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Releases: raul-ortega/u360gts

u360gt 11.2.0 RC2

01 May 12:23
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u360gt 11.2.0 RC2 Pre-release

New features

Telemetry Forwarding function added. All telemetry input will be forwarded through the output telemetry port without any limit, all protocols are supported and no translation is applied, it works as a transparent bridge. That means if the tracker recieves FrSky X telemetry (e.g.), it should forward it as it is to the output port. Not tested yet in real flight.

In order to use this new function, features softserial and telemetry relaying has to be enabled, and the new protocol called FORWARD, that has been added to list of available protocols for telemetry relaying, has to be selected (use 8192 protocol number in serial commands from CLI in order to configure it).

Demo video 1:
Demo video 2:

Restore Last Known Home Position function added. This is one of the more demanded features by users since quite time ago. If enabled, the antenna tracker will store the home position in the non volatile memory once it has been established. If durin tracking a power reset ocurrs (e.g the users replaces the battery), the home position will restored (HOME SET LAST will be shown on display) and tracking will continue normally without the need of landing.

This functionality may be enabled by setting restore_last_home parameter to ON. After enabled, home_lat, home_lon and home_alt provide 0 values by default. Once home position is set, either from telemetry, gps or by pressing the home button, the antenna tracker will store the home position values on those parameters. After a power reset, the antenna tracker will read the stored values and restore the home position.

Note: stored lat/lon/alt values may be changed if desired before flying from a different location, the user may press home button for more than 3 seconds in order to get a new home position from the incoming telemetry stream or from local gps.


Protocol Autodetection feature has been reworkded. In order to improve acuracy for this functionallity, now it scans during 3 seconds each protocol, and once it get at least two 3D fixes, it will consider that protocol as the protocol used in incoming telemetry stream. This new way of auto detection is slower than before, but should be more acurate. In order to improve speed it is recommended to select as preferred telemetry protocol as default (e.g. whichever is used in the greatest number of your aircrafts).


CRC calculation for FrSky X telemetry (smartport). The continous FCS error is caused by the method used for cyclic redundancy checksum calculation. It depends on the way telemetry is extracted, directly from TX module, or from internal BLE module. This fix checks CRC using both methods.


Firmware v11.2.0 is full supported by u360gts-configurator v4.2.0


23 Sep 19:38
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New features

  • QMC compass is now supported.
  • Fix type is shown for FrSky X (s.port) telemetry.
  • u360gts logo is shown on OLED display during boot.
  • Average voltage is shown on OLED for crossfire and FrSky X (s.port) telemetry.


  • Some missing parameters are now printted during dump on CLI window.
  • AUTODETECT feature code re-arranged in order to avoid some erratic behavior.


  • Enabled PWM outputs for servos on CC3D boards (experimental)**.


11 Oct 16:19
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This release includes all changes maden since stable version 10.1.3 was released, up to development version 10.3.1

New Features

  • CRSF protocol from TBS Crossfire added. You need to install opentx 2.3 or greater, and more than probably an internal signal inverter inside your radio transmitter. Once this telemetry protocol is well received on your radio transmitter and data is shown on its display, you have to figure out the way to relay it out from your Taranis. For Taranis X9D, when is upgraded to opentx 2.2.4 or greater, it allows to mirror telemetry throught S.port connector. For modern Horus X10S you can use the bluetooth as telemetry mirroring. For other radio transmitters please ask the commuinity of users. In any case, 115200 bauds is the máximum baud rate supported by u360gts. More information about CRSF protocol here.

  • dump command now shows the results version, serial, feature and set command in order to retrieve the full configuration in only one command.

  • GPS health status information if provided when requested from u360gts configurator. This will do the GPS heald indicator of configurator fully functional.

  • Inverted servos may be used now. A new parameeter has been added, pan_inverted in order to allow the user to use inverted servos without the need of soldering wires. If your servo is inverted, then switch it into ON. This will no affect spinning direction during calibration process, in order to achieve a good calibration with inverted servos the user need to properly configure calibration pulse, which value should be greater than the spected stop pulse.


  • Telemetry speed value was fixed when relaying mavlink to external devices.

Other changes

  • Some code cleanning.

Flashing firmware from configurator

You may flash from u360gts - configurator without the need of executing Flash Loader Demonstrator. Follow this link in order to get latest version and instructions: u36gts-configurator

Flashing firmware with Flash Loader Demonstrator

  1. Download the latest u360gts configuration release (download from here).
  2. Download the hex file for your controller board.
  3. Turn on your controller board in "boot mode". For NAZE32/Flip32 you have to bridge boot pins before giving power.
  4. Run Flash Loader Demonstrator (download from here.)
  5. Select port, baud rate, and next.
  6. Browse and select the hex file, select Global Erase and Jump to user program options, and next.
  7. After flashing close Flash Loader Demonstrator.
  8. Run u360gts configurator, select 115200 bauds, press Connect and CLI ENTER buttons.
  9. Follow the instructions to configure your tracker.


30 Jul 23:34
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This release includes all changes maden since stable version 10.0.0 was released, up to development version 10.1.2.

New Features

  • New servo, buttons, and GPS wiring eschematics for SP Racing F3.

  • Ground speed data from Mavlink is parsed in order to be sent through outgoing telemetry (relay).

  • FrSky X Passthrough protocol automaticaly detected. If user has set Telemetry Provider as INAV because he uses it frecuently in one of the aircrafts, and would like to fly also another aircraft with Ardupilot sending FrSky X Passthrough telemetry (telemetry provider APM10), the antenna tracker will detect it and will work without configuring anything else.

  • Added new parameters:

    • align_board_roll, align_board_pitch, align_board_yaw can be set in range -180, 360 (degrees) in order to rotate board in the desired axes (experimenta purspose only).
    • telemetry_altitude_priority may be set as BARO or GPS (experimental purpose only).
    • pan_pin and tilt_pin available in order to connect pan and tilt servos to desired pins (experimental purpose only).


  • Bad count of FCS field (checksum errors) for Mavlink protocol.
  • Tilt servo doesn't move for MFD protocol.
  • Tilt servo doesn't move for FrSky X Passthrough protocol (APM10) from ardupilot.
  • Pan servo continues moving when telemetry is lost for MFD protocol.
  • Option confirmation button doesn't work in menu on OLED.
  • Inconsistent serial port list for SP Racing F3 board.

Other changes

  • Some code cleanning.

Flashing firmware from configurator

You may flash from u360gts - configurator without the need of executing Flash Loader Demonstrator. Follow this link in order to get latest version and instructions: u36gts-configurator

Flashing firmware with Flash Loader Demonstrator

Upgrading from previous version (Flash Loader Demonstrator)

  1. Be sure to run the latest u360gts configuration release (download from here).
  2. Download the hex file for your controller board.
  3. Select baud rate, connect and press CLI ENTER button
  4. Go to Cli Mode tab, press BACKUP Config and save the configuration file.
  5. Press BOOT MODE button.
  6. Run Flash Loader Demonstrator (download from here.)
  7. Select port, baud rate, and next.
  8. Browse and select the hex file, select Global Erase and Jump to user program options, and next.
  9. After flashing close Flash Loader Demonstrator.
  10. Go to u360gts configurator, select 115200 bauds, press Connect and CLI ENTER buttons.
  11. Go to Cli Mode tab and press RESTORE CONFIG.
  12. Save and you are done.

After this you are ready to connect and enter CLI Mode in order to configure the new features.

Installing for the first time (Flash Loader Demonstrator)

  1. Download the latest u360gts configuration release (download from here).
  2. Download the hex file for your controller board.
  3. Turn on your controller board in "boot mode". For NAZE32/Flip32 you have to bridge boot pins before giving power.
  4. Run Flash Loader Demonstrator (download from here.)
  5. Select port, baud rate, and next.
  6. Browse and select the hex file, select Global Erase and Jump to user program options, and next.
  7. After flashing close Flash Loader Demonstrator.
  8. Run u360gts configurator, select 115200 bauds, press Connect and CLI ENTER buttons.
  9. Follow the instructions to configure your tracker.


20 Feb 00:32
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New Features

  • Mag failure detection bypassed for all boards. This alows to run the firmware on boards without compass sensors present. Now you can upload and install the firmware and configure it if magnetometer is missing. However, in order to perform tracking or test pan servo, you have to install the magnetometer.

  • Added BLUEPILL specific target for Blue Pill board. Gyros, acc and baro code has been removed for this target, reducing the size of the firmware. The BLUEPILL hex file can be loaded on NAZE32 and Flip32 boards too, they will run it.

Read more about wiring schematics for bluepill board are here, and how to install and setup it here.

  • Parsed Aframe from LTM in order to get course data from ingoing telemetry.
  • Course is sent on Aframes in order to provide course data to outgoint LTM telemetry.
  • Aircraft home lat/lon/alt data is sent on Oframes in order to provide aircraft home position to outgoing LTM telemetry.


  • Fixed a bug on the display when the hdop data is displayed. Lat / Lon has been replaced by Pos to leave more space for hdop.

  • Fixed a bug that causes to display big numbers in altitude and distance.

  • Minus sign for negative altitudes before home is set.

  • Some bugfixes in Mavlink protocol for outgoing telemetry related with course.

Important! CC3D and SPRACINGF3 are not fully supported, there is still pending issues and more coding, testing, and feedback are needed.

Upgrading from previous version

  1. Be sure to run the latest u360gts configuration release (download from here).
  2. Download the hex file for your controller board.
  3. Select baud rate, connect and press CLI ENTER button
  4. Go to Cli Mode tab, press BACKUP Config and save the configuration file.
  5. Press BOOT MODE button.
  6. Run Flash Loader Demonstrator (download from here.)
  7. Select port, baud rate, and next.
  8. Browse and select the hex file, select Global Erase and Jump to user program options, and next.
  9. After flashing close Flash Loader Demonstrator.
  10. Go to u360gts configurator, select 115200 bauds, press Connect and CLI ENTER buttons.
  11. Go to Cli Mode tab and press RESTORE CONFIG.
  12. Save and you are done.

After this you are ready to connect and enter CLI Mode in order to configure the new features.

Installing for the first time

  1. Download the latest u360gts configuration release (download from here).
  2. Download the hex file for your controller board.
  3. Turn on your controller board in "boot mode". For NAZE32/Flip32 you have to bridge boot pins before giving power.
  4. Run Flash Loader Demonstrator (download from here.)
  5. Select port, baud rate, and next.
  6. Browse and select the hex file, select Global Erase and Jump to user program options, and next.
  7. After flashing close Flash Loader Demonstrator.
  8. Run u360gts configurator, select 115200 bauds, press Connect and CLI ENTER buttons.
  9. Follow the instructions to configure your tracker.


16 Nov 01:06
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New Features

  • Supported "Passthrough FrSky Telemetry" from Ardupilot (protocol 10).
  • The frequency at which position data is received is shown on the display (i.e. LTM from iNav is sent at 5Hz).
  • Automatic home from aircraft telemetry without local GPS.
  • Baro altitude supported for FrSky D protocol

Ardupilot Passthrough FrSky Telemetry

It is a open protocol available in ArduPilot that allows the transmission of raw data to OpenTX based transmitters, and it is optimized specifically for the FrSky datalink bandwidth. Read more about this protocol at Ardupilot Passthrough FrSky Telemetry website.

In order to use this protocol in the configurator you can activate the AUTODETECT feature or select the FRSKY X protocol in u360gts-configurator and, in addition, in CLI window you have to execute this command:

set telemetry_provider=APM10

Telemetry Frequency on Display

Data field Hz: is shown on display with the value in hertz at which telemetry position data is arriving at the tracker.It will help to us to get a better idea about how fluid is the position data stream. As an example, when using LTM protocol, iNav sends position data at 5hz, which ensures fluid tracking and good user experience.

Automatic Home from Telemetry

Thanks to this new feature local GPS is needed no more for auto tracking (unless you are planning to pilot your aircraft from a mobile platform like a car or a ship, in that case local GPS is mandatory becaus the tracker home position have to be updated continiously), and no button have to be pressed in order to set home position from telemetry ().

In order to use this feature you have to disable local GPS and set AUTO mode to telemetry_home parameter:

feature -GSP
set telemetry_home=AUTO

Note: If you want to set home manually, leave telemetry_home parameter value as DEFAULT.

You also have to set telemetry_min_sats parameter with the desired number of sats as the condition necessary for home position to be set:

set telemetry_min_sats=6

Please, be aware that the tracker will never know which is the home position that the autopilot has set for the aircraft because no frame from the telemetry stream that might carry it on is processed.

The procedure to set home automatically is described bellow:

0 - Tracker and Aircraft have no power.
1 - User powers the aircraft.
2 - Aircraft set its own home position.
3 - User checks information displayed on his ground control software or OSD data.
4 - User thiks that he has a good and stable gps signal and decide that it is a good moment to power on the tracker system.
5 - The tracker receives telemetry data from the aircraft and if the "min number of sats" condition is overcome it will use the next lat/lon data arrived as home position.

Baro altitude for FrSky D protocol

For a better precission in altitude, BARO_ALT_BP_ID packet from FrSky D telemetry protocol is parsed.

Upgrading from previous version

  1. Be sure to run the latest u360gts configuration release (download from here).
  2. Download the hex file for your controller board.
  3. Select baud rate, connect and press CLI ENTER button
  4. Go to Cli Mode tab, press BACKUP Config and save the configuration file.
  5. Press BOOT MODE button.
  6. Run Flash Loader Demonstrator (download from here.)
  7. Select port, baud rate, and next.
  8. Browse and select the hex file, select Global Erase and Jump to user program options, and next.
  9. After flashing close Flash Loader Demonstrator.
  10. Go to u360gts configurator, select 115200 bauds, press Connect and CLI ENTER buttons.
  11. Go to Cli Mode tab and press RESTORE CONFIG.
  12. Save and you are done.

After this you are ready to connect and enter CLI Mode in order to configure the new features.

Installing for the first time

  1. Download the latest u360gts configuration release (download from here).
  2. Download the hex file for your controller board.
  3. Turn on your controller board in "boot mode". For NAZE32/Flip32 you have to bridge boot pins before giving power.
  4. Run Flash Loader Demonstrator (download from here.)
  5. Select port, baud rate, and next.
  6. Browse and select the hex file, select Global Erase and Jump to user program options, and next.
  7. After flashing close Flash Loader Demonstrator.
  8. Run u360gts configurator, select 115200 bauds, press Connect and CLI ENTER buttons.
  9. Follow the instructions to configure your tracker.


08 Oct 00:14
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New features:

  • New paremeter tilt_max_angle: It limits the maximum angle that tilt servo can reach. This may be useful for those users who due to hardware need to limit the movement of this servo.

  • New parameter align_mag: It allows the use of external compass for those boards without built-in magnetometer. The magnetometer is mandatory, even before flashing the controller for the first time to test the firmware. If the mag is missing, is not properly connected or is not compatible, the firmware hangs on the controller and serial communications will not be possible (neither by usb nor by uart). In order to align the external compass with the board you can use one of these values:


  • HDOP data field is shown on local GPS information page.

  • Telemetry FixType data field is shown for Mavlink, GPS Telemetry and LTM protocols.

  • Only for experimental use, SPRACINGF3 and CC3D firmware files are available (feedback will be welcome).


13 Apr 09:45
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New features

In this version the altitude data from local GPS and altitude data from Telemetry are treated as relative altitude regardless of the origin of the data (Barometer or GPS). It is intended to prevent undesirable behaviors when local GPS is used (absolute altitude) and the source of the altitude is the barometer of the aircraft (relative altitude). For example when using LTM telemetry with iNav we had to disable de local GPS and/or set the home position manually using the telemetry data only. With this new version it is solved and the pilot may use the local GPS always.


06 Dec 00:32
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SmartPort telemetry was losing the last decimal in the latitude and longitude, what was causing a big difference between the heading position of the tracker and the position of the aircraft. With this bugfix the precission will be higher.


22 Nov 01:51
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The number of satéllites was wrong when parsing telmetry protocol SmartPort (FRSKY_X) from iNav.

You can backup your settings for 9.2.2 version and restore them after installing 9.2.3. After that you have to use this command in CLI mode:

set telemetry_provider=INAV

This will cause to decode the number of satellites in the same way than iNav is packing and sending it.

Valid values for parameter telemetry_provider are:


Parameter telemetry_diy_gps is used no more.