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Add lazy register push to PAUSE. Thats a big win when you usually don…
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rbsexton committed Jan 15, 2015
1 parent e29739f commit 36f2d38
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 24 deletions.
73 changes: 49 additions & 24 deletions pause.fth
@@ -1,46 +1,71 @@
\ This version of the scheduler has three mods -
\ Counting task runs with a TCB run counter
\ Using bit-banded addresses for atomic status word updates
\ It issues a WFI if there are no runnable tasks.
\ An improved scheduler. Its intended for a system that is interrupt-driven
\ and spends most of it's time asleep waiting for an interrupt that may or
\ may not may not make a task runnable.
\ The typical workload is wfi -> Look for a runnable task -> run it.
\ In a system that mostly waits around a responds to timer ticks, we'll tend
\ to run the same tasks over and over. So saving state is often a waste of time.

\ This version of the scheduler has mods -
\ 1. Counting task runs with a TCB run counter
\ 2. Using bit-banded addresses for atomic status word updates
\ 3. It issues a WFI if there are no runnable tasks.
\ 4. Don't bother doing the single-multi check.
\ 5. Implement lazy register push. Only push registers if switching.

\ Switching to this approach from a dedicated idle task resulted in the
\ same CPU Utilization, but better responsiveness.

CODE pause \ -- ; the scheduler itself
\ *G The software scheduler itself.
l: [schedule]
mvl r0, # ' multi? >body \ inspect contents of MULTI?
ldr r1, [ r0 ]
cmp r1, # 0 \ single tasking if 0
it .eq
bx lr \ single tasking so exit
\ Save the task state
push { r7, r9, r12, link } \ stack used registers ; SFP001
str rsp, [ up, # 0 tcb.ssp ] \ save SP in TCB
\ Register Usage
\ R0 Scratch
\ R1 Scratch
\ R5 Status word of current task under consideration
\ R6 Saved UP
\ l: [schedule]
\ mvl r0, # ' multi? >body \ inspect contents of MULTI?
\ ldr r1, [ r0 ]
\ cmp r1, # 0 \ single tasking if 0
\ it .eq
\ bx lr \ single tasking so exit

mov r6, up \ Remember who called PAUSE.

mov r2, up \ Remember. We will loop around the task ring.
\ select next task to run
l: [schedule]next
ldr up, [ up, # 0 ] \ get next task
ldr r3, [ up, # 0 tcb.status ] \ inspect status
cmp r3, # 0 \ 0 = not running
ldr r6, [ r6, # 0 ] \ get next task
ldr r5, [ r6, # 0 tcb.status ] \ inspect status
cmp r5, # 0 \ 0 = not running
b .ne [schedule]run

cmp up, r4 \ If we made it around the ring without running, WFI.
cmp r6, up \ If we made it around the task list without running, WFI.
it .eq
b [schedule]next

l: [schedule]run

\ First order of business - If we've circled around, just return
cmp r6, up
it .eq
bx lr

\ Save the prior task state
push { r7, r9, r12, link } \ stack used registers ; SFP001
str rsp, [ up, # 0 tcb.ssp ] \ save SP in TCB

mov up, r6 \ Load up the new task pointer.

\ We know who it is. Load up the MPU entries.
add r0, up, # 0 tcb.mputab \ Calculate the position of the mpu table.
svc # SAPI_VEC_MPULOAD \ Install it.

ldr r1, [ up, # 0 tcb.runcount ] \ Bump the run counter
add r1, # 1
str r1, [ up, # 0 tcb.runcount ]
ldr r0, [ up, # 0 tcb.runcount ] \ Bump the run counter
add r0, # 1
str r0, [ up, # 0 tcb.runcount ]

\ run selected task - sp, up, rp, ip
Expand All @@ -52,7 +77,7 @@ event-handler? [if] \ if user wants the event handler
\ event handler exit
and .s r1, r3, # trg-mask \ inspect event trigger bit
and .s r0, r5, # trg-mask \ inspect event trigger bit
ne, if,
ldr r0, [ up, # 0 tcb.bbstatus ]
mov r1, # 0
Expand Down

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