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Poing is a multi-host ICMP ping client that displays historical host health as colored side-scrolling text charts.

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# -*- mode: text; tab-stop-list: (2 4 6 8 10); indent-tabs-mode: t -*-


What poing Is
Getting Up and Running
Author Contact and Copyright
End of file


Poing is a multi-host ping program with a "strip chart" style display.
It not only lets you see hosts' current status, but it also shows at a
glance how they've been responding over time.


Poing requires a terminal that supports ANSI or VT-100 cursor
positioning and color sequences.  It doesn't have to honor the color
sequences with actual color, but it should at least fail to display
them.  The color's real sweet, though.

Your shell should set environment variables that indicates the
terminal's width and height.  Known variables are: COLS, COLUMNS, ROWS
and LINES.  Poing will assume an 80x25 terminal if the environment
variables aren't supplied.

Poing requires Perl, version 5.004_04 or newer, and the following Perl
modules, which are available from the CPAN:


You can download and install the modules the hardcore tarball way.
Visit to find a close CPAN mirror.

They may be installed using the CPAN shell:

  % perl -MCPAN -e shell

If this is your first time using the CPAN shell, you'll be asked some
questions about your system and the archive you'd like to use.  The
CPAN shell will present you with a prompt once these first-time
formalities are taken care of.

Once at the "cpan>" prompt, you can type:

  cpan> install POE
  cpan> install Time::HiRes

Each command should build, test, and (if the tests pass) install a
module.  When they're done:

  cpan> quit

To return to your shell prompt.


Poing will run wherever POE does, which is a decent subset of
supported Perl platforms.


Here's the quick walk-through for setting up and running poing.

1. Inspect the program's source for trojans or other nastiness.  Since
   the author runs poing daily, he's taken great pains to make sure it
   contains only harmless code.  Prudent system administrators
   understand that this is no guarantee that things will work on their

2. Note the default parameters at the beginning of the program.  Note
   the default host list at the end of the program.

3. If the defaults are not to your liking, then create ~/.poingrc to
   override them.  Here is an explanation of the available .poingrc

   How to specify hosts to ping.

      By numeric address.  Poing will try to resolve a host name from
      the address.  The host name will be displayed if one is found,
      otherwise the numeric address will show.

	host <numeric address>

      For example:


      By host name.  Poing will display the host name and ping the
      address, if one can be resolved.  Some host names may point to
      several addresses, so this form of the host directive is sloppy
      and not recommended.

        host <host name>

      For example:

        host localhost

      By numeric address and symbolic name.  This is the recommended
      method, since it bypasses the start-up delay and vagarities of
      the DNS.

	host <numeric address> <symbolic name>

      For example:

        host localhost

   How to set the ping timeout.

      To specify the ping timeout in seconds (fractions are okay):

        ping_timeout <seconds>

      Some examples:

	ping_timeout 2     # This got the author in trouble
	ping_timeout 3.14  # A nice round number
	ping_timeout 10    # Relatively friendly

   How to tell when hosts die.

      Poing does some things when a host becomes unresponsive.  It
      beeps to tell you something's wrong, and it dims the strip chart
      for that host.

      Poing determines host unresponsiveness tracking how long a host
      hasn't responded to echo requests.  The amount of time a host
      can be quiet before it's considered dead is specified with the
      detect_host_death directive:

	detect_host_death <seconds>

      For example:

        detect_host_death 30   # Quiet for half a minute == dead

      Packets are lost all the time; especially low-priority packets
      like ICMP ECHO-REQUEST.  Poing will interpret this normal
      transient packet loss as host death if detect_host_death is set
      too low.

      The author's experimentation has determined that the greater of
      three times the ping_timeout or 15 seconds is a good starting
      value for detect_host_death.

   How to tell when hosts come back from the dead.

      The detect_host_life directive works like detect_host_death, but
      it detects when dead hosts are back.  Generally, it should be
      set to match the detect_host_death value.

	detect_host_life <seconds>

      For example:

	detect_host_life 30   # It's been back for half a minute

   How to log host deaths and resurrections.

      Finally, the log directive will enable poing's logging facility
      and tell it the file where it will record host status changes.
      The file is tab delimited, with the following fields:

	GMT date/time stamp
	status message
	numeric address
	symbolic name

      The status message will be one of these four strings:

	begin = Poing has started.
	cease = Poing has stopped.
	up    = The host has come back to life.
	down  = The host has been quiet.  Too quiet.

      The "begin" and "cease" lines won't include a host address or

4. Run poing:

   sudo poing.perl

   Or run it with root privileges some other way.


Stuff happens.  Here's how to work through it and come out smelling
like a rose.  Please let the author know if you encounter problems not
listed here.

You see the error "Can't locate [whatever] in @INC [yatta-yatta]".

  Module [whatever] is not installed.  This can happen if it didn't
  pass tests.  Try reinstalling the [whatever] module, and watch its
  progress closely.

icmp ping requires root privilege at [yatta-yatta] line [yatta-yatta].

  Poing transmits ICMP ECHO packets, which require a raw socket.  Only
  root can open a raw socket on your operating system.  This is your
  cue to carefully examing poing.perl and decide whether you want it
  to run as root.

  Poing only opens one file, and it's opened read-only.  It doesn't do
  anything else to your filesystem.  Don't take my word for it,
  though; examine the program yourself for the utmost in warm-fuzzy

Poing things my terminal width is 80 and/or its height is 25, but they
really aren't.

  Poing looks for COLS or COLUMNS to determine your terminal width;
  and LINES or ROWS to determine its height.  Your shell may be
  setting one pair of these variables, but they haven't been exported
  to the environment.

  Check your shell's manpage for the proper way to export the
  variables it uses, so that Perl can see them and poing can use them.


Poing is Copyright 2000-2010 by Rocco Caputo.  All rights are reserved.
Poing is free software.  You may use, modify and/or distribute it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

The author may be reached as "Rocco Caputo" <>.


Thanks for reading!


Poing is a multi-host ICMP ping client that displays historical host health as colored side-scrolling text charts.






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