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SAFE Template

This template can be used to generate a full-stack web application using the SAFE Stack. It was created using the dotnet SAFE Template. If you want to learn more about the template why not start with the quick start guide?

Install pre-requisites

You'll need to install the following pre-requisites in order to build SAFE applications

Starting the application

Before you run the project for the first time only you must install dotnet "local tools" with this command:

dotnet tool restore

To concurrently run the server and the client components in watch mode use the following command:

dotnet run

Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

The build project in root directory contains a couple of different build targets. You can specify them after -- (target name is case-insensitive).

To run concurrently server and client tests in watch mode (you can run this command in parallel to the previous one in new terminal):

dotnet run -- RunTests

Client tests are available under http://localhost:8081 in your browser and server tests are running in watch mode in console.

Finally, there are Bundle and Azure targets that you can use to package your app and deploy to Azure, respectively:

dotnet run -- Bundle
dotnet run -- Azure

SAFE Stack Documentation

If you want to know more about the full Azure Stack and all of it's components (including Azure) visit the official SAFE documentation.

You will find more documentation about the used F# components at the following places:

Updating Sample

Follow these steps to setup B2C tennant etc. Docs.

Navigate to Auth.fs in CLient Project and update AADB2C configuration

let msalConfig ={|
          redirectUri= "https://localhost:8080/"
          postLogoutRedirectUri = "https://localhost:8080/"|};
    cache={|cacheLocation="sessionStorage"; storeAuthStateInCookie=false|}

Navigate to Server project and update appsettings.json

    //Reanme the AzureAD if you're using AAD
    "AzureAdB2C": {
        "Instance": "https://<DOMAIN>",
        "ClientId": "<API CLIENT ID>",
        "Domain": "<DOMAIN>",
        "SignUpSignInPolicyId": "", //OMIT IF USING AAD
        "ResetPasswordPolicyId": "", //OMIT IF USING AAD
        "EditProfilePolicyId": "", //OMIT IF USING AAD
        "B2CAppExtentionClientId": "", // If you're using B2C with claims. Leave this out if using AAD
        "TenantId": "",
        "ClientSecret": "" //USE ONLY IF NEEDED

Follow instrunctions above to start safe app.

Try logging in.

Supported Actions

For this sample only following methods are available on PublicClientApplication

[<Import("PublicClientApplication", from="@azure/msal-browser")>]
type PublicClientApplication (config:obj) =
    abstract member loginRedirect: request:obj -> Promise<unit>;
    abstract member loginPopup: request:obj -> Promise<AuthenticationResult option>
    abstract member logout: unit-> unit
    abstract member getAllAccounts: unit-> account[] 
    abstract member acquireTokenSilent: request:obj -> Promise<AuthenticationResult>;
    abstract member getAccountByUsername:userName: string -> AccountInfo option

Extend this as required.

To show or hide UI when user in authenticated or not use either of the following






In Auth.fs use type IdTokenClaims to retrive information about response from auth request. Initial model only has minimal claims faimily_name and given_name. Extend this as you see fit.

type IdTokenClaims =
    aud: string
    auth_time: string
    emails: string[]
    exp: int
    family_name: string
    given_name: string
    iat: int
    iss: string
    nbf: int
    nonce: string
    sub: string
    tfp: string
    ver: string }


use aquireTokenSilent(request:TokenRequest) to try and get JWT Token from B2C. This can be used to make authenticated request to server.

use TokenRequest type to request specific scopes

type TokenRequest ={

AccountInfo can be aquired by calling getAccountByUsername() on PublicClientApplication instance.


the following react hook from msal react are supported;

  1. useAccount
  2. useIsAuthenticated
  3. useMsal
  4. useMsalAuthentication