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Work with Devo alerts from the command line.

alertctl is a CLI tool written in Bash that manages alert definitions, triggered alerts, comments, and tags using the Devo Alerts API.



  • Create, update, list, delete, enable, and disable alert definitions
  • Copy alert definitions over to another domain
  • List triggered alerts and update their statuses
  • Add or update comments and tags


  • bash v4+
  • jq
  • curl

Getting Started

Step 1 - Get a Devo token

Follow the steps from the Devo Alerts API documentation.

Step 2 - Download alertctl

Run this command to create the $HOME/.alertctl/bin directory, download the tool, and make it executable:

  mkdir -p "${HOME}"/.alertctl/bin && cd "$_"
  curl -fsSLO ""
  chmod +x alertctl

Step 3 - Add it to your path

Add the $HOME/.alertctl/bin directory to your PATH environment variable. To do this, update your .bashrc or .zshrc file and append the following line:

export PATH="${HOME}/.alertctl/bin:${PATH}"

and restart your shell.

Step 4 - Provide your configuration

Configuration can be set either in a JSON file or with environment variables.

Use config.json as an example. Replace cloud, token, and targetToken with your own settings. Save it as $HOME/.alertctl/config.json. The priority will be as follows (sorted from highest):

  1. Config file specified by --config/-c option (e.g. alertctl get --all -c ~/roberto.json)
  2. $HOME/.alertctl/config.json
  3. Environment variables (DEVO_CLOUD, DEVO_TOKEN, and DEVO_TARGET_TOKEN)

Step 5 - Run it!

A few sample commands to get you started:

Alert definitions

# list all alert definitions
alertctl get --all-definitions

# create a new alert definition
alertctl apply -f examples/create_each_alert.json

# copy active alert definitions
alertctl copy --active

# enable alert definition with ID 187491
alertctl enable --id 187491

# delete all alert definitions from the subcategory 'Firewall'
alertctl delete --subcategory "Firewall"

Triggered alerts

# list all triggered alerts (last 24h)
alertctl get --all

# list the first 50 triggered alerts from the last 6h
alertctl get --all --from 6h --limit 50

# list status from all triggered alerts in the last 7d
alertctl status --from 7d

# update all triggered alerts from the last hr to status 300 (closed)
alertctl update --all --status 300 --from 1h

# update watched alerts to status 300 (closed) using a config file (last 24h)
alertctl update --watched --status 300 -c myconfig.json

Comments and Tags

# list comments from all triggered alerts in the last 15d
alertctl get --comments --from 15d

# add comment to alert with ID 15992408
alertctl add --comment "Comment for my alert 15992408" --alert-id 15992408 --title "Comment Title"

# update comments with IDs 578967 and 578968
alertctl update --comment "Update comments in bulk" --comment-ids 578967,578968 --title "New Title"

# add the tag 'Production' to alert with ID 160236044
alertctl add --tag "Production" --alert-id 160236044

# delete comment with ID 417055
alertctl delete --comment-id 417055


alertctl is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.


Find me as rcmelendez on LinkedIn, Medium, and GitHub.