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Simple Flask App with SQL Alchemy on SQLite3 as backend. Testing Celery+Redis.


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Simple Flask APP to Register Contact Details

This is a simple RESTfull Flask App to register contact details on its backend database. JSON is the only interchagable format used by this app to serialize sent/received messages.


Use git to clone this repository locally on your system.

$ git clone


This app has been developed in Ubuntu 16.04. It is likely it will work in other Unix based OS without too much changes.

This requires python3 and it is recommended to use pip to install its dependencies listed on requirements.txt.

$ apt-get install python3 -y
$ apt-get install python3-pip -y

Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is recommended to not interfier with any other python installation in your system:

$ cd simple_flask_app
$ python3 -m venv testing_env

Activate this environment as follows:

$ source testing_env/bin/activate

Install dependencies Using PIP

Once activated the environment install all its dependencies using pip

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running this Flask App

Before running this app you should export FLASK_ENV and FLASK_APP environment variables.

$export FLASK_ENV=development

Now you can run flask

$ flask run 

Alternatively there is a script in the project folder to launch all the three previous commands of above automatically

$ ./

The application will run on the default IP and PORT for Flask

At this moment you should open another terminal to launch HTTP commands againts the app or used a web brower to test some API request on the URL by default. If this the first time you run the app a database will create in the project folder. Its name is defined by the python configuration file. When you close the app the data will persist on this database. It is possible to drop all tables activating a flag in the configuration file. This will reset all content of the database.

App Configuration File

This configuration file contains parameters such as FLASK IP and PORT, SQLALCHEMY and SQLITE name and its location. Also it is possible to configure a regular expression parsing input emails passed within the contact details. Additionaly it is possible to configure output messages returned by HTTP responses. You might modify these to other language for instance.

Flask API Usage

This is a RESTful API based on interchange of JSON formats. Its HTTP operations are in the section below.

HTTP Methods and URL availables

HTTP methodss along with URL allow different operation to perform againts the database. These are as follows:

Method  URL                     Operation
------  ----------------------  -----------------------------------------
POST    /contact/               Insert a new contact in the data base
PUT     /contact/<username>     Update a contact with specific username
GET     /contact/               Returns all contacts in the data base
GET     /contact/<username>     Returns a contact with specific username
GET     /contact/email/<email>  Returns all contacts with specific email
DELETE  /contact/<username>     Delete a contact with specific username

You can also see the routes available from the application running the command:

$ flask routes

So you will get the following ones

Endpoint               Methods  Rule
---------------------  -------  -----------------------
delete_single_contact  DELETE   /contact/<username>
get_all_contact        GET      /contact/
get_contacts_by_email  GET      /contact/email/<email>
get_single_contact     GET      /contact/<username>
post_contact           POST     /contact/
static                 GET      /static/<path:filename>
update_single_contact  PUT      /contact/<username>

Data Format

JSON format is the only format used on this API. To POST and PUT JSON content Data must be prepared. As follows you can see an example as schema for posting a contact with multiple emails.


Notice that email admits list of emails. "email" contact can be either a string or a list of strings. The format of each email is checked againts a regular expresion specified in the configuration file having the following string:


Testing Flask API

This API can be tested using the python unit test module or via shell script which use curl command.

Python Unit Test

The standard python module unittest was used to execute HTTP operations againts the app. An independent temporal database is created for this purpose.


Multiple assertions over the app source code accross different HTTP methods are verified by the module '' based on python unittest. To run all of these test within the previous module firstly verify you have loaded your python environment.

$ source testing_env/bin/activate

Launch all the test inside the app testing module

$ python

Also you can also run them separately by HTTP method depending on the purpose:

$ python -m unittest -q flask_test.FlaskTestCase.test_unavailable_resource
$ python -m unittest -q flask_test.FlaskTestCase.test_method_not_allowed
$ python -m unittest -q flask_test.FlaskTestCase.test_post
$ python -m unittest -q flask_test.FlaskTestCase.test_get_by_username
$ python -m unittest -q flask_test.FlaskTestCase.test_get_all
$ python -m unittest -q flask_test.FlaskTestCase.test_get_contacts_by_email
$ python -m unittest -q flask_test.FlaskTestCase.test_delete_user
$ python -m unittest -q flask_test.FlaskTestCase.test_update_user

CURL testing

Additionaly curl library can also be used to test this app. Taylored scripts are available for this. You should launch your app first of all:

$ ./

Now you can launch commands to it with curl. As example you can POST a contact as follows:

$ ./ jsmith John Smith

App Data Base Model

The data base model contains two related tables with a relationship one to many. A first table named 'contacts' which contains:

Contact(id, username, email, firstname, surname)

The field 'username' is the primary key. Fields 'email', 'firstname' and 'surname' were defined as non nullable. A second table named 'emails' which is a child from the first one contains:

Email(id, username, email)

The filed 'username' in 'emails' table is a foreigh key of 'contacts'.

SQL ALchemy API and Sqlite3

The specificatoins for the database on this app are SQL ALchemy plus SQLITE3.

SQL Alchemy is an API for databases allowing abstractions on SQL, which means that all the entities and relationships among tables on your database are handled by python classes. Therefor the programmer does not have to worry about sql embbeded code. This uses sqlite3 which has limitations but it is good enough for the purpose of the app.

Celery Testing

In this project there is a simple celery task for testing asynchronous messages between the server of the flask app and its clients. This testing task will post random contacts with two emails each for 15 seconds cycles. Then contacts older than 1 minute will be deleted.

Before starting this celery task you should have installed and running an asynchronous messaging system or also called broker. In particular this project is using redis which is running as a background daemon to be a message receiver/sender. For more details about celery with redis installation you can follow the link

To test the celery task of the project open a new terminal window activating the python environment

$ cd simple_flask_app
$ source testing_env/bin/activate

Now you can submmit your task in debug mode executing the following line

$ celery -A tasks_periodic worker --loglevel=debug

You will have in this terminal the output as follows

 -------------- celery@workstation-rig v4.2.1 (windowlicker)
---- **** ----- 
--- * ***  * -- Linux-4.15.0-39-generic-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid 2018-12-02 12:22:25
-- * - **** --- 
- ** ---------- [config]
- ** ---------- .> app:         tasks:0x7fa6cb313860
- ** ---------- .> transport:   redis://
- ** ---------- .> results:     disabled://
- *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 2 (prefork)
-- ******* ---- .> task events: OFF (enable -E to monitor tasks in this worker)
--- ***** ----- 
 -------------- [queues]
                .> celery           exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

Open another terminal activating python environment and run the beat scheduler

$ cd simple_flask_app
$ source testing_env/bin/activate
$ celery -A tasks_periodic beat

At this point you should have messages on the first terminal (worker init) without errors. This terminal will show that tasks have been received by the worker from the beat scheduler. These are posting and deleting operations over contact details as explained above. Traces of these as follows:

[2018-12-02 23:12:16,919: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: tasks_periodic.delete_older_entries[fc9706b6-dc5d-49d5-bcd1-5db54bb1e5a3]  
[2018-12-02 23:12:16,962: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task tasks_periodic.post_random_contact[a9628275-21cc-4619-8280-16cc6e6ca8b4] succeeded in 0.04553862699685851s: <Response streamed [200 OK]>

Notice that the ** tasks_periodic.delete_older_entires ** has a return [200 OK] in response from Flask app. Similarly traces are shown when posting random contacts from celery:

[2018-12-02 23:12:50,410: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: tasks_periodic.post_random_contact[55cbb8fd-fb1c-4889-93e7-6b299198d390]
[2018-12-02 23:12:50,460: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-3] Task tasks_periodic.delete_older_entries[919cd7bd-4c68-46d8-84e9-265492061072] succeeded in 0.06035223400249379s: <Response streamed [200 OK]>


  • Ruben Colomina Citoler


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


Simple Flask App with SQL Alchemy on SQLite3 as backend. Testing Celery+Redis.








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