echo -e "\nBackend is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs backend | grep "REST API backend server is ready to be launched"
- name: Test backend legacy39
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'backend-legacy39' }}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo -e BACKEND_PYTHON_VERSION=v3.9 init
rapydo start backend
# Expected startup time: ~ 2 seconds
sleep 2
rapydo logs backend
echo -e "\nBackend is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs backend | grep "REST API backend server is ready to be launched"
- name: Test angular
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'angular' || matrix.service == 'angular-test' }}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend angular --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo -e FRONTEND_BUILD_MODE=${{ matrix.service }} init
rapydo start frontend
# Expected startup time: ~ 3 minutes
sleep 60
if rapydo logs frontend | grep "Compiled successfully.";
echo "Angular was not expected to have started yet";
exit 1
sleep 120
rapydo logs frontend
echo -e "\nAngular is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs frontend | grep "Compiled successfully."
- name: Test proxy
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'proxy'}}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo --prod init
rapydo start proxy
rapydo ssl
# The first startup is going to be very slow due to the DHParam generation
# Can't estimate the generation time because it greatly depends on the random entropy
# 15 seconds should be enough for DHParams to complete
sleep 15
rapydo logs proxy
rapydo logs proxy | grep "Generating DSA parameters"
# Let's remove the first container and start again to verify the normal startup time
rapydo remove
rapydo start proxy
sleep 1
echo -e "\nnginx is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs proxy | grep "Starting nginx, ready to accept connections"
- name: Test neo4j
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'neo4j'}}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth neo4j --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo start neo4j
# Expected startup time: ~ 20 seconds, but with some variability
sleep 5
if rapydo logs neo4j | grep "Remote interface available at http";
echo "Neo4j was not expected to have started yet";
exit 1
sleep 15
rapydo logs neo4j
echo -e "\nNeo4j is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs neo4j | grep "Remote interface available at http"
- name: Test rabbitmq
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'rabbitmq'}}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no -s rabbit --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo start rabbit
# Expected startup time: ~ 4 seconds
sleep 2
if rapydo logs rabbit | grep "Server startup complete;";
echo "RabbitMQ was not expected to have started yet";
exit 1
sleep 2
rapydo logs rabbit
echo -e "\nRabbitMQ is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs rabbit | grep "Server startup complete;"
- name: Test redis
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'redis'}}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no -s redis --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo start redis
# Expected startup time: ~ 1 second
sleep 1
rapydo logs redis
echo -e "\nRedis is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs redis | grep "Ready to accept connections"
- name: Test postgres
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'postgres'}}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth postgres --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo start postgres
# Expected startup time: ~ 1 second
sleep 1
rapydo logs postgres
echo -e "\nPostgres is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs postgres | grep "database system is ready to accept connections"
- name: Test ftp
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'ftp'}}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no -s ftp --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo start ftp
# Expected startup time: ~ 1 second, no message is shown at startup completion...
sleep 2
rapydo logs ftp
echo -e "\nPure-FTP is expected to have completed the startup\n";
rapydo logs ftp | grep "Starting Pure-FTPd"
- name: Test adminer
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'adminer'}}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo run adminer --detach
# Expected startup time: 1-2 seconds
sleep 2
docker logs adminer
echo -e "\nAdminer is expected to have completed the startup\n";
docker logs adminer 2>&1 | grep "Development Server .* started"
- name: Test swaggerui
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'swaggerui'}}
run: |
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo run swaggerui --detach
# Expected startup time: < 1 second
sleep 1
curl http://localhost:7777
curl http://localhost:7777 | grep "Swagger UI"
docker logs swaggerui
echo -e "\nSwaggerUI is expected to have completed the startup\n";
docker logs swaggerui 2>&1 | grep "GET / HTTP/.*\" 200"
- name: Test registry
if: ${{ matrix.service == 'registry'}}
run: |
export SWARM_MODE=1
cd test-${{ matrix.service }}
rapydo create prj --auth no --frontend no --current --origin-url https://your_remote_git/your_project.git
rapydo init
rapydo run registry
# Expected startup time: 3 seconds, but sometimes it is much faster...
# so do not add a sleep before the first check
sleep 3
docker logs registry
echo -e "\nDocker Registry is expected to have completed the startup\n";
docker logs registry 2>&1 | grep "debug server listening localhost"
- name: Login to DockerHub
if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request'}}
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
- name: Docker Push
if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request'}}
run: docker push rapydo/${{ matrix.service }}:${{ env.RAPYDO_VERSION }}